Why is trump hiding the medical reports?

If you think that humans can destroy the planet by living our lives. You're an embarrassment to the human race.

You are correct

There is nothing humans can do to ever harm the planet.
Our planet is one, tough, son of a bitch piece of rock

It will survive anything we do to it…….Humans may not be so lucky
The attempt to assassinate trump was a horrendous event, and we certainly deserve to know what mistakes were made that allowed it to happen. However, there are other aspects of the event that are obviously known but are not being released to the public. How bad was the injury to his ear? How many stitches did it take to close the wound? A high-powered rifle would have easily taken the ear off. Is that big bandage just a prop for sympathy? Is it bad enough to require plastic surgery, or is it just a scratch and will heal without more extreme medical attention? We have a right to know the answers to these questions. Why is trump hiding that information? It's been reported that his injury wasn't from a bullet after all. Some are saying a shard of flying glass from the teleprompter nicked his ear. That certainly looks like a reasonable assumption, especially since he is hiding the answers to all the other questions.
It's cuz he has a new srain of fire aids that will engulf the world. And dissolve hymens at birth of all females. This is best kept quiet...

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