Poll: How Many Of You Would Believe.....??

See?!?! This is what happens when you walk away from your day job.
A couple people got through the Express Lane with more than 10 items. But, I guess you're tired from your early-morning Barista job.
That Master's in Women's Studies is paying off, huh?
You can't be as stupid as you sound? Or are you?
The over spending is bad and too many in the U.S are too thick to understand this. With the right leadership, at some point, cutting expenses will occur and this spending can be undone.

What cannot be undone as easily is socially becoming more like Ontario. That is not nearly as easy to reverse.

El-Blob-O had majorities in both the House and the Senate for 2 years. He could have gotten anything passed pretty much. He didn’t.

Republicans in Congress are not like Democrats who follow lockstep with every order. You must have noticed this
Republicans in Congress are not like Democrats who follow lockstep with every order. You must have noticed this
Yes, they do. GOP are as bad and no better than the Dems, who if they sweep this fall, are going to clean up in January. No mercy.
Much like the wall. It didn’t seem to stop any illegals.

Projects take time to complete. Except it’s been 8 years or so since the wall was built. It hasn’t done shit.
The wall wasn't completed thanks to Biden and the Democrats.

"An incomplete wall is no wall at all." -Woodznutz

You can quote me on that. :biggrin:
Trump's Road to Socialism | Mises Institute

Sadly Biden isn't the only one to do that.
2018???? we had the best economy in my life... the treasury was raking in the bucks so ensuring our farmers are whole was the perfect thing to do at the time...
damn how long did you have to work to find that nonsense?...
Plus that is not socialism... its called protecting the nations bread basket so we can feed ourselves and half the world...
Socialism is paying off rich kids loans with tax dollars from hard working middle income people....
2018???? we had the best economy in my life... the treasury was raking in the bucks so ensuring our farmers are whole was the perfect thing to do at the time...
damn how long did you have to work to find that nonsense?...
Plus that is not socialism... its called protecting the nations bread basket so we can feed ourselves and half the world...
Socialism is paying off rich kids loans with tax dollars from hard working middle income people....

In a good economy the Fed isn't pumping trillions of dollars.

You can make whatever excuses you want but that's all it is.
In a good economy the Fed isn't pumping trillions of dollars.

You can make whatever excuses you want but that's all it is.
In 2018 pre covid the treasury was filling up with Chinese tariff cash.... no excuses needed...

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