The credibility of Barack - and hence Kamala and the Democrats : issue Climate Change

You..have..not..answered the main question.
Why does..this..frighten you??? :)

If you are a supporter of Kamala, it scares YOU, because more and more Americans understand

Co2 does nothing

Barack is clearly a big fan of the Co2 FRAUD.

Prior to 2010 Barack said Climate Change is the greatest threat. Then there was two years of silence...

Then in 2012 once again Climate Change was the greatest threat according to Barack...

One issue that has plagued the Co2 FRAUD through 2014 was the issue of growing Antarctic Sea Ice. Arctic Sea ice is declining, and the "warmers" hype that, but on the other end Antarctic Sea Ice had been growing and setting new record highs, the last one in 2014...

"the new record was broken in September 2014,"

That article is cited because it is typical of the Co2 FRAUD. All of a sudden, they found something... yeah right...

"While NASA never really lost the data (it was stored in federal archives) they did lose the ability to access it for nearly 40 years. Recovered images of Antarctica showed a greater extent of sea ice than ever measured before by scientists"

Translation - the Co2 FRAUD fudged old data and lied to make the upward slope of Antarctic Sea Ice look flatter....

Then in 2014 the American taxpayer was billed for another climate satellite...

and since that one went up, all of a sudden Antarctic Sea Ice has been going down... ACCORDING TO THAT SATELLITE.... a taxpayer funded climate FUDGED FRAUD satellite. Barack was up for that!! And YOU paid for it.

Prior to 2012, the North American Ice Age which dug out the Great Lakes was believed by experts to be 50 million years in duration, with large glaciers still in Indiana as recently as 10k years ago. But that was problematic because during the past 1-2 million years Greenland went from completely green to ice age. So Greenland froze while North America thawed. The Co2 FRAUD could not tolerate that truth (which was a big part of the FBI FRAUD case that Barack tossed in the closet in 2012) because it rules out Co2/atmosphere/Sun as suspects. In came "Milankovich Cycles" which are a tribute to just how stupid and fraudulent the "science behind AGW" really is... Milankovich cycles are destroyed on both poles here...

What inspired "Milankovich" was that Barack was not going to allow the DOJ to prosecute the "climate scientists" for fraud....

So if Barack was really concerned about the "threat" of climate change, she didn't show it when purchasing BEACHFRONT PROPERTY on MV...

Sea level rise? No concern.

What about hurricanes?

GLAD YOU ASKED... the last time a Cat 5 got as far north as Martha's Vineyard was 1938...

gusts of 186 miles per hour to the Blue Hill Observatory in Massachusetts
The 1938 Great New England Hurricane caused a storm surge that created tidal surges of up to 25 feet along the coast of New England

So if we are supposed to be concerned with "increasing hurricanes," then... yeah, Barack doesn't seem to be too concerned, as her house would be underwater if just what happened in 1938, and not since, happened again.

In reality, Barack was faced with an FBI FRAUD case against the climate scientists, went silent for two years, hid that in the closet, lied about it, gave the FBI case to the Co2 FRAUD so the Co2 FRAUD could cook up Milankovich to cover up the truth about NA/Greenland, billed the American taxpayer for a fraud satellite which has been lying to us about Antarctic Sea Ice, and then exposed her hypocrisy once again on Martha's Vineyard.

Barack is not credible on the subject of climate change, not at all, and the American People should digest all of this and ponder that...

and the "climate scientists" love her for not only not prosecuting them, but giving them the "cheat sheet" to keep the $20 trillion fraud ongoing...

the Co2 FRAUD calls an Antarctic research station "Station Obama"

yippeee = you were billed for that too....

Dude everyone with a brain understands that there is no man made climate change.

For the believers it's a religion.
You can't "fact" them into reality.
You haven't told the board what frightens you about the concept?
I mean, what is it? Are you a boomer? Do you believe the 1950's baloney about it not being an issue?
And it isn't something to worry about? Seriously,

For me, it's your level of stupidity, jackie.
For me, it's your level of stupidity, jackie.
Something that this thread shows to me is that the question of climate is purely a political question w/ nothing to do w/ scientific observation. It's the cognitive tribalism of slurs and self-righteousness.
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Something that this thread shows to me is that the question of climate is purely a political question w/ nothing to do w/ scientific observation. It's the cognitive tribalism of slurs and self-righteousness.

And it is easily refuted.

Really, seriously, all Donald Trump has to do to win the climate debate is ask some questions, because the Co2 FRAUD cannot answer them without admitting Co2 is not the cause of Earth climate change...

1. Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?
2. Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?
3. If the oceans are "warming" why is the record decade for canes still the 1940s?
4. If the oceans are "rising" why can't we see one single photo of land sinking?
5. How did Co2 thaw North America and freeze Greenland at the same time?


WHICH MEANS A LOT OF THEM AREN'T REALLY "PURE" .... aka Christy, Wray, Sessions etc...

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