To Everybody Calling Trump Mean

The problem, Stann is that we can't absorb millions upon millions of illegals. It will bankrupt the system. The reality is that you can have open borders or you can have an entitlement society. You can't have both.
The greatest generation of Americans were the result of the Great Migration from Europe in.the late 19th. Century and early 20th. Century. Approximately 12.5 million immigrated each year from 1890 through 1910. You do the math. We are better off for it.
It won't , immigrants added 3.1 trillion dollars to our economy last year alone. If it weren't for them our economy would be stagnant or in a recession. Stop believing all the lies you hear.
Where pray tell are you getting that figure from, Stann?
It won't , immigrants added 3.1 trillion dollars to our economy last year alone. If it weren't for them our economy would be stagnant or in a recession. Stop believing all the lies you hear.
The greatest generation of Americans were the result of the Great Migration from Europe in.the late 19th. Century and early 20th. Century. Approximately 12.5 million immigrated each year from 1890 through 1910. You do the math. We are better off for it.
Remind me again what our government gave to those immigrants, Stann?
As I said can have open borders but you can't have them with an entitlement society.
What entitlements are your referring to. We all pay into social security and Medicare. It's not an entitlement. Nothing is free about it. In fact the government has failed to keep up their end of the agreement cheating the elderly out of millions due them. The Congress viewed it as their personal puggy bank and it's not even certain they paid back what they borrowed out of it , nevermind paying the interest on all that money.
Obnoxious, cross, whatever words you want to use. Some of you are Republicans too. Let me just ask you guys a question. How would you feel if somebody tried to throw you in prison out of nowhere, kept claiming that you said things that you didn't, and tried to murder you?

Most likely you wouldn't want to send them flowers as you would be pretty ticked off. So I do believe that Trump has every reason in the world to be mister nasty.

Adolf Trump is waaaaay past mean. He is EVIL.
Sorry you don't know that , they gave us most of the heroes of WWII and basically built America's great industrial age.
You just ducked my question, Stann. You don't appear to be unintelligent so I'm assuming that you didn't want to answer because you know that we didn't have an "entitlement society" back then! We did indeed allow millions of immigrants into the country but our government didn't provide them with welfare or free medical care or free schooling for their children.
What entitlements are your referring to. We all pay into social security and Medicare. It's not an entitlement. Nothing is free about it. In fact the government has failed to keep up their end of the agreement cheating the elderly out of millions due them. The Congress viewed it as their personal puggy bank and it's not even certain they paid back what they borrowed out of it , nevermind paying the interest on all that money.
If you're an illegal and you go to a hospital for emergency treatment...can you legally be turned away? If you're an illegal and you have children...are they provided with a free education?
You just ducked my question, Stann. You don't appear to be unintelligent so I'm assuming that you didn't want to answer because you know that we didn't have an "entitlement society" back then! We did indeed allow millions of immigrants into the country but our government didn't provide them with welfare or free medical care or free schooling for their children.
Correct , many came here as indentured servants , others were forced to work in coal.mines owned by the company who's house you lived in and never seemed to pay off so you worked the mones until you does , etc. Etc. Yes , we learned . We now have better educated and healthier working immigrants. Working so well they have surpassed the average American in productivity and helping increase our population ( still considered a good thing but not for much longer ) . Yes ,thank GOD things are better for everyone all away around the board.
If you're an illegal and you go to a hospital for emergency treatment...can you legally be turned away? If you're an illegal and you have children...are they provided with a free education?
There is no such thing as an illegal. The government defines all immigrants as documented or undocumented. Legality of an immigrant can only be determined by an immigration court. Now we ' be come full circle to the truth again. Enough BS already.
The greatest generation of Americans were the result of the Great Migration from Europe in.the late 19th. Century and early 20th. Century. Approximately 12.5 million immigrated each year from 1890 through 1910. You do the math. We are better off for it.
They came legally.
Correct , many came here as indentured servants , others were forced to work in coal.mines owned by the company who's house you lived in and never seemed to pay off so you worked the mones until you does , etc. Etc. Yes , we learned . We now have better educated and healthier working immigrants. Working so well they have surpassed the average American in productivity and helping increase our population ( still considered a good thing but not for much longer ) . Yes ,thank GOD things are better for everyone all away around the board.
So not giving entitlements to immigrants THEN gave us The Greatest Generation" but giving them to illegals NOW is going to make things better for everyone?
There is no such thing as an illegal. The government defines all immigrants as documented or undocumented. Legality of an immigrant can only be determined by an immigration court. Now we ' be come full circle to the truth again. Enough BS already.
Semantics, Stann...and you know it.
Yes , both sets of my grandparents filled out and signed the immigration papers while in transit to America. Unfortunately we are not prepared to do the same for people today.
No we are not prepared because we have little deterrence at our Southern border, we have a regime that denigrates our border guards and basically welcomes illegal aliens who pretend to be asylees.

Back then most came across the ocean and were processed through Ellis Island. We knew who they were, where they came from,. etc. Many were fleeing wars and were real asylees.

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