Trump Tells Rally Crowd ‘You Have Smart Ones’ And Black Congressman Byron Donalds Is One of Them

This would kill DEI on the spot.

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
Bidens mentor was not Byrd and Biden most certainly is not a racist now.
You know what's amazing, IM2? Biden was the guy who wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill that put more blacks in prison than any other piece of legislation in US history and gave the eulogy at Byrd's funeral...but you think it's Trump that is the racist! Your kind of dumb is amusing to watch!
You know what's amazing, IM2? Biden was the guy who wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill that put more blacks in prison than any other piece of legislation in US history and gave the eulogy at Byrd's funeral...but you think it's Trump that is the racist!
Is this maybe the dumbest thing we have ever seen posted?

As of one has any effect on the other.
Also not what I said.

This is you, being of low intellectual ability, inventing low hanging fruit for yourself and trying to get attention from strangers.

So, back to your racist mangod... I "invented" that Joe Biden wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill? I "invented" that he gave the eulogy at Byrd's funeral? Is that what you're going with, Fort? :) I "invented" that Joe Biden wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill? I "invented" that he gave the eulogy at Byrd's funeral? Is that what you're going with, Fort? :)
Goddamn you're dumb.

I will dumb this all the way down for your dumb ass.

Bill Clinton could have black people hanging from gallows in his front yard, and it would have no bearing on your orange mangod being a classic racist.

Now, if you can't understand that, do your dumbass self a favor and do some home brain surgery and stick a fork in an outlet.
This board has more low IQ, time wasting trolls than any board I have ever visited. The troll butthole of the internet.

YOU get a TAXPAYER FUNDED CHECK, the "bigger house" to SELL OUT BLACK AMERICANS to the whims of the Party of Slavery.
When white racist calls a black person a Uncle Tom it means that black person is right on time. The blacks selling us out are Republicans. You can stop that party of slavery shit, especially when you're the party defending the confederacy today.
When white racist calls a black person a Uncle Tom it means that black person is right on time. The blacks selling us out are Republicans. You can stop that party of slavery shit, especially when you're the party defending the confederacy today.

Hardly, but if my Union Army ancestors had known they were liberating YOU, they would have stayed at home and let your ancestors rot in chains. You are not a good American. You are a leech, a bigot, a liar, and a taxpayer funded hate hoaxer.

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