Poll: How Many Of You Would Believe.....??

Importers pay the tariff's, not the exporting country. Those costs are then passed onto the buyers of those imports. So, tariffs on Chinese imports penalize us, not China.
That's a myth... And a media Fake news story... of course China pays the tariff... at the end of the day China still has to compete price wise and they never were able to pass those costs down to us... If it was a bad thing why did Biden just reinstate them?...
Memo to woodnutz... the media lies about everything Trump has done....
That's a myth... And a media Fake news story... of course China pays the tariff... at the end of the day China still has to compete price wise and they never were able to pass those costs down to us... If it was a bad thing why did Biden just reinstate them?...
Memo to woodnutz... the media lies about everything Trump has done....

China found a way around those tariffs. They marketed their stuff to us through other countries in the region.

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Trillions and trillions and trillions of federal reserve notes printed. And so little in return for it. All the coffers of the states and communities that shut down filled up and anything else progs support. Progs have nice communist names for their legislation though.

If they can simply print money, why collect taxes?

I was against it when Trump proposed it because it wasn't paid for.

I was against it when Biden pushed it because it wasn't paid for.

Did you pay cash for your house, or did you borrow to complete the purchase? When you finance the purchase or construction of an asset which increases in value over time - like a bridge, or a water treatment plant, it is a financially WISE thing to do as to increases your net worth and provides you with something you need.

In the case of the water treatment plant, improving the health of the community through cleaner air or water, reduces medical costs across the entire area being serviced by the facility, as well as lifting property values. If you know the city has been having problems with frequent "boil water" alerts, and people have been made sick by the drinking water, how inclined would you be to purchase a home in that community?

If you borrow money to blow and spend it on a trip around the world, and come home with your pockets empty, you've increased your debt, and decreased your equity and net worth. But if you borrow money and put an addition on your home, your home increases in value, probably more than you spent on the addition, and you've improved both your living situation, and your net worth.

Tax cuts are flashy and people love to get them, but they love to go travelling too. But investing in your communities and your people, will make everything about your country better.
Did you pay cash for your house, or did you borrow to complete the purchase? When you finance the purchase or construction of an asset which increases in value over time - like a bridge, or a water treatment plant, it is a financially WISE thing to do as to increases your net worth and provides you with something you need.

In the case of the water treatment plant, improving the health of the community through cleaner air or water, reduces medical costs across the entire area being serviced by the facility, as well as lifting property values. If you know the city has been having problems with frequent "boil water" alerts, and people have been made sick by the drinking water, how inclined would you be to purchase a home in that community?

If you borrow money to blow and spend it on a trip around the world, and come home with your pockets empty, you've increased your debt, and decreased your equity and net worth. But if you borrow money and put an addition on your home, your home increases in value, probably more than you spent on the addition, and you've improved both your living situation, and your net worth.

Tax cuts are flashy and people love to get them, but they love to go travelling too. But investing in your communities and your people, will make everything about your country better.
The problem is that cities are always playing catch up. So much money is spent on law enforcement and social services that infrastructure suffers. Cities now have a 'crime index'. How dystopian is that.
Did you pay cash for your house, or did you borrow to complete the purchase? When you finance the purchase or construction of an asset which increases in value over time - like a bridge, or a water treatment plant, it is a financially WISE thing to do as to increases your net worth and provides you with something you need.

In the case of the water treatment plant, improving the health of the community through cleaner air or water, reduces medical costs across the entire area being serviced by the facility, as well as lifting property values. If you know the city has been having problems with frequent "boil water" alerts, and people have been made sick by the drinking water, how inclined would you be to purchase a home in that community?

If you borrow money to blow and spend it on a trip around the world, and come home with your pockets empty, you've increased your debt, and decreased your equity and net worth. But if you borrow money and put an addition on your home, your home increases in value, probably more than you spent on the addition, and you've improved both your living situation, and your net worth.

Tax cuts are flashy and people love to get them, but they love to go travelling too. But investing in your communities and your people, will make everything about your country better.
So what did we get for $1,200,000,000,000?
Did you pay cash for your house, or did you borrow to complete the purchase? When you finance the purchase or construction of an asset which increases in value over time - like a bridge, or a water treatment plant, it is a financially WISE thing to do as to increases your net worth and provides you with something you need.

In the case of the water treatment plant, improving the health of the community through cleaner air or water, reduces medical costs across the entire area being serviced by the facility, as well as lifting property values. If you know the city has been having problems with frequent "boil water" alerts, and people have been made sick by the drinking water, how inclined would you be to purchase a home in that community?

If you borrow money to blow and spend it on a trip around the world, and come home with your pockets empty, you've increased your debt, and decreased your equity and net worth. But if you borrow money and put an addition on your home, your home increases in value, probably more than you spent on the addition, and you've improved both your living situation, and your net worth.

Tax cuts are flashy and people love to get them, but they love to go travelling too. But investing in your communities and your people, will make everything about your country better.

Tax cuts? I said to pay what you spend. No idea how that lead you to tax cuts.
The problem is that cities are always playing catch up. So much money is spent on law enforcement and social services that infrastructure suffers. Cities now have a 'crime index'. How dystopian is that.

The Republican priority is to always cut taxes, and they have been disinvesting in the cities since white people moved to the suburbs. In my last visit to Toronto, I was struck by how shabby it looks after 10 years of conservative governance. Infrastructure is what get's cut because it's something nobody notices, until it stops functioning.

Last fall, voters kicked the Conservatives out of City Hall and elected an NDP Mayor - Olivia Chow. Chow is the widow of the late Jack Layton - the man whose quote is my siggy.

Chow is fixing things, starting with the 3 year program to repair the raised portions of the Gardner Expressway. Chunks have been falling off the Gardner in recent years, and the Conservatives put up nets under the Gardner, to stop those chunks from falling on the cars on Lakeshore Blvd., which runs under the Gardner, in the downtown core. I wish I was kidding.

Tax cuts? I said to pay what you spend. No idea how that lead you to tax cuts.

I pointed out that the money wasn't spent yet, and would be spent over a 10 year period, and that borrowing to do this much needed work is not such a bad idea. Did you pay for what you spent on your house, or did you borrow?
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The Republican priority is to always cut taxes, and they have been disinvesting in the cities since white people moved to the suburbs. In my last visit to Toronto, I was struck by how shabby it looks after 10 years of conservative governance.

I pointed out that the money wasn't spent yet, and would be spent over a 10 year period. Did you pay for what you spent on your house, or did you borrow?

“President’s Build Back Framework, it will add on average 1.5 million jobs per year for the next 10 years.”

When was that you ask?


So almost 1/3 into it and where are those jobs? Where are those infrastructure projects?

Who got that $1,750,000,000,000?
The Republican priority is to always cut taxes, and they have been disinvesting in the cities since white people moved to the suburbs. In my last visit to Toronto, I was struck by how shabby it looks after 10 years of conservative governance. Infrastructure is what get's cut because it's something nobody notices, until it stops functioning.

Last fall, voters kicked the Conservatives out of City Hall and elected an NDP Mayor - Olivia Chow. Chow is the widow of the late Jack Layton - the man whose quote is my siggy.

Chow is fixing things, starting with the 3 year program to repair the raised portions of the Gardner Expressway. Chunks have been falling off the Gardner in recent years, and the Conservatives put up nets under the Gardner, to stop those chunks from falling on the cars on Lakeshore Blvd., which runs under the Gardner, in the downtown core. I wish I was kidding.

I pointed out that the money wasn't spent yet, and would be spent over a 10 year period, and that borrowing to do this much needed work is not such a bad idea. Did you pay for what you spent on your house, or did you borrow?

I owe nothing on my house. We are getting deeper and deeper in debt every day.

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