Why do republicans need to be constantly reminded that the party they vote does absolutely nothing for them? 2025 on would be no different

I’m not going to pretend that democrats are just as bad as republicans simply because that SOUNDS more fair and realistic to you. It’s a false equivalency and always will be. But again, that doesn’t mean I don’t think the democrats have fundamental flaws because obviously they do.
You just proved my point and you don't even realize it. It's the standard blind partisan response of the extremes on both sides
I mean if you are in the top 1% of earners I guess more power to you yet I remain skeptical none the less.

HOW do illegals affect the legitimate job market? If you can’t explain that, you’re wasting your time.

Sure they bring more crime, but their actual crime rate among them is not disproportionately higher so it’s not a great point especially considering the overall crime rate has fallen.
100% of illegal aliens have broken the law. The REAL law, not the ones Democrats use.
You just proved my point and you don't even realize it. It's the standard blind partisan response of the extremes on both sides
How did I prove your point?! I’m just supposed to agree they are just as bad as each other simply because you say so? Had I pretended democrats were flawless maybe your point would be proved but I didn’t say that.
Well even if all that was true, it doesn’t really matter because the law was still effectively useless for the poor and middle class either way.

You know even if illegal immigration was less severe under Trump, it still happened like clockwork either way. And if we sealed the border, it still wouldn’t do much for the overall economy at large.
And if we sealed the border, it still wouldn’t do much for the overall economy at large.
why don't we do it, and find out?
HOW do they lower wages and reduce benefits?

Do you actually have an idea what the effect on police spending is? Here’s the flip side to having millions of undocumented immigrants here: they are integrated into the economy as consumer spending. If they were all deported tomorrow, consumer spending would nose dive.
I expect the future victims of their rapes and murders would be a lot happier. Democrats seem to be okay with Americans being victimized by illegals.
HOW do they lower wages and reduce benefits?

Do you actually have an idea what the effect on police spending is? Here’s the flip side to having millions of undocumented immigrants here: they are integrated into the economy as consumer spending. If they were all deported tomorrow, consumer spending would nose dive.
They lower wages due to limited skills. That’s why it hurts low income citizens the most. First if they don’t speak English that’s $3 an hour off their rate, if the can’t read or write English another two, I’m not even going to offer health care. Minimal if any vacation time. No extra pay for overtime.

Consumer spending is not a valid reason to let them come flooding in. They can’t buy enough to offset their costs to a community.
They lower wages due to limited skills. That’s why it hurts low income citizens the most. First if they don’t speak English that’s $3 an hour off their rate, if the can’t read or write English another two, I’m not even going to offer health care. Minimal if any vacation time. No extra pay for overtime.

Consumer spending is not a valid reason to let them come flooding in. They can’t buy enough to offset their costs to a community.
This point will never make any goddamn sense if they don’t actually take up legitimate jobs. You can pretend they do all you want but it’s stupid.

I didn’t say it’s justification to letting them in. I’m just explaining that like it or not, there would be economic consequences if we deported them all. Just how much government spending do you think that would require as well?
The only PERMANENT tax cuts the GOP pass are for corporations and top earners in Trump’s class. The tax cut anyone else got in 2017 was due to expire in 2025.

Doesn’t that bother republicans?

Now I know you’re absolutely obsessed with the border, but let’s break this down. Let’s pretend we did magically seal the border. We won’t but let’s say we do….then what? What happens next? What is the country supposed to become some utopian paradise? Do you think businesses nationwide are just going to be like “well, no more illegals. I guess I’ll start paying my workers more for some reason.”

Why would that happen exactly? It wouldn’t primarily because the jobs that illegals have are part of their own under the table market. They don’t take legitimate jobs. They are not part of the employment rate. You did notice that a birth certificate and SS card are required for legitimate employment right? Tell me you noticed that.

So where does this leave us? Well it leaves us with nothing substantial. When it comes to the middle class and poor, republicans, and especially Trump are absolutely useless.

Does this mean you need to vote democrat instead? No. I don’t give a shit. Just quit embarrassing yourselves voting for a party that doesn’t give a flying fuck about you. Vote third and party or not at all.

It really is both parties, neither does anything good for America.

That was not the case in the 1990s. In the 1990s the GOP was GREAT and so was America because the 1990s GOP kept government small, contained, and accountable. The "Pro Israel" Zionist Fascist lot of W did just the opposite, and the GOP has yet to recover... and America is on the edge of a cliff as a result.
How did I prove your point?! I’m just supposed to agree they are just as bad as each other simply because you say so? Had I pretended democrats were flawless maybe your point would be proved but I didn’t say that.
You proved it with the standard partisan response of yeah my side has issues BUT the other side is worse which is what I had just posted blind partisans do. You will support any Democrat just like the blind partisans on the right will support any Republican no difference between the two. There is some legit differences between the middle of the road Republicans and Democrats but none between the extremes and as much as you like to pretend otherwise you are closer to the extreme than the middle.
This point will never make any goddamn sense if they don’t actually take up legitimate jobs. You can pretend they do all you want but it’s stupid.

I didn’t say it’s justification to letting them in. I’m just explaining that like it or not, there would be economic consequences if we deported them all. Just how much government spending do you think that would require as well?
Before we continue tell me what isn’t a legitimate job.
Oh Christ stop pretending you care about such victims lol. If you did, you would be whining about every type of people who do this. You just use them as an excuse to whine about illegal immigrants. Even if they didn’t commit any crimes, your racist ass would still be whining about their mere existence
This point will never make any goddamn sense if they don’t actually take up legitimate jobs. You can pretend they do all you want but it’s stupid.

I didn’t say it’s justification to letting them in. I’m just explaining that like it or not, there would be economic consequences if we deported them all. Just how much government spending do you think that would require as well?
If we immediately cut off benefits to illegals, and tell them, "Hey, the gravy train stops here. No more cash -- but we'll fly you home for free."

It'll pay for itself.
Before we continue tell me what isn’t a legitimate job.
Umm jobs illegals take? The ones not sanctioned by the US government? You know what’s interesting to me is how you people never complain about the citizens who actually give them jobs. What’s that about?
Oh Christ stop pretending you care about such victims lol. If you did, you would be whining about every type of people who do this. You just use them as an excuse to whine about illegal immigrants. Even if they didn’t commit any crimes, your racist ass would still be whining about their mere existence
No, boy. You don't get to decide what I care about. You've made it quite plain that you're okay with illegals killing and raping Americans.

You are not the good guy here.
If we immediately cut off benefits to illegals, and tell them, "Hey, the gravy train stops here. No more cash -- but we'll fly you home for free."

It'll pay for itself.
The only federal benefits illegals get is section 8 and their kids in public schools. Both of those policies are meant to help the kids who were only following their parents over the border

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