Is Saudi Arabia starting to turn on the US now?

We all know the US is friendly with Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia had close friendly ties to the US. We all know in the Middle East apart from Israel the US is friendly with Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia supports the US and is really friendly with the US.

But I hear the relationship is deteriorating and Saudi Arabia is starting to turn away from the US now and see the US as problem than friend.

So what is going on now with Saudi Arabia now?

With friends like this, who needs enemies????

This is by no means recent. I just found this piece from 2002, and it references the Arab Oil Embargo of 1970 because the USA was supplying arms to Isreal in the Arab Isreali war.

"Several developments have contributed to the rise of anti-Americanism in Saudi Arabia since the end of the Cold War, including the steady growth of American influences on Saudi society and mores and the decline of common external threats. There were also a series of events that highlighted or symbolized two realities in conflict with the Kingdom's self-concept as the hub of Islam: dependence on the United States for external security, and American cultural influence. These events include the Persian Gulf War in 1990-91, the second Palestinian intifada, the terror attacks of September 11, and the second American war with Iraq."

You have never had great relations with the Saudis. You never sold them your top of the line weapons. 15 of the 19 World Trade Centre pilots were Saudis.

They sucked up to you because they want you to buy their oil, but now you're energy independent, and you're not buying their oil, so they don't have to pretend any longer.
They probably saw what a President with the IQ of a potato can do. Now, the Democrats are trying to install 2 communists that didn't get a single vote in the primary, and only care about holding on to power.

The Middle East is spiraling out of control, and the Democrats are pandering to the terrorists for votes.

Iran can also have nuclear weapons within a matter of weeks (if they don't already have them), and Saudi Arabia can be a target!

We can't be a good ally if our own country is f**ked up and overrun with terrorists that the Democrats have allowed in.

Face it, the Democrats are taking us from a Superpower to a bankrupt Banana Republic, and the Saudis know they will have to make sure they can defend themselves.

And if WWIII breaks out and we need to reinstate the draft, the Democrat freeloaders (and their worthless offspring) will have to pick up a rifle too!

Who can blame the Saudis?
If WWIII breaks out, the draft will be instituted on the few million survivors of an all out nuclear exchange.
With friends like this, who needs enemies????

This is by no means recent. I just found this piece from 2002, and it references the Arab Oil Embargo of 1970 because the USA was supplying arms to Isreal in the Arab Isreali war.

"Several developments have contributed to the rise of anti-Americanism in Saudi Arabia since the end of the Cold War, including the steady growth of American influences on Saudi society and mores and the decline of common external threats. There were also a series of events that highlighted or symbolized two realities in conflict with the Kingdom's self-concept as the hub of Islam: dependence on the United States for external security, and American cultural influence. These events include the Persian Gulf War in 1990-91, the second Palestinian intifada, the terror attacks of September 11, and the second American war with Iraq."

You have never had great relations with the Saudis. You never sold them your top of the line weapons. 15 of the 19 World Trade Centre pilots were Saudis.

They sucked up to you because they want you to buy their oil, but now you're energy independent, and you're not buying their oil, so they don't have to pretend any longer.

What a load of crap. You don't know anything about Saudi Arabia. Further, we haven't bought Saudi oil in 20 years.
If WWIII breaks out, the draft will be instituted on the few million survivors of an all out nuclear exchange.
What all out nuclear exchange? Even Russia does not adhere to their red lines. Nuclear fearmongering is foolish.
You said it! :thup:

Not only SA but it seems like almost the whole non globalist world.....and then

Can you blame them? :dunno:

Of course not
The corrupt RNC/DNC(sleep in the same bed together) corporations want to dominate the world in a one world without borders fiasco. The D.istrict of C.orruption views their DC as the center of the world where the gods congregate. Unfortunately pres. Trump does not fit in with the Martha Vineyard gang which puts pres. Trump on their schitt list. If pres. Trump can get by the Riga-Votus scam(s), avoid getting impeached/assassinated, imprisoned by NYC or have an 'accident'(30 story stairwell etc.) he might be able to somewhat right America, IF the Capital Hill gang does not 100% black ball him, & don't forget the Supreme court as the last resort! Yep, just getting pres. Trump into office is a feat bigger than the parting of the Red sea. Keeping pres. Trump in office for his full term is going to be an even bigger feat!!!
You sure about that:

Axis and Allies are forming.

Who's side will you Fascist Canuks side with.

Why do I think you are only Fair Weather Friends Now?

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