House oversight committee launches probe into Jared Kushner’s Saudi-backed investment fund

Republicans accused Donald Trump. Republicans were witnesses against him. People who worked for him. Family members. People who trusted him, and came to realize what a danger he represents. Jeff Session appointed Robert Mueller to investigate Trump. Democrats had no part in it.

Republicans have continually accused Democrats on no evidence, making things up about them, and then trying to prove the lies they made up are true. It hasn't worked very well for them.

Then it wouldn't be a "hedge fund" it would be an REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust).

Given the financial problems of Kuchner's real estate empire, that company was not exactly thriving under his leadership, after his father went to jail. I certainly wouldn't be handing over $2 billion to such an inexperienced individual with no track history in the field.

You thought it hinky that Hunter Biden was being paid $50,000 a month when he had no experience in the energy industry. $50,000 is chump change next to $2 billion to a guy with zero experience in investment banking.
We know accusations are always made in politics. If true I have no concern for Kushner. And yet the left-wing Jewish men and women in the political world have pushed and follow agendas that would destroy Israel. I know we all have our flaws. Over and over, I say this. Trump does not need any of this after the election. And neither do the voters.
Kush took $2B from the Saudi's. Ivanka patents from China after her father placed tariffs on China. Mr. Biden was NOT involved in his son's business, in HB's business parter says that HB father WAS NOT INVOLVED in the business. There is no evidence of Mr. Biden's involvement in his son's business. Yes investigate Kush, his corruption was public and ReNaziKlans did nothing.
Then who was Mister Big, whose name dare not be mentioned? Not all of us are idiots.
Kush took $2B from the Saudi's. Ivanka patents from China after her father placed tariffs on China. Mr. Biden was NOT involved in his son's business, in HB's business parter says that HB father WAS NOT INVOLVED in the business. There is no evidence of Mr. Biden's involvement in his son's business. Yes investigate Kush, his corruption was public and ReNaziKlans did nothing.
What was Hunter’s business?
Makes sense--as it appears now that the family is no longer off limits, as it were--and Jared is a pretty fat target:

Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law, has come under scrutiny for receiving money from foreign governments including $2 billion from Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund in 2021, six months after he left his role as a White House adviser to the former president in January 2021.

Ron Wyden, the chair of the Senate Finance Committee, announced the investigation into Kushner's firm, Affinity Partners, on Wednesday. Wyden asked the company for details about its investors and money it has received from foreign governments. Affinity has disclosed to regulators that 99 percent of the $3 billion in assets the firm manages come from persons outside the U.S.
In a letter to the firm's Chief Financial Officer Lauren Key, Wyden wrote: "Mr. Kushner's limited track record as an investor, including his nonexistent experience in private equity or hedge funds, raise questions regarding the investment strategy behind the seeding investments and lucrative compensation that Affinity received from the Saudi PIF and other sovereign wealth funds."

"The Saudi PIF's decision to invest $2 billion in Affinity so soon after Kushner's departure from the Trump White House raises concerns that the investment was a reward for official actions Kushner took to benefit the Saudi government, including preventing accountability for the Saudi government ordering the brutal murder of journalist and American citizen Jamal Khashoggi," Wyden wrote.
So, a shitbird like Wyden shoots off his mouth without any proof, and you lap it up like an obedient puppy….
Lol 4 years later?
If trump wasnt running, this wouldnt be happening.

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