House oversight committee launches probe into Jared Kushner’s Saudi-backed investment fund

Makes sense--as it appears now that the family is no longer off limits, as it were--and Jared is a pretty fat target:

Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law, has come under scrutiny for receiving money from foreign governments including $2 billion from Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund in 2021, six months after he left his role as a White House adviser to the former president in January 2021.

Ron Wyden, the chair of the Senate Finance Committee, announced the investigation into Kushner's firm, Affinity Partners, on Wednesday. Wyden asked the company for details about its investors and money it has received from foreign governments. Affinity has disclosed to regulators that 99 percent of the $3 billion in assets the firm manages come from persons outside the U.S.
In a letter to the firm's Chief Financial Officer Lauren Key, Wyden wrote: "Mr. Kushner's limited track record as an investor, including his nonexistent experience in private equity or hedge funds, raise questions regarding the investment strategy behind the seeding investments and lucrative compensation that Affinity received from the Saudi PIF and other sovereign wealth funds."

"The Saudi PIF's decision to invest $2 billion in Affinity so soon after Kushner's departure from the Trump White House raises concerns that the investment was a reward for official actions Kushner took to benefit the Saudi government, including preventing accountability for the Saudi government ordering the brutal murder of journalist and American citizen Jamal Khashoggi," Wyden wrote.
Hmmm...the type of thing white liberals/media say trump will do if he gets in...I'm sure this different though...somehow.

In any case this is probably the future of our system.
You keep talking about what was, care to explain what is, 3 years later? Is the fund still operating, are they making money?


It's takes a lot longer than 3 years to lose $3 billion. So far they've only invested $1.2 billion of the money, and since it's a private limited partnership, it's impossible to know what or how their investments are doing, although there are concerns that none of the funds investments are in American companies, or projects, leaving the Trumps vulnerable to foreign influence if Donald is re-elected.

Trump is already walking around with a big "For Sale" sign around his neck, and his Media Company is attracting all kinds of off-shore investors buying big chunks of stock. How to get around foreign influence laws in election financing without saying that's what you're doing.
It's takes a lot longer than 3 years to lose $3 billion. So far they've only invested $1.2 billion of the money, and since it's a private limited partnership, it's impossible to know what or how their investments are doing, although there are concerns that none of the funds investments are in American companies, or projects, leaving the Trumps vulnerable to foreign influence if Donald is re-elected.

Trump is already walking around with a big "For Sale" sign around his neck, and his Media Company is attracting all kinds of off-shore investors buying big chunks of stock. How to get around foreign influence laws in election financing without saying that's what you're doing.

So as usual all you've got is speculation and assumptions, typical commie.

So as usual all you've got is speculation and assumptions, typical commie.

No, the government has actual evidence that he got the 3 billion from foreign governments. Kuchner was very open about it. the investigation in the Senate has been going on for over a year.

Now that they’ve announced foreign investments, more questions are being raised.

The Trump family has always been very open and forthcoming about their criminal behaviour and overseas bribery. They just pretend it doesn’t matter when they do it.
No, the government has actual evidence that he got the 3 billion from foreign governments. Kuchner was very open about it. the investigation in the Senate has been going on for over a year.

Now that they’ve announced foreign investments, more questions are being raised.

The Trump family has always been very open and forthcoming about their criminal behaviour and overseas bribery. They just pretend it doesn’t matter when they do it.

And there's nothing illegal about US companies getting foreign investments. And it's pretty clear why you don't provide reputable links for your propaganda.

Makes sense--as it appears now that the family is no longer off limits, as it were--and Jared is a pretty fat target:

Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law, has come under scrutiny for receiving money from foreign governments including $2 billion from Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund in 2021, six months after he left his role as a White House adviser to the former president in January 2021.

Ron Wyden, the chair of the Senate Finance Committee, announced the investigation into Kushner's firm, Affinity Partners, on Wednesday. Wyden asked the company for details about its investors and money it has received from foreign governments. Affinity has disclosed to regulators that 99 percent of the $3 billion in assets the firm manages come from persons outside the U.S.
In a letter to the firm's Chief Financial Officer Lauren Key, Wyden wrote: "Mr. Kushner's limited track record as an investor, including his nonexistent experience in private equity or hedge funds, raise questions regarding the investment strategy behind the seeding investments and lucrative compensation that Affinity received from the Saudi PIF and other sovereign wealth funds."

"The Saudi PIF's decision to invest $2 billion in Affinity so soon after Kushner's departure from the Trump White House raises concerns that the investment was a reward for official actions Kushner took to benefit the Saudi government, including preventing accountability for the Saudi government ordering the brutal murder of journalist and American citizen Jamal Khashoggi," Wyden wrote.
This is nepotism at its finest!
Irrelevant. Your distraction won't help you.

But it does show your depth of thought. Or lack of its existence.
Per usual, I’m not sure what your “point” is.

Charles Kushner, lifelong democrat, pled guilty to filing false returns and got his brother in law Epstein-ed

Are you saying the Kushner Family is not a major NY real estate family?
Per usual, I’m not sure what your “point” is.
Yeah, you get cobfused a lot.

Your cherry picked copy paste was designed to make Jared look like some kind of worthy expert.

In reality he has no experience doing what he is doing, and almost of his actual experience comes from a scam run by a felon.

I think we are done here.
Yeah, you get cobfused a lot.

Your cherry picked copy paste was designed to make Jared look like some kind of worthy expert.

In reality he has no experience doing what he is doing, and almost of his actual experience comes from a scam run by a felon.

I think we are done here.
He’s doing a Hunter Biden… is that your “point”?
Wait, so your hero = Hunter Biden?

Simple or rabid peole often forget that these overwrought tu quoque points cut both ways.

Jared’s family ran a real estate empire, Hunter’s ran an influence peddling operation

I made the point to see if you would be consistent
And there's nothing illegal about US companies getting foreign investments. And it's pretty clear why you don't provide reputable links for your propaganda.


Yeah right. After all the favours Jared did for the Saudi's while Trump was President, including clean up for their murder of Khashoggi.

Of course there's nothing to see here, and nothing to see with all of the millions that flowed into DJT's personal bank account from overseas sources in 2021 after he left office.
Yeah right. After all the favours Jared did for the Saudi's while Trump was President, including clean up for their murder of Khashoggi.

Of course there's nothing to see here, and nothing to see with all of the millions that flowed into DJT's personal bank account from overseas sources in 2021 after he left office.

I see you still can't provide a single reputable link. Typical foreign commie bitch.


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