"What Was Jared Doing". Panel Stunned By Sources Of Kushner's $3 Billion Cash Haul

She was in charge of Hillarycare.

dolly madison was in charge of decorating. i get that point but don't really remember the details on that health care fiasco.

many of us think bill may have sent health care to hillary "to die."
Hmm. was it a loan from Qatar or a lease by a firm in which Qatar was an investor? (btw, they did tell you that it wasn't a US blockade, didn't they?)
It was a blockade that the Trump admin backed...then worked with the Saudis to get lifted.....

It was hundreds of millions of dollars that Qatar previously did not want to give Kusher -- BEFORE his daddy in law was president...

And speaking of the Saudis....they also wanted to turn down Kushner's loan -- but were overruled by the crown prince.....

"the Saudi fund concluded that no one in their right mind would give the former first son-in-law a dime. Among other concerns, the panel noted that management was “inexperience[d],” that the kingdom would be responsible for “the bulk of the investment and risk,” that its fee seemed “excessive,” and that the firm’s operations were “unsatisfactory in all aspects.” Given those reservations, it warned that the country’s Public Investment Fund should stay far, far away from Kushner’s firm—a recommendation that was overturned by the fund’s board, which happens to be led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, i.e., the guy who approved a plan to kidnap, kill, and dismember a journalist via bone saw and benefited from Kushner’s unwavering support within the White House and reported insistence that the prince could “survive the outrage just as he [had] weathered past criticism."

I guess that is why the Saudi prince brags about having Kushner in his pocket....and if any of these things happened with Hunter WHILE HE WAS IN THE WHITE HOUSE -- yall would be calling it proof...which is why yall are full of shit...
It was a blockade that the Trump admin backed...then worked with the Saudis to get lifted.....

It was hundreds of millions of dollars that Qatar previously did not want to give Kusher -- BEFORE his daddy in law was president...

And speaking of the Saudis....they also wanted to turn down Kushner's loan -- but were overruled by the crown prince.....

"the Saudi fund concluded that no one in their right mind would give the former first son-in-law a dime. Among other concerns, the panel noted that management was “inexperience[d],” that the kingdom would be responsible for “the bulk of the investment and risk,” that its fee seemed “excessive,” and that the firm’s operations were “unsatisfactory in all aspects.” Given those reservations, it warned that the country’s Public Investment Fund should stay far, far away from Kushner’s firm—a recommendation that was overturned by the fund’s board, which happens to be led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, i.e., the guy who approved a plan to kidnap, kill, and dismember a journalist via bone saw and benefited from Kushner’s unwavering support within the White House and reported insistence that the prince could “survive the outrage just as he [had] weathered past criticism."

I guess that is why the Saudi prince brags about having Kushner in his pocket....and if any of these things happened with Hunter WHILE HE WAS IN THE WHITE HOUSE -- yall would be calling it proof...which is why yall are full of shit...
So, in your theory, Kushner casued the blockade of Qatar. LOL
Ask Qatar...

"The Kushner Company, a family business for which former President Donald Trump's son-in-law now serves as president, was facing a $1.4 billion debt payment in 2017 for a property at 666 Fifth Avenue in New York City. Kushner—then working as a senior advisor to Trump with a focus on Middle Eastern matters—visited Qatar to discuss a blockade imposed against the country.

Following the year, the Qatar blockade was lifted, with President Trump reversing his earlier support of his arrangement. Around the same time, according to The Real Deal, Brookfield Asset Management, paid $1.28 billion for a ground-floor lease at 666 Fifth, helping the company with its debt situation. The group's second-largest stakeholder at the time was the sovereign wealth fund of Qatar, leading some to accuse Kushner of trading favorable political maneuvers in order to help his family's business."

By the way, Kushner tried to get loans from Qatar BEFORE his daddy-in-law was president and he was turned down because Qatar didn't see it as a wise investment.....then right after getting in office, he gets the loan approved by ending the blockade against Qatar...a blockade his daddy-in-law had just supported....

But since Jared didn't have a laptop with dick pics on it -- it isn't a cool story like Hunter...even tho Jared ACTUALLY WORKED IN THE WHITE HOUSE, received billions in exchange for policy changes favorable to the country that paid him....but since this isn't really about people profiting off their family name (WHILE ALSO WORKING IN THE ADMINISTRATION) -- that is how you know all of the pearl clutching over Hunter is full of shit
To the Stupid, Being Intelligent Is an Unfair Advantage

People are always jealous of smart Jews.

It went from 2 billion to 3.1 billion.

Bidens Inflation Act in action?

1. Jared Kushner leveraged his White House position to get a bailout for his terrible 666 Fifth Avenue investment. This could be a violation of federal law.

2. Kushner traded top secret documents and/or information from the White House to help MBS take over Saudi Arabia (and to excuse his murder of Jamal Khashoggi) and was paid over $2 billion for his efforts. If true, this is a violation of federal law.

3. Both Putin and MBS want Trump back in office so he can end American democracy and have us join the growing number of autocratic nations, giving them support rather than the antagonistic relationship they have with the Biden administration. To that end, they’ve engineered a cut in oil production that will show up as higher gas prices by election time.

4. Also to that end, Russia engineered the “Hunter laptop” scandal, which Republicans are now running with to try to damage Biden’s chances in the 2024 election (as Kevin McCarthy bragged that they’d done with Hillary prior to 2016).

5. Finally, to that end, Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing Gulf dictatorships with aligned interests are financing the Trump family (and thus the Trump campaign) via the LIV golf tournaments and Trump’s new billion-dollar real estate deal in Oman.
n Monday morning, MSNBC economic analyst Steve Rattner stunned the "Morning Joe" panel with a chart that showed how much money Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner swiftly amassed for his hedge fund within six months after leaving the White House.

More importantly, there were questions raised about the sources of Kushner's $3.1 billion windfall.

During the segment, Rattner displayed a chart that showed a slim one percent coming from U.S. investors with a massive percentage coming from Middle Eastern interests.


As Ratner noted, Kushner has zero experience as a hedge funder having only worked in real estate -- and notably not good at that -- before going to work in the White House.

"He worked in the White House and worked very hard, it is less clear what he worked hard at," the analyst began before explaining, "Because after he left the White House, he raised $3.1 billion -- that's billion with a 'b' -- for a private equity fund and he is not a private equity guy, he is a real estate guy. So where does the money come from? We know that he raised $3.1 billion and only about $30 million of it actually came from investors in the United States all the rest of it is foreign money. And of that foreign money, $2 billion came from the Saudis."

"I've been in this business 40 years, I've never seen somebody get two-thirds of their money from a single investor. Usually a single investor might be a few percent of the fund, might be 5 percent, maybe 10 percent -- you never see this," he elaborated. "Another $200 million we believe came from Qatar and another $200 million from the United Arab Emirates and then the $625 million from foreign investors that we don't even know who they are. So what was Jared Kushner doing in the White House? And, by the way as a fun fact, on January 6, the famous January 6, Jared Kushner was in the Middle East."

Most people never have seen it. But we now live in the Trump era, where Supreme Court Justices are now bought off, and every kind of sleaze imaginable is becoming the norm. When the Dems win back the House next year, many investigations will be looking into his situation.
I've never been in the financial services biz either and guess what, people trust my opinion more than my brother who is, so the argument that he's nevwr been in Finances is failed, especially since R.E. is often finance related and many Corporate paper deals relate to R.E. holdings or collateral.
People tend to trust someone who's wealthy, successful at a young age, and smart at building wealth and (their own) investments. They esoecially trust someone who put together those formerly considered impossible trade deals, peace deals, and a few impressive bipartisen plans. People tend to trust that person more so than a crack addict who dated his dead brother's wife.
Your whatabout ism fails here in ever aspect. Try worrying about the crimes you know instead of making up crimes to obstruct dealing with the 500lb bag of white powder in the room.
Kushner was scarfing Saudi cock with left and right fists. Fucking disgusting. What did he sell them?
1. Jared Kushner leveraged his White House position to get a bailout for his terrible 666 Fifth Avenue investment. This could be a violation of federal law.

2. Kushner traded top secret documents and/or information from the White House to help MBS take over Saudi Arabia (and to excuse his murder of Jamal Khashoggi) and was paid over $2 billion for his efforts. If true, this is a violation of federal law.

3. Both Putin and MBS want Trump back in office so he can end American democracy and have us join the growing number of autocratic nations, giving them support rather than the antagonistic relationship they have with the Biden administration. To that end, they’ve engineered a cut in oil production that will show up as higher gas prices by election time.

4. Also to that end, Russia engineered the “Hunter laptop” scandal, which Republicans are now running with to try to damage Biden’s chances in the 2024 election (as Kevin McCarthy bragged that they’d done with Hillary prior to 2016).

5. Finally, to that end, Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing Gulf dictatorships with aligned interests are financing the Trump family (and thus the Trump campaign) via the LIV golf tournaments and Trump’s new billion-dollar real estate deal in Oman.
Mini-Me Jealousy of Magnificent MAGAs

MBS is the greatest Moslem leader since Saladin, and Vladimir Putin is the greatest Russian leader since Czar Peter the Great.
n Monday morning, MSNBC economic analyst Steve Rattner stunned the "Morning Joe" panel with a chart that showed how much money Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner swiftly amassed for his hedge fund within six months after leaving the White House.

More importantly, there were questions raised about the sources of Kushner's $3.1 billion windfall.

During the segment, Rattner displayed a chart that showed a slim one percent coming from U.S. investors with a massive percentage coming from Middle Eastern interests.


As Ratner noted, Kushner has zero experience as a hedge funder having only worked in real estate -- and notably not good at that -- before going to work in the White House.

"He worked in the White House and worked very hard, it is less clear what he worked hard at," the analyst began before explaining, "Because after he left the White House, he raised $3.1 billion -- that's billion with a 'b' -- for a private equity fund and he is not a private equity guy, he is a real estate guy. So where does the money come from? We know that he raised $3.1 billion and only about $30 million of it actually came from investors in the United States all the rest of it is foreign money. And of that foreign money, $2 billion came from the Saudis."

"I've been in this business 40 years, I've never seen somebody get two-thirds of their money from a single investor. Usually a single investor might be a few percent of the fund, might be 5 percent, maybe 10 percent -- you never see this," he elaborated. "Another $200 million we believe came from Qatar and another $200 million from the United Arab Emirates and then the $625 million from foreign investors that we don't even know who they are. So what was Jared Kushner doing in the White House? And, by the way as a fun fact, on January 6, the famous January 6, Jared Kushner was in the Middle East."

Most people never have seen it. But we now live in the Trump era, where Supreme Court Justices are now bought off, and every kind of sleaze imaginable is becoming the norm. When the Dems win back the House next year, many investigations will be looking into his situation.
And they're bothering to investigate Hunter. I think they picked the wrong person to investigate.
n Monday morning, MSNBC economic analyst Steve Rattner stunned the "Morning Joe" panel with a chart that showed how much money Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner swiftly amassed for his hedge fund within six months after leaving the White House.

More importantly, there were questions raised about the sources of Kushner's $3.1 billion windfall.

During the segment, Rattner displayed a chart that showed a slim one percent coming from U.S. investors with a massive percentage coming from Middle Eastern interests.


As Ratner noted, Kushner has zero experience as a hedge funder having only worked in real estate -- and notably not good at that -- before going to work in the White House.

"He worked in the White House and worked very hard, it is less clear what he worked hard at," the analyst began before explaining, "Because after he left the White House, he raised $3.1 billion -- that's billion with a 'b' -- for a private equity fund and he is not a private equity guy, he is a real estate guy. So where does the money come from? We know that he raised $3.1 billion and only about $30 million of it actually came from investors in the United States all the rest of it is foreign money. And of that foreign money, $2 billion came from the Saudis."

"I've been in this business 40 years, I've never seen somebody get two-thirds of their money from a single investor. Usually a single investor might be a few percent of the fund, might be 5 percent, maybe 10 percent -- you never see this," he elaborated. "Another $200 million we believe came from Qatar and another $200 million from the United Arab Emirates and then the $625 million from foreign investors that we don't even know who they are. So what was Jared Kushner doing in the White House? And, by the way as a fun fact, on January 6, the famous January 6, Jared Kushner was in the Middle East."

Most people never have seen it. But we now live in the Trump era, where Supreme Court Justices are now bought off, and every kind of sleaze imaginable is becoming the norm. When the Dems win back the House next year, many investigations will be looking into his situation.
We can have a legitimate debate whether the $2B Kushner accepted from Saudi wealth crossed the line of ethics in any way but this money did not go into Kushner's pocket and is not illegal. And it is not associated in any way with the Trump organization and will be managed by Kushner's legitimate global investment business "Affinity Partners" established in 2021. The business will receive lucrative commissions for managing the fund.

Kushner was instrumental in the Trump era successes in brokering peace treaties/trade agreements between I think four Arab nations and Israel so he worked a great deal with the Saudis during that time and won their respect and trust. That's probably why they were willing to take a chance with him though he was relatively inexperienced in hedge fund management at that time.

In an interview with the WSJ, Kushner explained his primary goals with the company is to further amicable and profitable initiatives in which Israel and Arab nations will work together for common good. So far as I know the investments have so far been in Israeli and German high tech businesses.

Of course Kushner is accused of receiving a Saudi payback for his defense of the Saudi crown prince when he was under attack and the House Oversight Committee is investigating that. If that's the deal then there's the ethics problem. But at most Kushner will get a cut split between 20 people of roughly $25,000 commission from the Saudi investment. Given that he is already a mega millionaire, maybe a billionaire, that seems hardly enough to risk his reputation and legal status. Especially since he and Ivanka took a significant financial hit of hundreds of thousands working at the White House for free for four years.
We can have a legitimate debate whether the $2B Kushner accepted from Saudi wealth crossed the line of ethics in any way but this money did not go into Kushner's pocket and is not illegal. And it is not associated in any way with the Trump organization and will be managed by Kushner's legitimate global investment business "Affinity Partners" established in 2021. The business will receive lucrative commissions for managing the fund.

Kushner was instrumental in the Trump era successes in brokering peace treaties/trade agreements between I think four Arab nations and Israel so he worked a great deal with the Saudis during that time and won their respect and trust. That's probably why they were willing to take a chance with him though he was relatively inexperienced in hedge fund management at that time.

In an interview with the WSJ, Kushner explained his primary goals with the company is to further amicable and profitable initiatives in which Israel and Arab nations will work together for common good. So far as I know the investments have so far been in Israeli and German high tech businesses.

Of course Kushner is accused of receiving a Saudi payback for his defense of the Saudi crown prince when he was under attack and the House Oversight Committee is investigating that. If that's the deal then there's the ethics problem. But at most Kushner will get a cut split between 20 people of roughly $25,000 commission from the Saudi investment. Given that he is already a mega millionaire, maybe a billionaire, that seems hardly enough to risk his reputation and legal status. Especially since he and Ivanka took a significant financial hit of hundreds of thousands working at the White House for free for four years.
why is hunter leaving coke at the white house for the big guy...hmmmm, gotta wake Joey up somehow or other????
n Monday morning, MSNBC economic analyst Steve Rattner stunned the "Morning Joe" panel with a chart that showed how much money Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner swiftly amassed for his hedge fund within six months after leaving the White House.

More importantly, there were questions raised about the sources of Kushner's $3.1 billion windfall.

During the segment, Rattner displayed a chart that showed a slim one percent coming from U.S. investors with a massive percentage coming from Middle Eastern interests.


As Ratner noted, Kushner has zero experience as a hedge funder having only worked in real estate -- and notably not good at that -- before going to work in the White House.

"He worked in the White House and worked very hard, it is less clear what he worked hard at," the analyst began before explaining, "Because after he left the White House, he raised $3.1 billion -- that's billion with a 'b' -- for a private equity fund and he is not a private equity guy, he is a real estate guy. So where does the money come from? We know that he raised $3.1 billion and only about $30 million of it actually came from investors in the United States all the rest of it is foreign money. And of that foreign money, $2 billion came from the Saudis."

"I've been in this business 40 years, I've never seen somebody get two-thirds of their money from a single investor. Usually a single investor might be a few percent of the fund, might be 5 percent, maybe 10 percent -- you never see this," he elaborated. "Another $200 million we believe came from Qatar and another $200 million from the United Arab Emirates and then the $625 million from foreign investors that we don't even know who they are. So what was Jared Kushner doing in the White House? And, by the way as a fun fact, on January 6, the famous January 6, Jared Kushner was in the Middle East."

Most people never have seen it. But we now live in the Trump era, where Supreme Court Justices are now bought off, and every kind of sleaze imaginable is becoming the norm. When the Dems win back the House next year, many investigations will be looking into his situation.
By the way, wouldn't you agree that the $3.1 billion, if that's the number we're using, was not "Jared Kushner's windfall" but the amount of money his firm took in to manage for others? The 20 people in his business split the commissions from managing that money.
n Monday morning, MSNBC economic analyst Steve Rattner stunned the "Morning Joe" panel with a chart that showed how much money Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner swiftly amassed for his hedge fund within six months after leaving the White House.

More importantly, there were questions raised about the sources of Kushner's $3.1 billion windfall.

During the segment, Rattner displayed a chart that showed a slim one percent coming from U.S. investors with a massive percentage coming from Middle Eastern interests.


As Ratner noted, Kushner has zero experience as a hedge funder having only worked in real estate -- and notably not good at that -- before going to work in the White House.

"He worked in the White House and worked very hard, it is less clear what he worked hard at," the analyst began before explaining, "Because after he left the White House, he raised $3.1 billion -- that's billion with a 'b' -- for a private equity fund and he is not a private equity guy, he is a real estate guy. So where does the money come from? We know that he raised $3.1 billion and only about $30 million of it actually came from investors in the United States all the rest of it is foreign money. And of that foreign money, $2 billion came from the Saudis."

"I've been in this business 40 years, I've never seen somebody get two-thirds of their money from a single investor. Usually a single investor might be a few percent of the fund, might be 5 percent, maybe 10 percent -- you never see this," he elaborated. "Another $200 million we believe came from Qatar and another $200 million from the United Arab Emirates and then the $625 million from foreign investors that we don't even know who they are. So what was Jared Kushner doing in the White House? And, by the way as a fun fact, on January 6, the famous January 6, Jared Kushner was in the Middle East."

Most people never have seen it. But we now live in the Trump era, where Supreme Court Justices are now bought off, and every kind of sleaze imaginable is becoming the norm. When the Dems win back the House next year, many investigations will be looking into his situation.
Since Hunter who was not involved in the government is being investigated. Jarod should surely be thoroughly investigated since we're talking about such large amounts and he was in.the government ( nepotism) under trump.
Ask Qatar...

"The Kushner Company, a family business for which former President Donald Trump's son-in-law now serves as president, was facing a $1.4 billion debt payment in 2017 for a property at 666 Fifth Avenue in New York City. Kushner—then working as a senior advisor to Trump with a focus on Middle Eastern matters—visited Qatar to discuss a blockade imposed against the country.

Following the year, the Qatar blockade was lifted, with President Trump reversing his earlier support of his arrangement. Around the same time, according to The Real Deal, Brookfield Asset Management, paid $1.28 billion for a ground-floor lease at 666 Fifth, helping the company with its debt situation. The group's second-largest stakeholder at the time was the sovereign wealth fund of Qatar, leading some to accuse Kushner of trading favorable political maneuvers in order to help his family's business."

By the way, Kushner tried to get loans from Qatar BEFORE his daddy-in-law was president and he was turned down because Qatar didn't see it as a wise investment.....then right after getting in office, he gets the loan approved by ending the blockade against Qatar...a blockade his daddy-in-law had just supported....

But since Jared didn't have a laptop with dick pics on it -- it isn't a cool story like Hunter...even tho Jared ACTUALLY WORKED IN THE WHITE HOUSE, received billions in exchange for policy changes favorable to the country that paid him....but since this isn't really about people profiting off their family name (WHILE ALSO WORKING IN THE ADMINISTRATION) -- that is how y
ou know all of the pearl clutching over Hunter is full of shit
Something isn't right with this deal

$2 billion it received from the Saudi Arabian government’s Public Investment Fund in 2021.
“Mr. Kushner’s limited track record as an investor, including his nonexistent experience in private equity or hedge funds, raise questions regarding the investment strategy behind the seeding investments and lucrative compensation that Affinity received from the Saudis
Something isn't right with this deal

$2 billion it received from the Saudi Arabian government’s Public Investment Fund in 2021.
“Mr. Kushner’s limited track record as an investor, including his nonexistent experience in private equity or hedge funds, raise questions regarding the investment strategy behind the seeding investments and lucrative compensation that Affinity received from the Saudis
if trump or trump-'s in law does something like this it can not possibly be corrupt, because trump loves america .l bin salman gave kushner the money because he is a nice guy who loves trump.

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