Questions for Kamara supporters

Let me put it dummy mode for you.... You want someone to expose their hand, so you leftist can counter it with a cover up right ? You do understand why lawyer's are always adamant over discovery and document sharing before court right ?
Wow you are crazy.
Simple. All the people who didn't come here in 2020 because of Covid decided to come over then.

The problem is, of course, that as long as there are jobs for them, and their own countries are such messes, people are going to come.
What's a Mexican illegals job Joe ? Explain them for the audience Joe.

I mean y'all want too jump on Trump when he identifies the people that are most affected negatively by the influx, so now the shoe is on the other foot, and you need to explain why illegal Mexicans and other's from around the world are being helped more than Americans are being helped at those levels in society ?
What's a Mexican illegals job Joe ? Explain them for the audience Joe.

All the shit jobs Americans don't want to do, from picking lettuce to cleaning toilets.

I mean y'all want too jump on Trump when he identifies the people that are most affected negatively by the influx, so now the shoe is on the other foot, and you need to explain why illegal Mexicans and other's from around the world are being helped more than Americans are being helped at those levels in society ?

Because Trump seems to think that black people should be doing these shit jobs, and should be upset when Mexicans take them. (In fact, the number of Mexicans coming here has gone down as Mexico's economy improves.)

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