"I also took a bullet"

Nope. It was a dumb analogy, and I rightfully opted not to waste my time with any of it.

You guys are genuflecting because Trump got up and said words after getting a scratch on his ear.

And boy is it hilarious.
You're a douchebag denying reality, and it's not hilarious.
A former president of The United States had an assassination attempt on his life.
That president was supposed to have our country's best security.
That security allowed some wacko douchebag to get up on a metal commercial building roof
and take shots at a former president of the US from 80-ish yards away, with multiple people from all angles lookin' around.
Either Americans are getting ripped off really bad, this was intentional, or both.
Hoo Wee! That last one's a helluva fallacy, yet true!:funnyface:
You're a douchebag denying reality, and it's not hilarious.
A former president of The United States had an assassination attempt on his life.
That president was supposed to have our country's best security.
That security allowed some wacko douchebag to get up on a metal commercial building roof
and take shots at a former president of the US from 80-ish yards away, with multiple people from all angles lookin' around.
Either Americans are getting ripped off really bad, this was intentional, or both.
Hoo Wee! That last one's a helluva fallacy, yet true!:funnyface:
What does that have to do with you licking his butt for standing up and talking after getting a scratch?

When I was 8 I got a worse wound skinning my knee on the pavement.

I got right up and kept playing.

So these peope you are whining about don't exist. And you sound fking hilarious tonpaint Trump.as some superman. Get your strawman out of here.

Did someone shoot you in the knee when you were 8?
Did someone shoot you in the knee when you were 8?
I shot myself in the calf when I was 11. It was a nick like Trump's ear, but on my calf.
Well, not exactly, it was a different bullet.
Okay, so somebody had dumped this roundish piece of bulletproof glass out in the woods, and I decided to try
it with a .22. It was so curved I figured the bullet would ricochet off to the right, right? :dunno:
Well. It did, but not further than the outer bullet-sized part of my outer calf was.
That was dumb. Not a scratch on the windshield, btw.
It was over 2 1/2" thick and curved. Like a Kennedymobile windshield.
I was way too head-on to that thing. Zzzthoop! Vooo!
Knowing what I know now, I would have dug a berm to get behind, but still would have shot it straight on because derp!
We used to set off shotgun shells and top trees. It requires nails and a hammer and shotgun shells.
Oh! And a decent pellet gun or a .22.
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Did someone shoot you in the knee when you were 8?
I never took a bullet which is a miracle, but I've been stabbed in the gut a few times. It's one of the reasons I've been sleeping lightly for the last 40 years or so. It's kind of like being in a car accident, you don't really feel it till the next day. I got over it, but there were times when I woke up in a cold sweat for no apparent reason. Stuff like that is not to be taken lightly. I know one woman who had a traumatic brain injury at age 5, and it didn't affect her till she was 75.
Who do you think shot Kennedy, if it wasn't Oswald?
I couldn't venture a guess.

I can tell you a lot more about what "didn't" happen, than what did.

A lot of it is murky. Some of the most suspicious characters have remained under the radar screen.

One in particular, has been completely sanitized. I had the good fortune of getting to some old 1947 newspapers before they removed them, but this person appears nowhere in any of the popular conspiracy theories. But if you start looking at his background and his expertise, a lot of it starts making sense.

I did some computer studies at one point, about timelines. I put all the claims about what happened when, into a computer, and asked the computer to reconstruct the timeline of events. It came up with about 30% as impossible. Whole lotta lying going on.
I couldn't venture a guess.

I can tell you a lot more about what "didn't" happen, than what did.

A lot of it is murky. Some of the most suspicious characters have remained under the radar screen.

One in particular, has been completely sanitized. I had the good fortune of getting to some old 1947 newspapers before they removed them, but this person appears nowhere in any of the popular conspiracy theories. But if you start looking at his background and his expertise, a lot of it starts making sense.

I did some computer studies at one point, about timelines. I put all the claims about what happened when, into a computer, and asked the computer to reconstruct the timeline of events. It came up with about 30% as impossible. Whole lotta lying going on.
Oswald read in the papers that the JFK motorcade was driving under his window at work. So he went home, got his gun and shot JFKs brains out.
Why? We still don't know about Kennedy.

(hint: if you think Oswald did it you're on the wrong track)
What I know is Texas Governor John Connally changed his story after the Zapruder film surfaced. When interviewed from his hospital bed, Connally said he turned left when Kenned was first shot in neck. After the film was discovered, Connally said he turned right. For telling that lie, President Johnson awarded him the job of US Treasury Secretary to print all the hush money he wanted.

Also there is no way the "magic bullet" did what the "Warren Commission" said it did. That bullet might be the one that went through JFK's clothes, neck, seat & wound up in Connally's clothes, but there is no way it broke all the bones they say it did.

Johnson & Warren covered up the JFK assassination investigation.
More like Chicom shill masquerading as a Canuck.

So is Donald H, he's the dumber one.

Seriously, if you watch them post, then think about it? Tell me, hmm? What's your opinion?

Why am I embarking on the biggest thread derailment I've ever seen? :aargh:

OR.. they could be 2 of Harris's "Cybercrew"!

You'd have to have a mind in order for anyone to change it.
What I know is Texas Governor John Connally changed his story after the Zapruder film surfaced. When interviewed from his hospital bed, Connally said he turned left when Kenned was first shot in neck. After the film was discovered, Connally said he turned right. For telling that lie, President Johnson awarded him the job of US Treasury Secretary to print all the hush money he wanted.

Also there is no way the "magic bullet" did what the "Warren Commission" said it did. That bullet might be the one that went through JFK's clothes, neck, seat & wound up in Connally's clothes, but there is no way it broke all the bones they say it did.

Johnson & Warren covered up the JFK assassination investigation.

Connally forgot whether he turned left or right?
That is your big conspiracy?

Magic Bullet nonsense was debunked decades ago
I lol'd when i just heard Trump say this.
He scratched his ear when hiding.
And it was not a significant scratch.

What a lying low life.
I’m wondering if I were to take a few shots at you and say only hit an ear, maybe take the tip off a finger, maybe graze the hair off your scalp. Would you consider yourself shot? Or would you just say it was no big deal?
You'd have to have a mind in order for anyone to change it.
Leftist Progtard ROE:


1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

3a. Play dumb and keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age.

6. Employ misdirection.

6a. smear people.

6b. attack religion.

6c. attack your rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions.

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card.

9. Play gay/lesbian card.

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card.

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly.

13. Reword and repeat.

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia.

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity/OAN.

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump.

20. What about...

Nice try, Wing Chau.

I’m wondering if I were to take a few shots at you and say only hit an ear, maybe take the tip off a finger, maybe graze the hair off your scalp. Would you consider yourself shot? Or would you just say it was no big deal?
That mufugger would be traumatized for life.

What I know is Texas Governor John Connally changed his story after the Zapruder film surfaced. When interviewed from his hospital bed, Connally said he turned left when Kenned was first shot in neck. After the film was discovered, Connally said he turned right. For telling that lie, President Johnson awarded him the job of US Treasury Secretary to print all the hush money he wanted.

Also there is no way the "magic bullet" did what the "Warren Commission" said it did. That bullet might be the one that went through JFK's clothes, neck, seat & wound up in Connally's clothes, but there is no way it broke all the bones they say it did.

Johnson & Warren covered up the JFK assassination investigation.
It seems Johnson and Nixon were both involved somehow. And Gerald Ford, and Arlen Specter.

There's a lot of interesting stuff in the story. When Oswald was in New Orleans passing out the Fair Play for Cuba Committee flyers, before he did the radio interview and before he had the altercation with Carlos Bringuier, he had the flyers printed at a print shop. Both the print shop owner and his secretary quickly picked out the photo of the man who paid for the flyers. It was Kerry Thornley. (Google Church of the SubGenius). Thornley claims he never even talked to Oswald during that time, and he was put up to the purchase by two mysterious spook types, one of which he identified as E Howard Hunt, the Watergate burglar. On the other hand, Thornley and Oswald were seen speaking to each other during this time, by multiple eye witnesses, which is why Garrison tried to indict him for perjury. It seems not so much a question of who's telling the truth, but rather "how much" of the truth they're telling. Thornley was from Whittier CA, Nixon's home district.

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