Alabama SOS finds 3000 questionable voter registrations

Haha, poor Dell. Folds like a cheap suit the moment his cult fantasies get destroyed.
Your link doesn't exist. But other links I found said this:

"The list provided to the Alabama Secretary of State’s office by the Department of Homeland Security includes people who may have become naturalized U.S. citizens and as such are legally eligible to vote. Allen said naturalized citizens will have the opportunity to update their information."

At this point, there is no evidence that ANYONE has been voting illegally in Alabama. But once again, red states remove names from the voting register RIGHT before an election. Why wasn't this done 2 years ago, after the 2022 elections?
What part of 'MAY have become' do you not comprehend?
They fight it because it will be found many registered voters are not qualified to vote. What other reason could there be?
Because these lists are always flawed, and eligible voters get disenfranchised.

As anyone who has bothered to read a single thing on any of this should know.
Some non-citizensvoted in most States for certain. But that matters not. It is the use of Ballots in their name to load the box that is the problem. Most don’t know they voted or not? They may not understand they gort registered, but they understood the EBT VISA card they got at incoming. Get off the boards You rough-tounged old cow. You suck more from the phony middle than the dirtiest Leftist criminal on this site.

Nothing is "for certain" unless you have evidence it happened.

The rest of your post is just parroting right wing bullshit, none of which they have any evidence of whatsoever.
They fight it because it will be found many registered voters are not qualified to vote. What other reason could there be?

They fight it because these Republicans remove names from voter rolls without due process. They strike the names from the rolls without completing any investigations or notifications. There is a process, which starts with them writing to people and giving them the opportunity to correct the record BEFORE striking their names.

You don't start by striking their names off the list, right before the election. But this is what Republicans do right before every single election. They wait until a few weeks before the election and then strike thousands of voters off the list.

And then they whine like babies that Democrats don't care about election security when objections are raised. And every election cycle the lefts says this is neither the time nor the manner in which to do this.
Your link doesn't exist.

At this point, there is no evidence that ANYONE has been voting illegally in Alabama.

No one said there was.

But once again, red states remove names from the voting register RIGHT before an election.

And you don't know why do you?

You are that stupid.

It's due to Billy Boy Clinton's Motor Voter law which requires states to do this 90 days before a federal election as described in the law.
You don't start by striking their names off the list, right before the election. But this is what Republicans do right before every single election. They wait until a few weeks before the election and then strike thousands of voters off the list.
That's not what the law states. They are notified and given a time frame to respond and if they don't respond, then their name is removed.

You really are that stupid, aren't you.
Not sure about Alabama, but over in Georgia....................... :eek-52:

Voting in Georgia was cheated last election, IMHO.
Why people would sell out their country and fellow countrymen for a few dollars like Judas sold Jesus is turrible, IMO.
That's not what the law states. They are notified and given a time frame to respond and if they don't respond, then their name is removed.

You really are that stupid, aren't you.

Yes I know that's what they're SUPPOSED to do, but you clearly didn't not read any of the links about what they ARE DOING.

They are putting ALL of the people who's numbers are on the non-citizens list, on "inactive" and telling them they will only be reinstated them up correction of their records. They're not sending them a notice and asking them to respond. They're suspending their voting rights as their first step.
Yes I know that's what they're SUPPOSED to do, but you clearly didn't not read any of the links about what they ARE DOING.

They are putting ALL of the people who's numbers are on the non-citizens list, on "inactive" and telling them they will only be reinstated them up correction of their records. They're not sending them a notice and asking them to respond. They're suspending their voting rights as their first step.
Bull shit. Put up or shut up.
They’ve already found they issue voter registration in the Illegals freaking welcome packet! Think the blue-haired nipple-peireced commee lasbo NGO worker ain’t batch registering as many as it can?

Illegals themselves siad they got registered and in more than one State! To get the free EBT card.

No one can even focus on Electronic fraud or last minute stacks of no envelopes, no folded mail in ballots. Or re-running the same stack on other tabulators!! You swine have killed the country. Niw as corrupt as Cuba, NK ir Venezuela! Fork off you dirty pig-faced commee scum!
Bull shit. Put up or shut up.


They are putting ALL of the people who's numbers are on the non-citizens list, on "inactive" and telling them they will only be reinstated them up correction of their records. They're not sending them a notice and asking them to respond. They're suspending their voting rights as their first step.
Bullshit. They are notified they have been made inactive and to make it active again, they need to respond. All in due time to clear it up and IAW the law.

Here's your article:

Secretary of State Wes Allen announced on Tuesday that 3,251 people will receive letters notifying them that their voter registration status has been made inactive. Allen’s office cross-referenced a list of noncitizen identification numbers provided by the Department of Homeland Security with local voter registration data in order to identify them, he said in a written statement. Alabama has over 3 million registered voters, according to the secretary of state’s office.
The 3,251 voters will be required to fill out a form with their local county registrar’s office and provide proof of citizenship in order to vote in November.

The list provided to the Alabama Secretary of State’s office by the Department of Homeland Security includes people who may have become naturalized U.S. citizens and as such are legally eligible to vote. Allen said naturalized citizens will have the opportunity to update their information.

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