House oversight committee launches probe into Jared Kushner’s Saudi-backed investment fund

Republicans accused Donald Trump. Republicans were witnesses against him. People who worked for him. Family members. People who trusted him, and came to realize what a danger he represents. Jeff Session appointed Robert Mueller to investigate Trump. Democrats had no part in it.

Republicans have continually accused Democrats on no evidence, making things up about them, and then trying to prove the lies they made up are true. It hasn't worked very well for them.

Then it wouldn't be a "hedge fund" it would be an REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust).

Given the financial problems of Kuchner's real estate empire, that company was not exactly thriving under his leadership, after his father went to jail. I certainly wouldn't be handing over $2 billion to such an inexperienced individual with no track history in the field.

You thought it hinky that Hunter Biden was being paid $50,000 a month when he had no experience in the energy industry. $50,000 is chump change next to $2 billion to a guy with zero experience in investment banking.

You keep talking about what was, care to explain what is, 3 years later? Is the fund still operating, are they making money?

I'm still waiting on how obammy became a millionaire right after office without a job? Maxine as well? Where does the money come from? why aren't we looking into everyone who is in public office and making millions above their salaries? Fk, that really seems odd to me. But that Jared guy watch the fk out!! you all are fking fools doing fools work.

Kushner is a multi-generational real estate development and management firm headquartered in New York City. The company’s diverse portfolio encompasses residential, commercial, retail, hospitality, and industrial properties, with 12.9 million square feet currently under development and over 26,500 apartments under ownership across thirteen states. Kushner’s integrated team touches upon every step of the development and management process for its properties, creating an unparalleled and seamless experience for their tenants, team members, and partners.​

Haha, Francis copy pasted something he never read.

Kushner has no experience doing what he is doing. But you of course think he is a god.

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