You are unemployed and want a new job, under a Democratic president you have a better chance of getting one!


Nothing whatsoever

Bad loans where it belongs. And your repeating the same word salad without other evidence is someone posting the same thing over and over again hoping for a different outcome without the change of the existing facts.

Were there other loans at risk? Nope. The evidence you requested
JC, you're deflecting from the critical role that the repeal of Glass-Steagall played in amplifying the risks that led to the 2008 financial crisis. Pointing to HUD’s actions in 1993 doesn’t negate the fact that the repeal allowed banks to merge commercial and investment activities, which exponentially increased the scale of risky financial practices.

Your focus on bad loans oversimplifies the issue. The aggressive behaviors of banks, driven by the new opportunities that deregulation provided, were central to the crisis. Without Glass-Steagall’s repeal, these banks wouldn't have been able to engage in the reckless behaviors that bundled and spread toxic assets across the global financial system.

The financial collapse was not just about the existence of bad loans; it was about how these loans were packaged, rated as safe, and sold worldwide, magnifying the risk. You haven't provided any evidence to show that the crisis would have been as catastrophic without the banks exploiting the post-repeal environment. Repeating the same claims without addressing the broader context won't change the reality of what happened.
Money rules our government. Politicians may originally go to Washington full of ideals and good intentions, but they soon discover that without getting in line with the status quo, the powers that be, their political careers are nullified, rendered null and void. Both the Republicans and Democrats are in the pockets of corporations. Our government is a plutocratic oligarchy, led by vested interests, rather than the public good.
This seems rational, but we can still get to the root of which party has been the weaker in the fall. That's where you want to draw your line because you are going to vote Democrat..
You're the bootlicking retard, not me. You should accept socialism ASAP, because advanced automation and artificial intelligence, make it inevitable. You're living during the last years of capitalism. It's going the way of the dodo.
Nope you were proven wrong on all of that long ago

AI and automation will elevate capitalism and drive the final stake in the heart of marxist garbage
Nope you were proven wrong on all of that long ago

AI and automation will elevate capitalism and drive the final stake in the heart of marxist garbage
Your statement shows how hard you're trying to cope with the truth of what I said. As stupid as you are, you're smart enough to know that advanced automation and AI are unique in the sense that they don't need human operators to function, as machinery did in the past. The level of technology that we have today fully automates many if not all of the processes of production, once requiring human wage labor. That isn't the case anymore, and although you a retired, trailer-park geriatric redneck, may deny it, all of the experts, including the billionaires themselves, agree with me, that the only way that capitalism can survive is with massive government intervention (essentially, socialism) in the form of a Universal Income:

Notice in the above video, where Musk is freaking out about advanced automation, how he ends by saying "We need government regulation" other words, without a massive government intervention, capitalism is up the creek without a paddle, due to advanced automation and artificial intelligence.

Advanced 21st century automation and AGI i.e. Artificial General Intelligence, is going to replace wage labor. Everyone in the know, knows this, except the online debate forum, Cold War brainwashed, geriatric trailer-park rednecks, who argue that capitalism will be just fine with full automation.


Your statement shows how hard you're trying to cope with the truth of what I said. As stupid as you are, you're smart enough to know that advanced automation and AI are unique in the sense that they don't need human operators to function, as machinery did in the past. The level of technology that we have today fully automates many if not all of the processes of production, once requiring human wage labor. That isn't the case anymore, and although you a retired, trailer-park geriatric redneck, may deny it, all of the experts, including the billionaires themselves, agree with me, that the only way that capitalism can survive is with massive government intervention (essentially, socialism) in the form of a Universal Income:

Notice in the above video, where Musk is freaking out about advanced automation, how he ends by saying "We need government regulation" other words, without a massive government intervention, capitalism is up the creek without a paddle, due to advanced automation and artificial intelligence.

Advanced 21st century automation and AGI i.e. Artificial General Intelligence, is going to replace wage labor. Everyone in the know, knows this, except the online debate forum, Cold War brainwashed, geriatric trailer-park rednecks, who argue that capitalism will be just fine with full automation.


You are a marxist which by definition makes you more stupid than anyone here

Opinions like those you posted videos abougt mean NOTHING. AI and advabced automation will destroy the last vestuges of communism and are incompatable with any marxist ideas

You are a marxist which by definition makes you more stupid than anyone here

Opinions like those you posted videos abougt mean NOTHING. AI and advabced automation will destroy the last vestuges of communism and are incompatable with any marxist ideas

Just ask the Google AI, it'll tell you. :p
JC, you're deflecting from the critical role that the repeal of Glass-Steagall played in amplifying the risks that led to the 2008 financial crisis. Pointing to HUD’s actions in 1993 doesn’t negate the fact that the repeal allowed banks to merge commercial and investment activities, which exponentially increased the scale of risky financial practices.

Your focus on bad loans oversimplifies the issue. The aggressive behaviors of banks, driven by the new opportunities that deregulation provided, were central to the crisis. Without Glass-Steagall’s repeal, these banks wouldn't have been able to engage in the reckless behaviors that bundled and spread toxic assets across the global financial system.

The financial collapse was not just about the existence of bad loans; it was about how these loans were packaged, rated as safe, and sold worldwide, magnifying the risk. You haven't provided any evidence to show that the crisis would have been as catastrophic without the banks exploiting the post-repeal environment. Repeating the same claims without addressing the broader context won't change the reality of what happened.
Idiot, you’re deflected in the head word salading again

You are a marxist which by definition makes you more stupid than anyone here

Opinions like those you posted videos abougt mean NOTHING. AI and advabced automation will destroy the last vestuges of communism and are incompatable with any marxist ideas
I'm not a Marxist, but I'm nonetheless, a socialist. You unfortunately are so uninformed, that you think all socialists are automatically Marxists. Adolf Hitler was a National Socialist who declared war on Jewish Marxist Bolshevism. I'm a National Socialist, who is open to markets and a certain degree of capitalism, provided it's within the context of nationalism or service to the nation (the people) and their state (their government). How did Germany become the most successful, prosperous economy in the 1930s, while the rest of the Western world was in a deep depression? National Socialism. I'm an American Nationalist and Socialist.

I'm against open borders and all of the illegal immigration into this country. I'm anti-LGBTQA+++, anti-porn, I'm pro-God, pro-life, pro-gun rights, pro-White, pro-America and I'm also a national socialist and member of the NGP, the National Guardian Party. So stop calling me a Marxist, unless you enjoy deluding yourself, living in lalaland.

As national socialists, we are open and friendly towards markets, to the extent that they serve the nation. Once technology is advanced enough to replace wage labor/markets, the nation, for its own survival and success must evolve beyond markets, and adopt a marketless, non-profit system of production. Worker-owned and run cooperatives in collaboration with the state, mass produce everything, free of markets or profits. The alternative is feudalism (i.e. techno-feudalism). We prefer national socialism.
I'm not a Marxist, but I'm nonetheless, a socialist. You unfortunately are so uninformed, that you think all socialists are automatically Marxists. Adolf Hitler was a National Socialist who declared war on Jewish Marxist Bolshevism. I'm a National Socialist, who is open to markets and a certain degree of capitalism, provided it's within the context of nationalism or service to the nation (the people) and their state (their government). How did Germany become the most successful, prosperous economy in the 1930s, while the rest of the Western world was in a deep depression? National Socialism. I'm an American Nationalist and Socialist.

I'm against open borders and all of the illegal immigration into this country. I'm anti-LGBTQA+++, anti-porn, I'm pro-God, pro-life, pro-gun rights, pro-White, pro-America and I'm also a national socialist and member of the NGP, the National Guardian Party. So stop calling me a Marxist, unless you enjoy deluding yourself, living in lalaland.

As national socialists, we are open and friendly towards markets, to the extent that they serve the nation. Once technology is advanced enough to replace wage labor/markets, the nation, for its own survival and success must evolve beyond markets, and adopt a marketless, non-profit system of production. Worker-owned and run cooperatives in collaboration with the state, mass produce everything, free of markets or profits. The alternative is feudalism (i.e. techno-feudalism). We prefer national socialism.
you have admitted to being a communist call yourself what ever they arer interchangeble and all of them are the worst evil on earth
Clinton created tens of millions of jobs, Obama created millions of jobs, and so did Harris/Biden, ALL IN CHINA
boy are you full of bullshit ... just under Biden And Harris they creatd 13 million jobs ... then you hear you rightie loons say well those were the jobs that were lost because of covid-19 ... the number of jobs that were lost and the end of the trump administration was 2.5 million jobs were lost... so if you take in consideration of those 2.5 that came back that means 10.5 million jobs were started ... once again i find you rightie loons standing there with your Ah, Ah, Ah, in your mouths yammering about us commie liberals with nothing to say ... ... I've said many times republicans only know how to create debt by cutting taxes o the rich and the country starts losing jobs ...we turn it around by undoing everything the republicans have done ... they cause everything to go up in price then complain about the cost of everything when we try to clean up your messes ...

The number of people with jobs rebounded strongly during Biden’s time, surpassing pre-pandemic levels by almost 4.9 million.

Employment — The U.S. economy added 14,263,000 jobs between Biden’s inauguration and December, the latest month for which data are available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The December figure is 4,861,000 higher than the February 2020 peak of employment before COVID-19 forced massive shutdowns and layoffs.

Some categories are still lagging, however. There were 28,000 fewer public school teachers and other local government education workers in December than there were at the pre-pandemic peak, and 183,000 fewer hotel and restaurant workers and others in the accommodation and food services industries.

Unemployment — The unemployment rate fell from 6.4% at the time Biden took office to 3.4% in January 2023 and again in April, the lowest since June 1969. Since then, the rate has crept up — but only to 3.7% in December, just 0.2 point above the pre-pandemic rate.

Job Openings — The number of unfilled job openings soared, reaching a record of over 12 million in March 2022, but then declined after the Federal Reserve began a steep series of interest rate increases aimed at cooling the economy to bring down price inflation.

The number of unfilled jobs was just under 8.8 million as of the last business day of November, the most recent month on record. That’s still an increase of over 1.6 million openings — or nearly 23% — during Biden’s time.

In November, there was an average 1.4 jobs for every unemployed job seeker. When Biden took office, there were fewer job openings than unemployed job seekers.

The number of job openings in December is set to be released Jan. 30.

Labor Force Participation — One reason many job openings go unfilled is that millions of Americans left the workforce during the pandemic and haven’t returned. The labor force participation rate (the percentage of the total population over age 16 that is either employed or actively seeking work) has risen slowly during Biden’s time, from 61.3% in January 2021 to 62.5% in December.

That still leaves the rate somewhat short of the pre-pandemic level of 63.3% for February 2020.

The rate has been trending generally down for nearly a quarter of a century. It peaked at 67.3% during the first four months of 2000. Labor Department economists project that the rate will continue to slide down to 60.1% in 2031, “primarily because of an aging population.”

Manufacturing Jobs — During the presidential campaign, Biden promised he had a plan to create a million new manufacturing jobs — and whether it’s his doing or not, the number is getting close to that target.

As of December, the U.S. added 790,000 manufacturing jobs during Biden’s time, a 6.5% increase in the space of 35 months, according to the BLS. Furthermore, the December total is 201,000, or 1.6%, above the number of manufacturing jobs in February 2020, before the pandemic forced plant closures and layoffs.

During Trump’s four years, the economy lost 170,000 manufacturing jobs, or 1.4%, largely due to the pandemic.

is this those Chinese jobs you spoke of

JC456, it's ironic that you're lecturing me on understanding the term "root cause" when it's clear you’re only grasping part of the picture. Yes, bad loans were part of the problem, but to call them the sole "root cause" of the 2008 financial crisis is a fundamental misunderstanding of how complex systems work. The bad loans were indeed a trigger, but what turned that trigger into a full-blown crisis was the way those loans were bundled into mortgage-backed securities (MBS), given misleading ratings, and spread throughout the global financial system. It was the systemic risk created by these practices that led to the meltdown, not just the existence of bad loans themselves.

You dismiss the packaging and selling of these bad loans as meaningless, but that's where the real danger lay. Banks and financial institutions, driven by greed and enabled by deregulation like the repeal of Glass-Steagall, took these risky loans, bundled them, and sold them as safe investments. This spread the risk across the entire financial system and made the eventual collapse much more devastating. Without these practices, the impact of bad loans would have been much more contained. So, no, it’s not "hilarious" that I point this out—it’s a critical part of understanding what actually happened.

Your insistence that Todd was "spot fking on" doesn’t change the reality that he’s oversimplifying a complex situation. The crisis wasn’t just about bad loans; it was about how those loans were handled by a deregulated financial system that prioritized short-term profits over long-term stability. If you can’t grasp that, then maybe it’s you who needs to step back and get a real education on the subject. The worst economic disaster in modern history wasn’t caused by bad loans alone—it was caused by a system that allowed and encouraged those loans to be turned into financial weapons of mass destruction.
Subprime mortgages were the cause when Investment Banking made them Zero Down Stated Income loans for 580 FICO borrowers. The MBS bundling was how their risk was hidden, but they were the cause. The whole industry knew it was toxic, our HUD Secretary (under Clinton) Mario Cuomo was directed to increase homeownership, bad housing policies caused the rest.

Subprime mortgages in the early to mid 90’s were usually a 70%LTV at 3.5% to 4.5% above par, they had to have skin in the game.

In the mid 90’s they created FHA DPA to move millions of home buyers into homeownership, under that scenario they could buy a property that was within the FHA Loan Limit for as little as $150 total out of pocket. There were other loan products that had similar lower requirements of borrowers. USDA loans are still used today with Zero down seller incentives making it easier for borrowers.

So the story on the street was very simple, find a buyer and get them under contract! There were no boundaries at the time.

There were at most 4 million black slaves in America, not counting the quarter million Chinese.

Your propaganda is bullshit, Nazi boi.
Millions of people died as a result of capitalist colonialism and chattel slavery. Millions have died as a result of profit-producing capitalists, starting wars to increase their businesses. Millions have fallen victim to the capitalist drive for profits, at all costs, but you're a disingenuous piece of shit, who will never admit to the crimes of capitalism. Your mountain of dead stinking corpses is much worse than mine.
Millions of people died as a result of capitalist colonialism and chattel slavery. Millions have died as a result of profit-producing capitalists, starting wars to increase their businesses. Millions have fallen victim to the capitalist drive for profits, at all costs, but you're a disingenuous piece of shit, who will never admit to the crimes of capitalism. Your mountain of dead stinking corpses is much worse than mine.
We've already established you're a liar.

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