To Everybody Calling Trump Mean

Do you believe we have the right to turn them away ? According to the Constitution if they say they are seeking asylum.we cannot turn them away. That's why the immigration courts are the way to go. They can weigh the evidence and accept those documented individuals or send the ones that aren't telling the truth back home. Undocumented people often get lost in the system. This is the best way to deal with it. In times of crisis ( here ) we can declare quotas too. But whatever we do has to be done legally. We are not a fascist state.
That's not actually in the Constitution, Stann...
Do you believe we have the right to turn them away ? According to the Constitution if they say they are seeking asylum.we cannot turn them away. That's why the immigration courts are the way to go. They can weigh the evidence and accept those documented individuals or send the ones that aren't telling the truth back home. Undocumented people often get lost in the system. This is the best way to deal with it. In times of crisis ( here ) we can declare quotas too. But whatever we do has to be done legally. We are not a fascist state.
Would you consider it a "crisis" when the volume of illegals is in the millions and that volume is overloading government services in cities across the nation?
Absolutely well-thought out plans that reduce immigration court times ( the major reason for undocumented immigration ) and actually address immigration for a change. No effective system has been in place since before the Reagan years. Far too long for a superpower like the US.
A good way to reduce immigration court times is to limit the number if illegal aliens. Part of the solution is to build the wall that Biden left rusting on the ground. Another good way is to re-institute Trump's 'stay in Mexico' policy while waiting for adjudication. Beyond that, stop telling the world population that they are welcome to crash our Southern border. Withhold all Federal monies to 'sanctuary States.' Send the message that illegal aliens are not allowed or wanted in the U.S. Tighten up requirements for refugee status. IOW, if they are coming for a 'better job' or a 'better life' refugee status will not be allowed. Come through a LEGAL port of entry or you will be jailed and sent back from whence you came. America welcomes LEGAL immigrants who wish to ASSIMILATE and become AMERICANS OR those who wish to have temporary work visas all of which should include a lot of vetting. We don't want vagrants, criminals or Maduro's prison population.
Both the 5th. and the 14th. Amendments address the rights of all aliens. Due process is their human right. That means the courts.
Due process is the right of illegals IN the country if they are being threatened with deportation. That due process does not extend to people attempting to enter the country illegally.
Would you consider it a "crisis" when the volume of illegals is in the millions and that volume is overloading government services in cities across the nation?
It will definitely be a crisis when you here aren't enough jobs for them. In theean time we need all of them plus some more. In the near future when climate change forces billions to flee their coastal homes ( 3 billion ) and are knocking on our door by the hundreds of millions them it will definitely be a crisis. But the republicans refused to sign the Bipartisan immigration bill so I guess they don't believe it's a crisis yet.
Obnoxious, cross, whatever words you want to use. Some of you are Republicans too. Let me just ask you guys a question. How would you feel if somebody tried to throw you in prison out of nowhere, kept claiming that you said things that you didn't, and tried to murder you?

Most likely you wouldn't want to send them flowers as you would be pretty ticked off. So I do believe that Trump has every reason in the world to be mister nasty.

Not to mention he only is "mean" to elite assholes.

It's the elite assholes who call half the nation "deplorables" and "racist".

Trump never punches down.

And they loathe him for it.
Do you believe we have the right to turn them away ? According to the Constitution if they say they are seeking asylum.we cannot turn them away. That's why the immigration courts are the way to go. They can weigh the evidence and accept those documented individuals or send the ones that aren't telling the truth back home. Undocumented people often get lost in the system. This is the best way to deal with it. In times of crisis ( here ) we can declare quotas too. But whatever we do has to be done legally. We are not a fascist state.
That is ludicrous. We are being overrun by illegal aliens at the border. There are not enough courts and judges to adjudicate all those illegals. Seeking asylum does not mean it's a clear road to a visa. We need to know WHO is coming here and those with criminal backgrounds need to be sent back. Ideally we would have a stay in Mexico policy and we could send them back to Mexico.

Children coming with adults need to be separated until we can ascertain if the adults with them are family or human traffickers. Democrats try to use this issue as a negative political tactic pretending those who want this are heartless which is a damned lie. Obama separated children from adults and the lying Democrats said and did nothing but to blame Trump for the cages that Obama built.
It will definitely be a crisis when you here aren't enough jobs for them. In theean time we need all of them plus some more. In the near future when climate change forces billions to flee their coastal homes ( 3 billion ) and are knocking on our door by the hundreds of millions them it will definitely be a crisis. But the republicans refused to sign the Bipartisan immigration bill so I guess they don't believe it's a crisis yet.
It's been called a crisis by Democratic Mayors and Governors across the country, Stann. They don't have the money to take care of the massive influx of illegals that the Biden/Harris administration has let into the country.
Are there any Trump devotees here who can justify, support his conduct shown in that video? You're all silent, not a peep about his conduct there.


They're all elite globalist assholes who want to fuck the World over, and Trump stands up for sovereignty.

It's why they arrest him, slander him, try to KILL him.

And yet he's still winning.

Cry harder, bitch.
Due process is the right of illegals IN the country if they are being threatened with deportation. That due process does not extend to people attempting to enter the country illegally.
Are you old enough to remember the Exodus from.Castro's Cuba ? If so t, then perhaps you remember how the coast guard tried so hard to stop the boats before they reached American Soil . Because once they did that they had rights. End of your argument.
It's been called a crisis by Democratic Mayors and Governors across the country, Stann. They don't have the money to take care of the massive influx of illegals that the Biden/Harris administration has let into the country.
Yeah and funny, those same Democratic Mayors and governors were all for unbridled immigration before Texas started sending all those illegals to THEIR State. Now suddenly NY officials are crying like little babies.
It will definitely be a crisis when you here aren't enough jobs for them. In theean time we need all of them plus some more. In the near future when climate change forces billions to flee their coastal homes ( 3 billion ) and are knocking on our door by the hundreds of millions them it will definitely be a crisis. But the republicans refused to sign the Bipartisan immigration bill so I guess they don't believe it's a crisis yet.
If climate change DOES force billions to flee their homes and come to the US...don't you think it would be prudent to have a secure border? I mean a REALLY SECURE border!
Yeah and funny, those same Democratic Mayors and governors were all for unbridled immigration before Texas started sending all those illegals to THEIR State. Now suddenly NY officials are crying like little babies.
Those Democratic leaders don't mind the unbridled immigration, Leo...they just want the Federal Government to pick up the tab for all of the things they're having to give to those migrants.
Are you old enough to remember the Exodus from.Castro's Cuba ? If so t, then perhaps you remember how the coast guard tried so hard to stop the boats before they reached American Soil . Because once they did that they had rights. End of your argument.
People coming from a country truly in crisis (as was Cuba during Castro) would be asylees but would still have to be vetted. In the case of Cuba we were not dealing with thousands and millions invading our shores. Get a grip.
Those Democratic leaders don't mind the unbridled immigration, Leo...they just want the Federal Government to pick up the tab for all of the things they're having to give to those migrants.
My point is they don't mind it when it's not THEIR State being impacted as we see with the NY crybabies.
Are you old enough to remember the Exodus from.Castro's Cuba ? If so t, then perhaps you remember how the coast guard tried so hard to stop the boats before they reached American Soil . Because once they did that they had rights. End of your argument.
That "wet foot...dry foot" provision was put in place by Bill Clinton in 1995...which is 15 years after the Mariel Boat Lift! You probably don't want to argue using history with me. I used to teach it.

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