To Everybody Calling Trump Mean

LOL...what is an "emotional extremist", Stann?
Let's see one that causes Jan6th situations , one that opposed abortion voting it's a baby , etc. Etc
Complains about everything but offers no solid plans to correct and unwillingly to compromise. The key to Amy democracy. Oh and they'll even argue about that. LOL , in other words , idiots !
Let's see one that causes Jan6th situations , one that opposed abortion voting it's a baby , etc. Etc
Complains about everything but offers no solid plans to correct and unwillingly to compromise. The key to Amy democracy. Oh and they'll even argue about that. LOL , in other words , idiots !
What "caused" Jan. 6th is up for debate. It was a protest that turned violent because the powers that be in Washington, DC did an awful job of crowd control.
Who opposed abortion voting? The GOP gave the vote to the people.
So it's the GOP that won't compromise? Really? That's rather amusing, Stann. Do you remember Barack Obama saying that "Elections have consequences...I won!" when he told Republicans to go pound sand when they asked for compromises when the Democrats controlled the Oval Office, Senate and House? Do you remember him saying that he'd govern with Executive Orders rather than compromise with the GOP once he lost control of the House? Where exactly was the compromise there?
What "caused" Jan. 6th is up for debate. It was a protest that turned violent because the powers that be in Washington, DC did an awful job of crowd control.
Who opposed abortion voting? The GOP gave the vote to the people.
So it's the GOP that won't compromise? Really? That's rather amusing, Stann. Do you remember Barack Obama saying that "Elections have consequences...I won!" when he told Republicans to go pound sand when they asked for compromises when the Democrats controlled the Oval Office, Senate and House? Do you remember him saying that he'd govern with Executive Orders rather than compromise with the GOP once he lost control of the House? Where exactly was the compromise there?
Would Jan 6th. Have occurred if trump didn't exist ? End of argument.
What "caused" Jan. 6th is up for debate. It was a protest that turned violent because the powers that be in Washington, DC did an awful job of crowd control.
Who opposed abortion voting? The GOP gave the vote to the people.
So it's the GOP that won't compromise? Really? That's rather amusing, Stann. Do you remember Barack Obama saying that "Elections have consequences...I won!" when he told Republicans to go pound sand when they asked for compromises when the Democrats controlled the Oval Office, Senate and House? Do you remember him saying that he'd govern with Executive Orders rather than compromise with the GOP once he lost control of the House? Where exactly was the compromise there?
No its not.

A bunch of yokels spurred on by an orange blob tried to kill the VP. The “plan” (if you want to call it that) was to kill the VP, have the blob appoint another one who would actually do what he wanted, void the election.

It was an idiotic undertaking from the start but Trump supporters, by definition are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. Nobody would take you guys seriously except you’re also some of the most violent people in the nation.
Democrats fought him tooth and nail for every inch of wall, Candy! Blaming Trump for not building more wall? That's laughable. We don't have a secure border and that's completely the fault of Democrats.
Gee, the blob was the first president to ever face opposition from Congress, right?

he built 45 miles of new wall. The wall would have done nothing to stop illegal immigration since most folks come here legally and just overstay their visas.

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