Why do republicans need to be constantly reminded that the party they vote does absolutely nothing for them? 2025 on would be no different

I don't care what plumbing Michele has. I'm not fascinated by other people's genitals like leftists are. Nor do I care about yours.

And I bet you thought you scored a devastating point, too. Oh, well.

You're the one who said you wouldn't vote for a Democrat because they can't tell a man from a woman, and now you claim you're not fascinated with other people's genitals. As soon as you got called out on it, you tried to run away from the topic.

The only people on this board talking about other people's genitals are you Trump Cultists. The leftists here aren't talking about blow jobs, horse semen???? and pedophilia in all of the threads.

You'd lose that bet completely.
The only PERMANENT tax cuts the GOP pass are for corporations and top earners in Trump’s class. The tax cut anyone else got in 2017 was due to expire in 2025.

Doesn’t that bother republicans?

Now I know you’re absolutely obsessed with the border, but let’s break this down. Let’s pretend we did magically seal the border. We won’t but let’s say we do….then what? What happens next? What is the country supposed to become some utopian paradise? Do you think businesses nationwide are just going to be like “well, no more illegals. I guess I’ll start paying my workers more for some reason.”

Why would that happen exactly? It wouldn’t primarily because the jobs that illegals have are part of their own under the table market. They don’t take legitimate jobs. They are not part of the employment rate. You did notice that a birth certificate and SS card are required for legitimate employment right? Tell me you noticed that.

So where does this leave us? Well it leaves us with nothing substantial. When it comes to the middle class and poor, republicans, and especially Trump are absolutely useless.

Does this mean you need to vote democrat instead? No. I don’t give a shit. Just quit embarrassing yourselves voting for a party that doesn’t give a flying fuck about you. Vote third and party or not at all.
Look at the facts:

The Democratic Party elite hate working folk.
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No they didn't. But thanks for lying yet again.

This is why you cannot be taken seriously.
The women’s gold medal match in the Olympics was two men. All because the Olympic committee is suddenly unable to scientifically decide what a man or woman is. Millions of years of science and biology are suddenly in the last ten years unable to define the most basic biological definitions.

Human evolution and existence is suddenly upended in the last decade because we can no longer figure out male and female. Science has advanced to the point of retarded. Good job left wingers.
Look at the facts:

lol do you people even know what a child tax credit even is?
You're the one who said you wouldn't vote for a Democrat because they can't tell a man from a woman, and now you claim you're not fascinated with other people's genitals. As soon as you got called out on it, you tried to run away from the topic.

The only people on this board talking about other people's genitals are you Trump Cultists. The leftists here aren't talking about blow jobs, horse semen???? and pedophilia in all of the threads.

You'd lose that bet completely.
You are the ones pushing this crap in schools. Drag Queens Reading to kids.

Allowing sex change to young children.

Fake Women in Sports.

Then you have the nerve to say we are the priblem when your party is pushing a FREAK SHOW

Screw you.



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