Another Black Conservative Finds Out



And what is this supposed to do. You're supporting a loser. And you are an idiot for supporting a party that doesn't see you as equal.
Like I will continue saying, blacks need to get out of the Republican Party right now. Here we have a faithful black MAGA who was canvssing for the Repubican Party. He was called a slave.

Culturally insensitive but not a tragedy by far. The remark is about doing unpaid work, which most canvassers do, at least in the past.

Meanwhile, had a cute song about coffee at school wherein the adults are "slaves to the coffee cup". But no, we have to change the words now, no one can be a slave to anything--not even coffee--because we had slaves in the US at one time. Nevermind slaves have regrettably been around since the beginning of humanity AND most adults actually ARE "slaves to the coffee cup"
You can't be serious. Black women are at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder.
Black women control the Demmocrtic party. We aren't taking about wealth fool.
Have you studied the Mothers Pension that was given to whites beginning in the early 20th century? This was money given to white women who had chidren withno fther supporting them.
It wasn't an exclusive white program. Now you're just being disingenuous.
This wenton in varuious wys fr at least 55 years before blacks were included. And during this time we see no discussion of how that disintegrated the white family or how government ws daddy.
Blacks were included from the start in Mothers' Pension. It was for widows of WWI vets and widows of men who died prematurely from coal mine work. It wasn't designed for losers getting a piece of ass and taking off in a low rider.
There are way too many strawmen in that post for me to go through. Don't add to my words or assume I'm arguing things that I never argued. I'm just saying that there are people who want to keep you in that angry, bitter, horribly negative mindset because its a way to control people and keep getting their votes. It's demagoguery. But if you want to believe corrupt politicians are your friend, then go right ahead. :dunno: I'm not going to try to convince you, you are far too deeply entrenched in that angry, bitter, hateful mindset....and again, that's no way to go through life.
There are no strawmen. Here is the quote of what you said.

I really hope someday you realize that limousine liberal Dem politicians want to keep you perpetually angry, bitter and with that "us against them" mindset. Why? Because it's all about control. It's all about keeping your vote, and keeping people dependent on the government.

That horribly negative mindset is no way to go through life... and I think deep down you know that.
There are zero people wanting to keep me in my mindset. That's what I am talking about in my response to you. There is nobody keeping me in any mindset for a vote. That's why I said what I did to you. Just because I don't smile and take it, doesn't make me bitter, angry or hateful. Just because I dont repet the factless bs you want to hear so you can feel comfortable doesn't mean I'm bitter angry or hatefu either. Just because I don't recite that lie about blacks trading something for welfare doesn't mean I'm being kept angry in order to be controlled Why do whites like you make these types of idiotic comments?

You and Roderick ignored the video. It was a story about a black republican canvassing for Trump who was not getting paid what he was supposed to. When he called his supervisor, she callled him a slave. This is the modern Republican party and anybody black who continues to be a member of such a party is an idiot.

Last, do not be white and ever again tell me about keeping people dependent on the government. You really don't know your own history do you?
White Cloud is the very white liberal that Malcolm X despised.

Well IMHO we've gone too far when we can't sing/say things like "Slave to the coffee cup, they can't give coffee up!"

It's just a cute song about how adults drink too much coffee, from a kid's POV
Because its bullshit. Nobody black did that. The givernment being daddy?

Have you studied the Mothers Pension that was given to whites beginning in the early 20th century? This was money given to white women who had chidren withno fther supporting them. This wenton in varuious wys fr at least 55 years before blacks were included. And during this time we see no discussion of how that disintegrated the white family or how government ws daddy.

Well... I think there's been an attack on the family unit overall, regardless of color, so I wasn't claiming that it was only an attack on the black family. But that doesn't change the fact that the disintegration of the black family is a problem and it is at the root of a lot of problems in the black community. And any politician or political party that perpetuates that is NOT your friend.

Off topic, but that reminds me. Speaking of troubled kids and the problem of fatherlessness, everyone should go see the movie 'The Forge.' It is EXCELLENT... one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. (It's a faith-based movie, so some here probably won't want to see it for that reason alone, but it really is a great movie and worth watching.)
White Cloud is the very white liberal that Malcolm X despised.
You keep taking about white liberals if X ws in love with whte conservtives.

Junior, you really should stop quoting X because you don't know shit about him. If you think he would support white conservatives today, you are sorely mistaken. And if you think he would be a trump supporting Repubican today,

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I'm still waiting for you to show me how blacks speak today. Because:

Nobody black talks like me says Roderick the white boy.

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There are zero people wanting to keep me in my mindset.

Wow. Ok, believe what you want. I can see this conversation is hopeless. And I've been here for way too long tonight anyway, so I gotta sign off anyway. Good night, IM2.
Well... I think there's been an attack on the family unit overall, regardless of color, so I wasn't claiming that it was only an attack on the black family. But that doesn't change the fact that the disintegration of the black family is a problem and it is at the root of a lot of problems in the black community. And any politician or political party that perpetuates that is NOT your friend.

Off topic, but that reminds me. Speaking of troubled kids and the problem of fatherlessness, everyone should go see the movie 'The Forge.' It is EXCELLENT... one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. (It's a faith-based movie, so some here probably won't want to see it for that reason alone, but it really is a great movie and worth watching.)
The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. The democratic party is not perpetuating it, and republican policies will perpetuate it.

The number 1 cause of marital probems is finances. When black men are paid less than white men for doing the same work, it creates a strain on the marriage. That strain can end a marriage. The arguments that result from this whereby a women will nastily challenge the manhood of her partner because he's not making enough money can lead to a man walking away and staying away. This is a scenario I have seen as a social worker and the simple minds don't look any deeper into these situations but re willing to make judgements.
Wow. Ok, believe what you want. I can see this conversation is hopeless. And I've been here for way too long tonight anyway, so I gotta sign off anyway. Good night, IM2.
I don't need to believe anything. It doesn't happen. I would know if it did.
This mornings lesson

How Were Black People 'Evicted' From The Republican Party? A Brief History...​

Blacks like me are wising up to listening to whitehead liberal devils like you. Even Malcolm X knew the folly of buying into the white liberal devil. My teachers in high school always touted MLK, but gave short shrift to Malcolm X. Peddle your white bread superiority on others.
Ruzziabot? These days, who knows? :dunno:

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I was lucky to be raised in an intact family, but lazy scoundrels fleeing are all too common. YOu need a father to keep you in check and out of gangs. You need a good kick in your butt. A single mother can't do that.
she cant?....the black kids i played sports with, over at their house their mother kept them in line pretty much...she talked they shut up and listened...

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