The Real Donald Trump

If Trump is everything the Leftist say he is then why do they have to rely on the same tired debunked story where he WAS taken out of context?

Someone have the balls to actually read Trumps actual words.

Two days later, on Aug. 14, 2017, Trump issued a statement from the White House, and referred to “KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”

During a press conference the following day, Aug. 15, 2017, Trump explained his initial “many sides” comment.

“You had a group on one side that was bad,” Trump said. “And you had a group on the other side that was also very violent.” He added, “I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups, but not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch.”

Here’s the relevant portion when the president said some in the group protesting the removal of the Lee statue were “very fine people”:
What?!?! Don’t be coming in here with stupid stuff like logic, truth, and reason! There’s no room for that kind of nonsense here!

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