Do YOU think democrats advocate killing a child after birth and calling it abortion?

I've recently been told by several trump supporters that democrats advocate abortion up to and after birth. Do you believe this is true? Do you know of any specific times this occurred, other than Gosnell?
That is what a Democratic governor said.
That is what a Democratic governor said.

He specifically said in cases where the infant isn't viable. That means death is immanent. In that case it would be proper for the mother and physician to discuss whether to take heroic measures that would ultimately fail or to just make the child comfortable until his demise. That's not a choice of life and death. In those cases, death is inevitable. It's a choice of extending a likely painful life for a few hours or let nature take its course. Why would you want a child to suffer?
I've recently been told by several trump supporters that democrats advocate abortion up to and after birth. Do you believe this is true? Do you know of any specific times this occurred, other than Gosnell?

The law is pretty consistent about what this means. It'd be a HUGE scandal if this were happening. I can't imagine it is.
He specifically said in cases where the infant isn't viable. That means death is immanent. In that case it would be proper for the mother and physician to discuss whether to take heroic measures that would ultimately fail or to just make the child comfortable until his demise. That's not a choice of life and death. In those cases, death is inevitable. It's a choice of extending a likely painful life for a few hours or let nature take it's course.
If death is imminent why even ask? That does not work. We are dealing with ghouls.
I've recently been told by several trump supporters that democrats advocate abortion up to and after birth. Do you believe this is true? Do you know of any specific times this occurred, other than Gosnell?
They lit the new world trade center in pink about 6 or 7 years back celebrating it. Now you will accept it, because you're a tool. Look it up dumbass.
Personally, I used to be an independent voter and have voted for Green Party candidates, Democrat Party candidates and Republican Party candidates. Since the Democrat Party is going down the Marxist road and are also pushing societal idiocy issues, I have vowed to never vote for any Democrats again. Having said that, the Republican Party does claim that the Democrat Party will allow there to be abortions in the late term and even after birth, this is true.
BUT....what the Democrats are advocating in reality, are allowing decisions to be made between the pregnant mother and the Obstetrician (an expert in pregnancy and the infant's condition) to determine if that late term fetus or in some cases, the just delivered baby will be a viable infant (able to survive with normal parental care) or due to an inherited or unexpected medical condition, will not survive despite intensive care, or suffer greatly even if it does initially survive the birth.
As the Obstetrician is the expert medical professional and would know best and the mother is the deciding factor, I don't see a problem with them making the decision on the fetus' or newborn's life.
If the holier-than-thou religious fanatics, want the child to suffer horribly in life after birth, then "they" should accept the child in their homes and pay for all of its ongoing treatments and other expenses out of their own pockets. You can bet, their answer to that would be..."no. It's not their kid. Make the taxpayers pay."

How many times have you gone through labor? You think a woman who just went through that and/or is under the influence of drugs should be making a one time only decision to kill a child in that moment?

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