Joe Biden did such a great job for America, the Democrat Party kicked him out of the presidential race. I kid you not.

Actually it is not easier to campaign while doing the job as POTUS.

If you were not as sharp as a bowling ball you would understand this

Is Sleepy Joe actually "doing" the job as President?

B. Hussein O thought not, and threatened to have Biden disposed of using Amendment 25 for senility, in order to get his signature on the withdrawal.

The only good thing about Biden still being in office, is that Joe has made a sacred vow to the American people not to pardon Hunter. So it looks like the younger Biden should be given butt lube for his future endeavors in the joint.
B. Hussein O thought not, and threatened to have Biden disposed of using Amendment 25 for senility, in order to get his signature on the withdrawal.

I look forward to you proving this took place.

But I will not hold my breath waiting
With pleasure. BTW, neither Sleepy Joe, nor his caretaker Dr. Jill, have refuted this.

So, in your world Seymour Hersch saying something is proof it happened?

Shame he offers no actual evidence this took place.

Even your link admits as much....If Hersch is right,....
So, in your world Seymour Hersch saying something is proof it happened?

Shame he offers no actual evidence this took place.

Even your link admits as much....If Hersch is right,....

like I've said, I'm all ears.

But to date, no one on the left, not Biden, Obama, or anyone else, has presented one scintilla of proof that it didn't happen.

The Fact that Sleepy Joe is senile is obvious to everyone.
like I've said, I'm all ears.

But to date, no one on the left, not Biden, Obama, or anyone else, has presented one scintilla of proof that it didn't happen.

The Fact that Sleepy Joe is senile is obvious to everyone.

It is impossible to provide evidence for something that does not exist or did not happen.
Actually it is not easier to campaign while doing the job as POTUS.

If you were not as sharp as a bowling ball you would understand this
We all saw the debate. I’m In It To Win It *Joe is basically retarded. He can’t handle a debate let alone making decisions that affect Americans and people around the worlds lives.
If Biden isn't fit to run for office, how is he fit to serve?

He knew how "old and tired" he was going to be in 2024 many years ago.

But he still ran in the primaries and got the support of the Democrat primary voters.

Joe Biden is old and fragile. His stamina is gone. There's no sign of dementia.

Biden is a hero ...a patriot to put the country before his ego.
We all saw the debate. I’m In It To Win It *Joe is basically retarded. He can’t handle a debate let alone making decisions that affect Americans and people around the worlds lives.

Lol. Well, Trump is sticking to his message.

Joe Biden is old and fragile. His stamina is gone. There's no sign of dementia.

Biden is a hero ...a patriot to put the country before his ego.

Biden was "old and fragile" long before he announced for the Presidency last year. Waiting until its too late for the Democrat Primary voters to choose their own candidate and just imposing Kamala on them is about as undemocratic as it comes.

BTW, he only left the race because B. Hussein O threatened to have him disposed of through Amendment 25

Not a hero, Sleepy Joe is just a victim.
Biden was "old and fragile" long before he announced for the Presidency last year. Waiting until its too late for the Democrat Primary voters to choose their own candidate and just imposing Kamala on them is about as undemocratic as it comes.

BTW, he only left the race because B. Hussein O threatened to have him disposed of through Amendment 25

Not a hero, Sleepy Joe is just a victim.

You're full of hate like Trump. He's negative about everyone and everything.. He thinks everyone is like him .
The DNC needs to be investigated...
Not by repugnants. They are way too incompetent. They couldn’t lock up Hillary after investigating her “ forever”. It seems only repugnants can get convicted of anything.
Joe Biden is old and fragile. His stamina is gone. There's no sign of dementia.

Biden is a hero ...a patriot to put the country before his ego.
Joe has a habit of making the right decision. This one resulted in Trump losing the election. Let’s see, Trump lost to a dithering old man, now he’s about to loose to a biracial woman who could not win a primary on her own. Democrats are just demonstrating how easy Trump is to beat… millions. I smell another landslide.
Indeed they are.

Its a lot easier to run a campaign and have your name put on the ballot than it is to actually serve as President.

If you aren't sharp enough to do the former, the latter is out of the question.

Being President is a full time job requiring enormous energy and stamina. Trump could not do it. Biden has done it and done it well.

But beng Prrsident, and running for President at the same time is more than Joe can do at his age. Especially given that Biden’s Presidency has had to clean up Trump’s Covid mess, crashed economy, racial unrest, the mess at the Southern Border, and wars in Europe and the ME and Afghanistan,

Trump can’t even run a campaign well, much less the nation. His campaign is in chaos. He’s blown all of the money on his court cases, bankrupted the Republican Party and now he’s having a nervous breakdown because of the size of Harris’ crowds.

Cities won’t rent auditoriums to him for rallies because he stiffed them for the costs of his rallies in 2016 and 2020.

But you’re still going to vote for him. Not a cult at all.
But beng Prrsident, and running for President at the same time is more than Joe can do at his age. Especially given that Biden’s Presidency has had to clean up Trump’s Covid mess, crashed economy, racial unrest, the mess at the Southern Border, and wars in Europe and the ME and Afghanistan,

Sleepy Joe knew what the job was, and knew what age he was going to be in 2024 long before last month.

But he still ran anyways and won the primary anyhow. This took the vote for the nominee out of the hands of Democrat Party voters who voted for him under false pretenses, and stole an opportunity for all of the Democrat candidates who might have wanted to run in 2024, if they had known that Biden wasn't running.

Sounds pretty fucking undemocratic, no? Unfair to both the Democrat faithful and his fellow politicians in the party.

As far as Trump ability, his response to the bullet the SEIU member clipped him with in Butler, shows just how sharp he is. The D's know it too, that's why they have launched so many Fake trials and cases at him
Sleepy Joe knew what the job was, and knew what age he was going to be in 2024 long before last month.

But he still ran anyways and won the primary anyhow. This took the vote for the nominee out of the hands of Democrat Party voters who voted for him under false pretenses, and stole an opportunity for all of the Democrat candidates who might have wanted to run in 2024, if they had known that Biden wasn't running.

Sounds pretty fucking undemocratic, no? Unfair to both the Democrat faithful and his fellow politicians in the party.

As far as Trump ability, his response to the bullet the SEIU member clipped him with in Butler, shows just how sharp he is. The D's know it too, that's why they have launched so many Fake trials and cases at him
So, you’ll be singing a different tune when Trump drops out. and the gop nominates someone different. Hilarious. Either side can do whatever they want in determining their candidates.
So, you’ll be singing a different tune when Trump drops out. and the gop nominates someone different. Hilarious. Either side can do whatever they want in determining their candidates.


If President Trump were to drop out at this late date, the election would be lost for the Republicans. No other candidate would be able to raise the money needed at this late date, much less win the support of most of the Little Trumpsters needed to win. Although those things are connected. People wouldn't contribute to a campaign destined to fail.

Of course, the D's are authoritarian, so the party bosses can take the vote out of the hands of their rank and file and still have their support for any half assed nominee.
By Brooks Jackson, Eugene Kiely, D’Angelo Gore, Lori Robertson and Robert Farley

President Joe Biden isn’t running for reelection, but his record will still be on the ballot in the fall. Here’s a look at how the U.S. has performed under the Democratic president:

  • The economy added 15.7 million jobs. The number is now 6.3 million higher than before the pandemic.
  • The unemployment rate dropped back and has stayed lower, longer than at any time during the previous administration.
  • Inflation surged to its highest level in over 40 years. Despite recent moderation, consumer prices are up more than 19 percent overall. Gasoline is up 46 percent.
  • Average weekly earnings haven’t kept pace with prices. After adjusting for inflation, “real” weekly earnings dropped 2.3 percent.
  • The U.S. economy has continued to expand under Biden, growing at 2.8 percent in the second quarter estimate released July 25 — double the rate of growth in the first quarter.
  • Violent crime has gone down. Figures from large cities show a 9.1 percent drop in murders from 2020 to 2023, and data from more than 200 cities show a continuing decline so far this year.
  • Fewer people lack health insurance. The uninsured went down by 2.1 percentage points or 6.6 million people.
  • Crude oil production increased. The daily average for the most recent 12 months is 15.3 percent higher than the average in 2020, and it’s higher than the pre-pandemic average.
  • Apprehensions of those trying to cross the southern border illegally are up 273 percent for the 12 months ending in June, even as the monthly figure for June dropped significantly.
  • The average number of refugees admitted per month is 117 percent higher than the average under his predecessor.
  • Corporate profits are up 36 percent.
  • The international trade deficit for goods and services went up 22.3 percent.
  • The number of people receiving food stamps has decreased by more than half a million.
  • The debt held by the public has grown by 28.5 percent
  • The S&P 500 has increased 42.9 percent.

How can any Presidential nominee do such a great job for the country, yet get kicked out of the presidential race with still 3 months till the election? Because everything in that post is a lie, and the US citizens know it, which was why president Joe Biden had no chance at beating the 45th President, that left him a closed border, low inflation, a recovery from a Chinese pandemic created by Anthony Fauxci, and peace in the middle east. That is why Kamala Harris was installed by the Democrat Party(without one vote for her in the Democratic way) to be the Democrats only hope. The left is grasping at straws now, in trying to rewrite history about Joe.

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So, you’ll be singing a different tune when Trump drops out. and the gop nominates someone different. Hilarious. Either side can do whatever they want in determining their candidates.
/---/ "When Trump drops out."
Is that your delusion of the week?

Joe Biden did such a great job for America, the Democrat Party kicked him out of the presidential race. I kid you not.​

Yous guys can't spell, must have went to school in a red state
By Brooks Jackson, Eugene Kiely, D’Angelo Gore, Lori Robertson and Robert Farley

President Joe Biden isn’t running for reelection, but his record will still be on the ballot in the fall. Here’s a look at how the U.S. has performed under the Democratic president:

  • The economy added 15.7 million jobs. The number is now 6.3 million higher than before the pandemic.
  • The unemployment rate dropped back and has stayed lower, longer than at any time during the previous administration.
  • Inflation surged to its highest level in over 40 years. Despite recent moderation, consumer prices are up more than 19 percent overall. Gasoline is up 46 percent.
  • Average weekly earnings haven’t kept pace with prices. After adjusting for inflation, “real” weekly earnings dropped 2.3 percent.
  • The U.S. economy has continued to expand under Biden, growing at 2.8 percent in the second quarter estimate released July 25 — double the rate of growth in the first quarter.
  • Violent crime has gone down. Figures from large cities show a 9.1 percent drop in murders from 2020 to 2023, and data from more than 200 cities show a continuing decline so far this year.
  • Fewer people lack health insurance. The uninsured went down by 2.1 percentage points or 6.6 million people.
  • Crude oil production increased. The daily average for the most recent 12 months is 15.3 percent higher than the average in 2020, and it’s higher than the pre-pandemic average.
  • Apprehensions of those trying to cross the southern border illegally are up 273 percent for the 12 months ending in June, even as the monthly figure for June dropped significantly.
  • The average number of refugees admitted per month is 117 percent higher than the average under his predecessor.
  • Corporate profits are up 36 percent.
  • The international trade deficit for goods and services went up 22.3 percent.
  • The number of people receiving food stamps has decreased by more than half a million.
  • The debt held by the public has grown by 28.5 percent
  • The S&P 500 has increased 42.9 percent.

How can any Presidential nominee do such a great job for the country, yet get kicked out of the presidential race with still 3 months till the election? Because everything in that post is a lie, and the US citizens know it, which was why president Joe Biden had no chance at beating the 45th President, that left him a closed border, low inflation, a recovery from a Chinese pandemic created by Anthony Fauxci, and peace in the middle east. That is why Kamala Harris was installed by the Democrat Party(without one vote for her in the Democratic way) to be the Democrats only hope. The left is grasping at straws now, in trying to rewrite history about Joe.

Perhaps simple logic escapes you. There are these things called “skill sets”. Governing is one. Campaigning is another. Debating is yet a third.

The three are related. So is batting, fielding, and pitching. You wouldn’t expect a an all star pitcher to lead the league in home runs or a quarter back to lead the league in tackles.

God you’re stupid.
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