Republican's fake outrage about Hunter and 'Biden family corruption'.


You want to hear about real corruption?

How about the former Senior WH Advisor, son-in-law of Donald Trump, who leveraged his WH position to acquire $2 billion big ones for his 'Affinity' investment fund, from the murderous Mohammed Bin Salman, on which he earned a $25,000,000 per year management fee, blood money he would not get but for his father-in-law being president.

While her dad was negotiating with China, Ivanka got accelerated trademarks which she used to make millions from CHINA.

If that had been Hunter and Ashley the right's collective heads would be off in nuclear explosions.
And don't tell me otherwise.

Hunter is a private citizen, he has no impact on foreign or domestic policy, and there isn't one document, one testimony from a close staffer, not one tape conversation, not one bank record listing Joe as beneficiary, not one LLC listing Joe as an officer, nothing, nada, zip. All you got on Joe is that he 'attended some dinners' made some 'phone calls' (nothing was said other than small talk, according to Archer), all you got is HUnter using his dad as a prop. Is that illegal? No, I don't think it is, because no favors were granted. There is no evidence of it, and the rest is just hot air until you can prove favors were given, and Biden was a partner and profited from his sons deals. until then you got NOTHING.

And about Jared?

1. Jared was a Senior WH Staff.
2. Jared has no experience in the investment fund management.
3. MBS needed the kid glove treatment over his savage murder of Jamal Khashoggi.
4. Republicans look the other way.

But it doesn't stop there

Within three days of the Chinese government agreeing to provide $500 million in loans to an Indonesian theme park that the Trump Organization has a deal to license President Donald Trump’s name to, the president ordered sanctions be rescinded against a major Chinese telecom company. The developer of that project just outside of Jakarta had secured the half billion in funding, in addition to another $500 million from Chinese banks. Trump’s family business has a deal with that developer to include the Trump name on the resort, which also includes hotels and a golf course

You keep talking about 'influence peddling'. Sheesh, your guy is the biggest influence peddler and profiteer of any president in US HIstory.

And corruption? We haven't even scratched the surface

But you think Hunter Biden is your ticket to get Trump back in the Whitehouse,

Trump has....

3 indictments, maybe 4.

8 associates indicted, convicted

been Fined $2,000,000 for illegal charity.

Embezzled funds from the charity, forced to close it down.

Obstructed the government's efforts to retrieve nuke docs and national defines info docs.

Took almost 4 hours tro send the capitol attackers home, and during those hours, did nothing but incite more hatred and threats to 'hang mike pence'.

continues to spread lies about the election, and now has threatened to retaliate, use the full force of government to go after those who are indicting and prosecuting, threatening to do what

Republicans are accusing Democrats of while Re;puvblicans ignore all of his crimes he ahs committed in full public view.

Trump org indicted, CEO sent to prison.

6 co-conspirators to his 1/6 indictment, all crackpot lawyers who helped him scheme the bloodless coup.

And you think Hunter is the problem, but you what Trump to be president?

Republicans are the problem.
Democrats fake outrage on Trump for beating the annointed one, Hillary. That's an embarrassment that sticks in your craw for decades and keeps on festering. Now we've got a very real possibility of Trump turning his jail cell into the oval office. That would stick in your craw for centuries.
This is real impeachable corruption, high and crimes and misdemeanors.

The brainwashed sheep will follow this crook Biden right over the cliff, no amount of evidence will suffice.

Bombshell FBI document details alleged $10M Biden 'bribery' scheme

The highly-anticipated internal FBI form that allegedly links Joe and Hunter Biden to a $10 million criminal bribery scheme has been released by Republicans.​

RELEASED: FBI document detailing alleged $10M Biden bribery scheme: Burisma CEO said Hunter was 'stupid' but necessary to keep on board because 'his dad' could 'protect' them from 'problems'​

The FBI FD-1023 form was created on June 30, 2020 based on information from a highly-paid informant and brought to the attention of Republicans by a whistleblower.​

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You must think Joe Biden’s grandchildren were wired money from the Chinese, because they were cute.

Joe's GRANDCHILDREN, Hunter's wife among Bidens who got foreign cash

Republicans revealed how over nine family members of Joe Biden received wire payments amounting to over $10 million from foreign nationals around the time he was vice president.

Biden's GRANDCHILDREN and Hunter's current wife are among the 10 family members who got foreign cash through 'influence-peddling scheme', Republicans claim​

  • Those who benefitted included Hunter Biden, Hallie Biden, Kathleen Buhle, Melissa Cohen Biden, James Biden and his wife Sarah
  • Also includes the grandchildren and nieces, nephews of Joe Biden
  • There is one additional unknown bank account related to a Biden that received payments
Rump-hole is a disgruntled Brit who has no clue what is really going on in the US.

His OP whines about $2b of Saud money being invested in Jarad's real estate BUSINESS. Because its a very profitable BUSINESS.

Unlike the Biden Crime Family that only sells "influence" by Joe Biden. Biden also takes BRIBES, like from Burisma.

There is no comparison between the Biden laundered money and Kushner's successful real estate BUSINESS.
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Trump was a millionaire long before he even thought about running for president. He built skyscrapers and met a payroll with good jobs. His investments spanned the globe. He never even accepted a salary as president. Joe Biden is a career politician who never made a dime that wasn't confiscated from taxpayers. His junkie son had no skills and was kicked out of the Navy. The Biden family had nothing to offer except access to the presidency.
Oh good. Another DumpHole thread.

How long before this one finds its perfectly justified way to the fucking rubber room?
Democrats fake outrage on Trump for beating the annointed one, Hillary. That's an embarrassment that sticks in your craw for decades and keeps on festering. Now we've got a very real possibility of Trump turning his jail cell into the oval office. That would stick in your craw for centuries.

So nothing wrong with what the bidens were doing, but this is corruption. LOL
You are so predictable and hacked out of your fucking mind.

Feel free to provide evidence, the kind that proves the allegation, of any illegal activity by Joe Biden.
Likewise with your incompetent OP
If you have a rebuttal, a point in the OP with which you disagree and would care to elaborate, substantiate your position, a rebuttal that is not disingenuous, please offer it.
If Joe did nothing wrong, then you have nothing to worry about and it doesnt matter what conservatives think. I think you know Biden is guilty though, and thats why you are freaking out. We all know he is guilty.
You have made a number of assumptions not supported by evidence:
1. That I think Joe Biden is guilty.
2. That I am 'freaking out'.

These assumptions do not support any argument counter to the OP so there is no point in debating them.
I know, i know, this is the part where you say "there isnt any evidence", but there is a lot of evidence and that evidence is going to lead them to more evidence if he is guilty, which he almost certainly is.
There is only one reason I say there is no evidence, and it is as follows:

There is no evidence. I've looked at all of the right's so-called evidence, and while it might give rise to suspicions by partisans, upon scrutiny, none of it actually proves the allegations.
Joe will prove us right when he loses the election and pardons his family.
Your statement is illogical. If he loses the election, he would not be able to pardon his family however, Biden has made it clear he would not do it. But, we know Trump would, and has, insofar as his partners in his crimes.
Unfortunately that means that democrats will be the ones to pay the price. Americans are not going to be happy that you defended the most corrupt politician in US history and allowed him to escape justice.

Not one financial document has Joe Biden as beneficiary or signatory.

Not one LLC lists Joe Biden as an officer in a Shell.

Not one LLC has been proven to be established for a corrupt purpose as none of the 10 or so legitimate reasons have been excluded.

Not one taped phone call implicates joe in any wrong doing.

Not one testimony against Joe is backed by hard evidence.

No testimony given by Joe's staff against him.

No testimony by Joe's sons and daughters are made against him

Every email and text presented do not have Joe Biden as a participant in the conversation and third party mentions of Joe is hearsay and some have been established as fake.

The chain of custody of the laptop is not clear cut, and has the potential for corruption.

IN short, the House Republicans and those in the Senate have failed to produce sufficient predication for a criminal investigation.

In fact, all of the evidence thus far produced, only proves that Hunter Biden did business abroad, that that business is not against the law, plus the fact that he generously shared his profits with other family members, but notably except his father. There might be a FARA violation but that is not proof of wrongdoing beyond that fact.

SARs are not proof of wrongdoing, says so right on the Gov website.

FBI FD-1023 reports are not evidence, they need to be corroborated, and none have been, to date.

That Yelena Baturina was not sanctioned is not a damning fact at all, as alleged, given that some 50 Russian/Ukrainian billionaires haven't been sanctioned, either, and she is merely one of many.

What I've been finding is that for every issue put forth by Republicans, regarding the Bidens, there is an innocent explanation. Oh, some things might look bad, but looking bad is not illegal.

All of the 'evidence' thus far is suggestive in nature, and not conclusive.

What you need to do is produce conclusive evidence, which would be required in order for a prosecutor wanting to indict a US President.

Until then, you're 'smoke' is not smoke at all, it is a mirage born out of hatred for the Bidens and the bizarre desire to elect the most corrupt, criminal, and all around despicable man in US History for the presidency, who has already damaged the country more than any human in history. Putin and his russian buddies popped corks of champagne when he was elected.

Now,. I understandd I'm accusing you of hatred, and you guys are accusing me a hatred. The difference is there is a ton of evidence to justify contempt for Trump, but there really isn't any to justify contempt of Joe Biden. As for Hunter, he's a private citizen, and about him I do not care. But, the OP is accurate about Republicans fake outrage, given their ignorance of the corruption of the Trump family and the copious evidence to that charge that does, indeed, exist.

But, of course, you don't give a damn.
If you have a rebuttal, a point in the OP with which you disagree and would care to elaborate, substantiate your position, a rebuttal that is not disingenuous, please offer it.

Your OP, like ALL of your OP's, are an avalanche of bullshit. Suitable only for launching at protesters from a manure spreader.
You have made a number of assumptions not supported by evidence:
1. That I think Joe Biden is guilty.
2. That I am 'freaking out'.

These assumptions do not support any argument counter to the OP so there is no point in debating them.

There is only one reason I say there is no evidence, and it is as follows:

There is no evidence. I've looked at all of the right's so-called evidence, and while it might give rise to suspicions by partisans, upon scrutiny, none of it actually proves the allegations.

Your statement is illogical. If he loses the election, he would not be able to pardon his family however, Biden has made it clear he would not do it. But, we know Trump would, and has, insofar as his partners in his crimes.

Not one financial document has Joe Biden as beneficiary or signatory.

Not one LLC lists Joe Biden as an officer in a Shell.

Not one LLC has been proven to be established for a corrupt purpose as none of the 10 or so legitimate reasons have been excluded.

Not one taped phone call implicates joe in any wrong doing.

Not one testimony against Joe is backed by hard evidence.

No testimony given by Joe's staff against him.

No testimony by Joe's sons and daughters are made against him

Every email and text presented do not have Joe Biden as a participant in the conversation and third party mentions of Joe is hearsay and some have been established as fake.

The chain of custody of the laptop is not clear cut, and has the potential for corruption.

IN short, the House Republicans and those in the Senate have failed to produce sufficient predication for a criminal investigation.

In fact, all of the evidence thus far produced, only proves that Hunter Biden did business abroad, that that business is not against the law, plus the fact that he generously shared his profits with other family members, but notably except his father. There might be a FARA violation but that is not proof of wrongdoing beyond that fact.

SARs are not proof of wrongdoing, says so right on the Gov website.

FBI FD-1023 reports are not evidence, they need to be corroborated, and none have been, to date.

That Yelena Baturina was not sanctioned is not a damning fact at all, as alleged, given that some 50 Russian/Ukrainian billionaires haven't been sanctioned, either, and she is merely one of many.

What I've been finding is that for every issue put forth by Republicans, regarding the Bidens, there is an innocent explanation. Oh, some things might look bad, but looking bad is not illegal.

All of the 'evidence' thus far is suggestive in nature, and not conclusive.

What you need to do is produce conclusive evidence, which would be required in order for a prosecutor wanting to indict a US President.

Until then, you're 'smoke' is not smoke at all, it is a mirage born out of hatred for the Bidens and the bizarre desire to elect the most corrupt, criminal, and all around despicable man in US History for the presidency, who has already damaged the country more than any human in history. Putin and his russian buddies popped corks of champagne when he was elected.

Now,. I understandd I'm accusing you of hatred, and you guys are accusing me a hatred. The difference is there is a ton of evidence to justify contempt for Trump, but there really isn't any to justify contempt of Joe Biden. As for Hunter, he's a private citizen, and about him I do not care. But, the OP is accurate about Republicans fake outrage, given their ignorance of the corruption of the Trump family and the copious evidence to that charge that does, indeed, exist.

But, of course, you don't give a damn.
You can put your head in the sand, but Comer wont and that is going to be very bad for the Bidens. I look forward to revisitting this thread about a year or two from now. You are going to look stupid as fuck and ill make sure to bump your posts so everyone can see. :laugh:
Prove Jarod did, idiot.
Crazy how you completely miss my point.

SEC fillings show that Jared's "AFFINITY PARTNERS GP LLC" a new fund, has in the fund:

$ 3,055,804,564

Note that this is a new fund.

Now then, over 100 news sources have reported this story.

Neither Ivanka, Jared, Trump, or any of their respective staffs, attorneys, representatives, and more importantly, nor as it's auditing firm ERNST & YOUNG LLP (listed in the record), nor any of the officers of the fund:

06/2021 E Y N 4220900
09/2021 NA Y N 7483962
10/2021 NA Y N 7483966
12/2021 NA Y N 7483969
Mizelle, Chad, Robert

none of then have publicly come forward to deny the story.
You have made a number of assumptions not supported by evidence:
1. That I think Joe Biden is guilty.
2. That I am 'freaking out'.

These assumptions do not support any argument counter to the OP so there is no point in debating them.

There is only one reason I say there is no evidence, and it is as follows:

There is no evidence. I've looked at all of the right's so-called evidence, and while it might give rise to suspicions by partisans, upon scrutiny, none of it actually proves the allegations.

Your statement is illogical. If he loses the election, he would not be able to pardon his family however, Biden has made it clear he would not do it. But, we know Trump would, and has, insofar as his partners in his crimes.

Not one financial document has Joe Biden as beneficiary or signatory.

Not one LLC lists Joe Biden as an officer in a Shell.

Not one LLC has been proven to be established for a corrupt purpose as none of the 10 or so legitimate reasons have been excluded.

Not one taped phone call implicates joe in any wrong doing.

Not one testimony against Joe is backed by hard evidence.

No testimony given by Joe's staff against him.

No testimony by Joe's sons and daughters are made against him

Every email and text presented do not have Joe Biden as a participant in the conversation and third party mentions of Joe is hearsay and some have been established as fake.

The chain of custody of the laptop is not clear cut, and has the potential for corruption.

IN short, the House Republicans and those in the Senate have failed to produce sufficient predication for a criminal investigation.

In fact, all of the evidence thus far produced, only proves that Hunter Biden did business abroad, that that business is not against the law, plus the fact that he generously shared his profits with other family members, but notably except his father. There might be a FARA violation but that is not proof of wrongdoing beyond that fact.

SARs are not proof of wrongdoing, says so right on the Gov website.

FBI FD-1023 reports are not evidence, they need to be corroborated, and none have been, to date.

That Yelena Baturina was not sanctioned is not a damning fact at all, as alleged, given that some 50 Russian/Ukrainian billionaires haven't been sanctioned, either, and she is merely one of many.

What I've been finding is that for every issue put forth by Republicans, regarding the Bidens, there is an innocent explanation. Oh, some things might look bad, but looking bad is not illegal.

All of the 'evidence' thus far is suggestive in nature, and not conclusive.

What you need to do is produce conclusive evidence, which would be required in order for a prosecutor wanting to indict a US President.

Until then, you're 'smoke' is not smoke at all, it is a mirage born out of hatred for the Bidens and the bizarre desire to elect the most corrupt, criminal, and all around despicable man in US History for the presidency, who has already damaged the country more than any human in history. Putin and his russian buddies popped corks of champagne when he was elected.

Now,. I understandd I'm accusing you of hatred, and you guys are accusing me a hatred. The difference is there is a ton of evidence to justify contempt for Trump, but there really isn't any to justify contempt of Joe Biden. As for Hunter, he's a private citizen, and about him I do not care. But, the OP is accurate about Republicans fake outrage, given their ignorance of the corruption of the Trump family and the copious evidence to that charge that does, indeed, exist.

But, of course, you don't give a damn.

Yet another cascade of shit.
SEC fillings show that Jared's "AFFINITY PARTNERS GP LLC" a new fund, has in the fund:

$ 3,055,804,564

Note that this is a new fund.

Now then, over 100 news sources have reported this story.

Neither Ivanka, Jared, Trump, or any of their respective staffs, attorneys, representatives, and more importantly, nor as it's auditing firm ERNST & YOUNG LLP (listed in the record), nor any of the officers of the fund:

06/2021 E Y N 4220900
09/2021 NA Y N 7483962
10/2021 NA Y N 7483966
12/2021 NA Y N 7483969
Mizelle, Chad, Robert

none of then have publicly come forward to deny the story.

Is he using that money to buy companies for the Chinese communist party?

Companies that the CCP is prohibited from buying, like hunter did?


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