Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?

As a lifelong practicing Christian my faith prohibits me from voting in November.
I am a born again Christian. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at age 37. I am now 80 years old. America was founded on Judeo-Christian values. It is the freest nation ever to exist in history. I want my children and grand children to be able to live in freedom like I have for 80 years. I am sorry that you have chosen not to engage in the political process. We need to hold the politicians feet to the fire. No country is perfect. When it comes to governing a nation, we cannot let the perfect be the enemy of the good. I pay attention to what politicians say and do. Since most elections are between 2 candidates, I choose the candidate who comes closest to Christian values. Donald Trump is no angel but he will be a much better president than Kamala Harris which is why I am voting for him.

Yes! Religion is involved in elections. Everyone has some form of religious values. A candidate's religion defines who he or she is. Yes, athiesm is a no god religion.
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The War on Poverty After 50 Years

Looks like poverty won the war on poverty.

Of course, winning the war was never Johnson's goal.
What truly defeats poverty is not a patchwork of inadequate government programs but a comprehensive strategy that empowers the working class, the backbone of our economy. The U.S. government should ensure that workers have robust labor rights, the ability to unionize, and access to essential services like affordable housing, education, and healthcare.

Nixon's war on drugs, explicitly designed to target minorities and political dissidents, has only deepened poverty by criminalizing millions, stripping them of future opportunities, and perpetuating systemic inequality (see Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow for details).

This policy has only fueled a cycle of poverty, creating a generation of disenfranchised individuals with little hope for upward mobility.

We need policies that prioritize rehabilitation and reintegration rather than punishment. For a deeper understanding of how the war on drugs targeted specific communities, see the ACLU’s report on "The War on Marijuana in Black and White" (ACLU, 2013).

Reference links:

We have no such obligation.
Yes you do, as a member of society, you are your brother's keeper. You can deny it, but society will remind you of that fact, including the universe it self. The higher-powers that be, will make sure you pay the piper, whether you like it or not. When we ignore social ills and allow them to fester and grow, we're all negatively affected by that, hence we should address such problems, early and eliminate them. People with your sociopathic, indifferent mentality, are still paying taxes and for every person who lacks a conscience and soul like you, there are ten people who don't.
What truly defeats poverty is not a patchwork of inadequate government programs but a comprehensive strategy that empowers the working class, the backbone of our economy. The U.S. government should ensure that workers have robust labor rights, the ability to unionize, and access to essential services like affordable housing, education, and healthcare.

Nixon's war on drugs, explicitly designed to target minorities and political dissidents, has only deepened poverty by criminalizing millions, stripping them of future opportunities, and perpetuating systemic inequality (see Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow for details).

This policy has only fueled a cycle of poverty, creating a generation of disenfranchised individuals with little hope for upward mobility.

We need policies that prioritize rehabilitation and reintegration rather than punishment. For a deeper understanding of how the war on drugs targeted specific communities, see the ACLU’s report on "The War on Marijuana in Black and White" (ACLU, 2013).

Reference links:

"No government program has worked before! Therefore, we need another government program!"

What's the definition of insanity...?
Yes you do, as a member of society, you are your brother's keeper. You can deny it, but society will remind you of that fact, including the universe it self. The higher-powers that be, will make sure you pay the piper, whether you like it or not. When we ignore social ills and allow them to fester and grow, we're all negatively affected by that, hence we should address such problems, early and eliminate them. People with your sociopathic, indifferent mentality, are still paying taxes and for every person who lacks a conscience and soul like you, there are ten people who don't.
So what are you doing to help? NOTE: Voting for government to take money away from people you don't like and giving it to others may feel generous to you, but it isn't.
Can you show us where God says we have to give money to the government and let them do the feeding and housing?
We are to use our own resources to help the poor like conservatives do. Volunteering other people's money is NOT charitable giving.
Official Catholic Church teaching should be consulted on every single law our country makes. If that happened, we'd be MUCH better off. If I ever get the opportunity to take over the government, that is the first principle I will institute. Because right now, atheism/godlessness is the first thing Democrats consult in making laws, and it's NOT working.
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Yes you do, as a member of society, you are your brother's keeper. You can deny it, but society will remind you of that fact, including the universe it self. The higher-powers that be, will make sure you pay the piper, whether you like it or not. When we ignore social ills and allow them to fester and grow, we're all negatively affected by that, hence we should address such problems, early and eliminate them. People with your sociopathic, indifferent mentality, are still paying taxes and for every person who lacks a conscience and soul like you, there are ten people who don't.
No you are not

Society does no such thing and I have no brother
your disgusting and obscene ideology is dead . Your faked empathy is a desire to enslave others which proves youa re the sociopathic monster.

NO ONE owes anything to another simply because they exist
So what are you doing to help? NOTE: Voting for government to take money away from people you don't like and giving it to others may feel generous to you, but it isn't.
The government is the way we manage a civilization, and everyone who's a member of this society, pays their dues. If you want to live alone on a deserted Island somewhere, with penguins, you can do that. Hop on the next flight to Argentina, and then get on a boat that will take you to Antarctica. You can live there within "Penguin Society". In human society we have governments, and everyone who is a member of society, pays their taxes until we reach full socialism, which no longer imposes taxes or uses markets.

While we have a market capitalist economy, taxes are required to maintain the system running, and if you want to be a rebel like your father Satan or pretend you're above the law, you can leave. Go live out in the woods with the squirrels.
No you are not

Society does no such thing and I have no brother
your disgusting and obscene ideology is dead . Your faked empathy is a desire to enslave others which proves youa re the sociopathic monster.

NO ONE owes anything to another simply because they exist
You owe your fellow human beings, who you share this world with, your empathy and assistance, because no one lives in a vacuum. This is God's law and if you don't believe in God, that's just fine, then it's the law of survival. The cosmic law of life. If you want to be a selfish, indifferent bastard, who's unwilling to cooperate or contribute with their fellow human beings, for the welfare of the group, you'll become an outcast. You don't belong in the community, you need to go. Bye bye lone ranger, who only lives for himself, and flips the finger at other people's need to survive, lacking empathy for others. You can go to hell, where you belong. Leave.
The government is the way we manage a civilization, and everyone who's a member of this society, pays their dues. If you want to live alone on a deserted Island somewhere, with penguins, you can do that. Hop on the next flight to Argentina, and then get on a boat that will take you to Antarctica. You can live there within "Penguin Society". In human society we have governments, and everyone who is a member of society, pays their taxes until we reach full socialism, which no longer imposes taxes or uses markets.

While we have a market capitalist economy, taxes are required to maintain the system running, and if you want to be a rebel like your father Satan or pretend you're above the law, you can leave. Go live out in the woods with the squirrels.'re not Kamala Harris, are you? Because that's her style of word-salad drivel.
You owe your fellow human beings, who you share this world with, your empathy and assistance, because no one lives in a vacuum. This is God's law and if you don't believe in God, that's just fine, then it's the law of survival. The cosmic law of life. If you want to be a selfish, indifferent bastard, who's unwilling to cooperate or contribute with their fellow human beings, for the welfare of the group, you'll become an outcast. You don't belong in the community, you need to go. Bye bye lone ranger, who only lives for himself, and flips the finger at other people's need to survive, lacking empathy for others. You can go to hell, where you belong. Leave.
You need to sober up before you post. Wishing hell on people because they point out that your socialist utopia is a guaranteed failure is pretty messed up.
All you can do is gaslight, due to your ignorance. You're clueless as to how our monetary system works and what our so-called "national debt" is.

How do you figure that the US Federal Government can run out of dollars when it's the exclusive issuer of the USD? Answer that simple question.
It doesn't. It's like the government of Zimbabwe. The government can print trillion dollar bills if it wants.
The government is the way we manage a civilization,

Who is we?

and everyone who's a member of this society, pays their dues.

Sure they do.

More like they cheat on their taxes.

If you want to live alone on a deserted Island somewhere, with penguins, you can do that. Hop on the next flight to Argentina, and then get on a boat that will take you to Antarctica. You can live there within "Penguin Society". In human society we have governments, and everyone who is a member of society, pays their taxes until we reach full socialism, which no longer imposes taxes or uses markets.

You're nuts.

While we have a market capitalist economy, taxes are required to maintain the system running, and if you want to be a rebel like your father Satan or pretend you're above the law, you can leave. Go live out in the woods with the squirrels.

That is sounding more and more attractive.
It doesn't. It's like the government of Zimbabwe. The government can print trillion dollar bills if it wants.
The situation in Zimbabwe is completely different to the situation in the United States. Lack of production led to hyperinflation in Zimbabwe, giving away all of that farmland to people who didn't have the means to produce crops or do anything productive with it. Before you put your foot in your mouth comparing Zimbabwe to America, do your homework. Don't embarrass yourself.
Lawfare is not real law.

The philosophy of natural rights was championed by such Founding Fathers as Richard Bland

Does Don Trump have a right to interefere in a presidential election.

I say no. He just confessed in an interview with Mark Levin.

Who ever heard, you get indicted for interfering in a presidential election where you have every right to do it, you get indicted and your poll numbers go up? When people get indicted, their poll numbers go down," Trump said.​

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