To Everybody Calling Trump Mean

It was not the desirable way to go ; with the backing of Congress, he'd have a 2/3rds. Majority of the federal government backing him and far fewer, if any , legal challenges from the Judicial branch of the government. In essence more " legal " defacto. Goodnight again. Old man here , had to get up to pee.
Come on, Stann...we both know that with a Supreme Court that had a conservative majority Biden wouldn't have gotten "legal challenges" if he reinstated the Trump border Executive Orders that had worked! He simply chose not to until things were so bad that even his fellow Democrats were telling him something needed to be done and then "magically" he did indeed have the ability to act!
It was not the desirable way to go ; with the backing of Congress, he'd have a 2/3rds. Majority of the federal government backing him and far fewer, if any , legal challenges from the Judicial branch of the government. In essence more " legal " defacto. Goodnight again. Old man here , had to get up to pee.
So the claim by the left that it was Trump that prevented the border from being "secured" was always a lie. The GOP prevented a bill that would have sped up the processing of illegals but wouldn't have secured the border at all.
Come on, Stann...we both know that with a Supreme Court that had a conservative majority Biden wouldn't have gotten "legal challenges" if he reinstated the Trump border Executive Orders that had worked! He simply chose not to until things were so bad that even his fellow Democrats were telling him something needed to be done and then "magically" he did indeed have the ability to act!
Suits are still pending to stop him....because it is NOT written in to immigration law, by Congress.

Biden wanted to get Congress to write it in to LAW, instead of via executive order without congress, where it is loose as a goose and roller coastering, between presidents. When repubs refused to pass the Senate immigration bill, he then took executive action, of which he has been sued, to stop it.
Come on, Stann...we both know that with a Supreme Court that had a conservative majority Biden wouldn't have gotten "legal challenges" if he reinstated the Trump border Executive Orders that had worked! He simply chose not to until things were so bad that even his fellow Democrats were telling him something needed to be done and then "magically" he did indeed have the ability to act!
I believe you simply like to argue. Not playing that game. It isn't about the conservative Supreme Court it's about the legality of a free nation doing what is a challenge to it's ethics about human beings. Anyone , the ACLU for example could challenge it and possibly win their case. I suppose you don't remember the questionability and scrutiny trump's actions on this matter had. At any rate I've said everything I needed to on the issue. Does not merit further discussion on the issue for me. Good bye.
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I believe you simply like to argue. Not playing that game. It isn't about the conservative Supreme Court it's about the legality of a free nation doing what is a challenge to it's ethics about human beings. Anyone , the ACLU for example could challenge it and possibly win their case. I suppose you don't remember the questionability and scrutiny trump's actions on this matter had. At any rate I've said everything I needed to on the issue. Does not merit further discussion on the issue for me. Good bye.
Of course I remember the lawsuits! How could you not? The left did everything it could to stop Trump from securing the border.
Who do you think would sue Biden for securing the border? Those same far left groups? So obviously it's not a problem with the right or the GOP. They're simply looking for common sense border policies.
Suits are still pending to stop him....because it is NOT written in to immigration law, by Congress.

Biden wanted to get Congress to write it in to LAW, instead of via executive order without congress, where it is loose as a goose and roller coastering, between presidents. When repubs refused to pass the Senate immigration bill, he then took executive action, of which he has been sued, to stop it.
Who are filing those suits? The same people that filed them against Trump? Are you starting to see a pattern here? (eye roll)
Of course I remember the lawsuits! How could you not? The left did everything it could to stop Trump from securing the border.
Who do you think would sue Biden for securing the border? Those same far left groups? So obviously it's not a problem with the right or the GOP. They're simply looking for common sense border policies.
Since the border situation has existed for over 40 years the problem lies squarely with politicians on both sides of the aisle. Blaming one side or the other is useless. Concrete action , such as the Bipartisan bill proposal , is the answer.
Dude, I have not worked in a labor intensive job since college. I gained an education and used it.

You have to work harder because you’re replaceable as a line worker. I used skills learned at college and connections to pass by that.

This is why YOU feel left out.
He said working harder…nothing about labor intensive.

Clearly you didn’t work hard enough in college to learn about reading comprehension.

Which explains why you are a telemarketer for Amazon working from home
He said working harder…nothing about labor intensive.

Clearly you didn’t work hard enough in college to learn about reading comprehension.

Which explains why you are a telemarketer for Amazon working from home

Nice story from the plant water cooler.

Nice story from the plant water cooler.
What’s weird is you brag about not working hard, show contempt for people that do, and mock folks working in a plant…and then wonder why you can’t pay your student loan and beg those hard working plant workers to pay it.

People like you are vile, deplorable people that are a drain on our society
Who are filing those suits? The same people that filed them against Trump? Are you starting to see a pattern here? (eye roll)
The fact that they can file legitimate lawsuits is the point.
What’s weird is you brag about not working hard, show contempt for people that do, and mock folks working in a plant…and then wonder why you can’t pay your student loan and beg those hard working plant workers to pay it.

People like you are vile, deplorable people that are a drain on our society
Dude, reading comprehension is failing you. Does working harder mean working faster, longer or past exhaustion?

Work is line work for you. You should be happy being the horse in Animal Farm.

Nowhere in your definition does mental capacity, knowledge and education enter into “working harder”.
Dude, reading comprehension is failing you. Does working harder mean working faster, longer or past exhaustion?

Work is line work for you. You should be happy being the horse in Animal Farm.

Nowhere in your definition does mental capacity, knowledge and education enter into “working harder”.
Haha no, it doesn’t necessarily mean those things

How do you know? You never asked my definition.

We get you think you’d be the pigs in Animal Farm, the dembots have that motto, some animals are more equal then others
Obnoxious, cross, whatever words you want to use. Some of you are Republicans too. Let me just ask you guys a question. How would you feel if somebody tried to throw you in prison out of nowhere, kept claiming that you said things that you didn't, and tried to murder you?

Most likely you wouldn't want to send them flowers as you would be pretty ticked off. So I do believe that Trump has every reason in the world to be mister nasty.

Your ignorant. arrogant orange-tinted sociopath was nasty LONG before he became a politician... it comes naturally to him...

And he lacks the discipline and self-control to keep it under wraps... it's the complacency of The Rich... and his flawed character...
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Since the border situation has existed for over 40 years the problem lies squarely with politicians on both sides of the aisle. Blaming one side or the other is useless. Concrete action , such as the Bipartisan bill proposal , is the answer.
What in that bill would have secured the border?
Magaturds lied about this for the last four years.
I've always found it amazing that Donald Trump got more votes in his second election than he did in his first and still lost. That's never happened before in the history of American elections.

I just don't waste my time trying to argue about it because there is no way to prove election fraud took place.
The fact that they can file legitimate lawsuits is the point.
So why don't you take THOSE people to task for filing lawsuits that they know will ultimately lose in court simply to delay fixing the border?
So why don't you take THOSE people to task for filing lawsuits that they know will ultimately lose in court simply to delay fixing the border?
I don't have that kind of power , nor would I want it ; no one does in a free nation. Without Congress backing the President everything could be stopped by a single court finding.
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