To Everybody Calling Trump Mean

So not giving entitlements to immigrants THEN gave us The Greatest Generation" but giving them to illegals NOW is going to make things better for everyone?
You are not being reasonable. Plus you're still calling them illegals. They are not UNTIL they have their day in court and only defined as such if their case falls through. Those people are taken into custody and sent home. If you are not going to use appropriate language to address the issue I can't take you seriously. You're sounding like another may sayer that's quoting garbage instead of the facts and the emotionality also indicates it is not reasonable.
No it's a sick emotional state of mind. Not reasonable at all.
I'm not an emotional man, Stann. Rather reasonable actually. Reason tells me if Illegals were a plus for our economy then Democratic Mayors and Governors wouldn't be begging the Federal Government for more money because programs to deal with them are threatening to bankrupt cities and States.
You are not being reasonable. Plus you're still calling them illegals. They are not UNTIL they have their day in court and only defined as such if their case falls through. Those people are taken into custody and sent home. If you are not going to use appropriate language to address the issue I can't take you seriously. You're sounding like another may sayer that's quoting garbage instead of the facts and the emotionality also indicates it is not reasonable.
Bullshit, if they crash our borders they are here ILLEGALLY. They are CRIMINALS for breaking our immigration and asylum laws. We LEGALLY call them ILLEGAL ALIENS until they are vetted, registered and adjudicated. Biden/Harris are responsible for US being overrun and basically invaded by hoards of people (mostly young military aged men) who we don't know, have no identification, etc. Their refusal to build more fence, leaving Trump's fencing to rot, ignoring the border, dissing our border patrol and generally allowing an invasion should be solid grounds for impeachment and charges of treason.
Instead of working to fix the problem...Stann is concerned about what the problem is called.
So far you people have offered nothing to resolve the situation. In fact the idiot republicans refused to pass the Bipartisan bill which would have solved the crisis in only a few years. There is no instant quick fix for a situation this complex. Getting the immigration up to par and getting down the backlog on immigration courts to under 3 months would take years even if we doubled them today. That would severely reduce undocumented immigration. That's the best legal solution going forward.
I'm not an emotional man, Stann. Rather reasonable actually. Reason tells me if Illegals were a plus for our economy then Democratic Mayors and Governors wouldn't be begging the Federal Government for more money because programs to deal with them are threatening to bankrupt cities and States.
And why was this so bad , why so intense now. , why why why. Trump did nothing to solve the situation in fact he made it worse. We are witnessing all this now.
So far you people have offered nothing to resolve the situation. In fact the idiot republicans refused to pass the Bipartisan bill which would have solved the crisis in only a few years. There is no instant quick fix for a situation this complex. Getting the immigration up to par and getting down the backlog on immigration courts to under 3 months would take years even if we doubled them today. That would severely reduce undocumented immigration. That's the best legal solution going forward.
We need to stop encouraging illegals to come here in the first place, Stann. If we don't...then there is no solution to the situation and it will ultimately overwhelm us.
So far you people have offered nothing to resolve the situation. In fact the idiot republicans refused to pass the Bipartisan bill which would have solved the crisis in only a few years. There is no instant quick fix for a situation this complex. Getting the immigration up to par and getting down the backlog on immigration courts to under 3 months would take years even if we doubled them today. That would severely reduce undocumented immigration. That's the best legal solution going forward.
BUILD THE WALL!!! We have the materials bought and paid for and lying on the fucking ground!! That would at least give these illegal aliens SOME hint not to come!!! After all a wall says 'Don't come in!!!!!' That's why you have walls around your property!!!!! That's why you have DOORS and LOCKS. Geez, unbelievable how you all but suspend your logic.
And why was this so bad , why so intense now. , why why why. Trump did nothing to solve the situation in fact he made it worse. We are witnessing all this now.
That's not true, Stann. Trump worked out a deal with the Mexican government for people seeking asylum to remain in Mexico. Once word went out that Biden had done away with that policy we began to be over run.
We need to stop encouraging illegals to come here in the first place, Stann. If we don't...then there is no solution to the situation and it will ultimately overwhelm us.
They risk their phone ves coming here. It's no picnic. Only the brave attempt it. They don't expect anything from US other than a chance to work very hard and have a reasonable life to get ahead even if that's possible anymore. It's a partnership. , not a problem. This current rush will dissipate , in fact it already has. A lot. Would have been much better if trump hadn't blocked the Bipartisan bill. That was well -planned and well -thought out.
That's not true, Stann. Trump worked out a deal with the Mexican government for people seeking asylum to remain in Mexico. Once word went out that Biden had done away with that policy we began to be over run.
A deal another word for a scheme would not have worked anyway. Not for long ng , if at all.
They risk their phone ves coming here. It's no picnic. Only the brave attempt it. They don't expect anything from US other than a chance to work very hard and have a reasonable life to get ahead even if that's possible anymore. It's a partnership. , not a problem. This current rush will dissipate , in fact it already has. A lot. Would have been much better if trump hadn't blocked the Bipartisan bill. That was well -planned and well -thought out.
The current rush has already dissipated? Really, Stann?
A deal another word for a scheme would not have worked anyway. Not for long ng , if at all.
Isn't it amazing that Biden was able to do THAT with zero help from the GOP, Stann? And after saying that he couldn't? Was he lying about that? It seems he always could have fixed the border and just refused to do so until the problem got so bad that even Democrats were begging him to do something!
They risk their phone ves coming here. It's no picnic. Only the brave attempt it. They don't expect anything from US other than a chance to work very hard and have a reasonable life to get ahead even if that's possible anymore. It's a partnership. , not a problem. This current rush will dissipate , in fact it already has. A lot. Would have been much better if trump hadn't blocked the Bipartisan bill. That was well -planned and well -thought out.
The bill was bullshit. Build the wall, reinstitute ‘stay in Mexico’ deport, deport, deport!!!

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