Zone1 Should you have to pay taxes to be able to vote?

You could also go further and say that the more you pay taxes the more votes you have then someone like Trump would outvote a average car mechanic i thinks its elitist and not truly democracy its a type of money based new aristocracy
Illegals have been voting a long time for democrats... however in national elections its always been much harder to win with the illegal vote... until mass mailouts during covid... there will be millions of Trump voters and I just don't think the dems will have the numbers.... and the most critical states have cleaned up their voter rolls and do not allow ballot harvesting which is what got Biden over the top in 2020...’re not going to bitch about non existent massive voter fraud this year then, right?
You could also go further and say that the more you pay taxes the more votes you have then someone like Trump would outvote a average car mechanic i thinks its elitist and not truly democracy its a type of money based new aristocracy
The Uber wealthy are no more valuable than a floor sweeper.

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