Trump Tells Rally Crowd ‘You Have Smart Ones’ And Black Congressman Byron Donalds Is One of Them

Hardly, but if my Union Army ancestors had known they were liberating YOU, they would have stayed at home and let your ancestors rot in chains. You are not a good American. You are a leech, a bigot, a liar, and a taxpayer funded hate hoaxer.
As is everyone who isn't a low IQ bigot, anti science dicksuck like you.


Former President Donald Trump said of prominent Black supporter Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) “That one is smart!” — adding “You have smart ones” and without specifying what the “ones” were.

During the main event, Trump made a point of name-checking Donalds in the crowd, recognizing him as “a smart one” in a scene reminiscent of Trump’s infamous “my African American” line several years ago:

Good old Uncle Byron, he is one of the smart ones.

Does that mean he knows how to stay in his place and do as he is told?
You might want to declare you self-identify as a cannibal and you want to eat Trump.
It means as he is seen as a smart man. Trump doesn't see black and white but just people

You on the other hand see Donalds as a black man first. That makes you the racist, not Trump, don't you think?
The defintion of racism is a belief in the inherent superiorty or inferiority of a person based on race. Not what you say it is. Trump saw color when he saw Obama. He saw color when He saw Hrris. His comment was plain and what he meant was clear.
Former President Donald Trump said of prominent Black supporter Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) “That one is smart!” — adding “You have smart ones” and without specifying what the “ones” were.

During the main event, Trump made a point of name-checking Donalds in the crowd, recognizing him as “a smart one” in a scene reminiscent of Trump’s infamous “my African American” line several years ago:

Good old Uncle Byron, he is one of the smart ones.

Does that mean he knows how to stay in his place and do as he is told?
Notice all the Trump culists attacking you and running interference for the orange slob know EXACTLY what Trump meant.
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Former President Donald Trump said of prominent Black supporter Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) “That one is smart!” — adding “You have smart ones” and without specifying what the “ones” were.

During the main event, Trump made a point of name-checking Donalds in the crowd, recognizing him as “a smart one” in a scene reminiscent of Trump’s infamous “my African American” line several years ago:

Good old Uncle Byron, he is one of the smart ones.

Does that mean he knows how to stay in his place and do as he is told?

Smart congressmen vs stupid congressmen.

Smart person named Byron. Stupid person named IM2.

Do you see what I did there?

Of course not.

Byron would. :thup:
You know what's amazing, IM2? Biden was the guy who wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill that put more blacks in prison than any other piece of legislation in US history and gave the eulogy at Byrd's funeral...but you think it's Trump that is the racist! Your kind of dumb is amusing to watch!
You know whats amazing? Is that you don't know that the crime bill expired 20 years ago, that Byrd had denounced the KKK, worked to increase civil rights and is now dead, that Biden served under the first black president, picked the first blck female to be vice president, set records for black unempoyment, recoirds for investment in HBCU'S, records for black business start ups, reduced black/white racial weath gap, and endorsed the first black female for president.

Trump is the racist. Your kind of dumb is expected, but not amusing.
According to whom, you? LMAO

Oh look, oktexas looks like he maybe grew a pair and is about to actually take a position on something!

So, are you saying he didn't? Are you saying you like everything he says, and think it was all smart?

Haha, just kidding. Taking positions is not what you do.
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You suffered through absolutely none of that…So, go cry somewhere else
Shut the fuck up white boy. You guys keep talking about the democratic party of slavery and that's why we should be Repubicans.
Former President Donald Trump said of prominent Black supporter Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) “That one is smart!” — adding “You have smart ones” and without specifying what the “ones” were.

During the main event, Trump made a point of name-checking Donalds in the crowd, recognizing him as “a smart one” in a scene reminiscent of Trump’s infamous “my African American” line several years ago:

Good old Uncle Byron, he is one of the smart ones.

Does that mean he knows how to stay in his place and do as he is told?

Shut up moron.

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Shut up moron.

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Cultists and their pathetic whataboutism.

They are too stupid to understand that they are only describing their own hypocrisy.
Oh look, oktexas looks like he maybe grew a pair and is about to actually take a position on something!

So, are you saying he didn't? Are you saying you like everything he says, and think it was all smart?

Haha, just kidding. Taking positions is not what you do.

Perhaps you should go back to school, I didn't say a damn thing, I asked a simple question. So Piss Off.


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