Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?

Later in life Jefferson wrote that we must follow "those moral rules which the Author of our being has implanted in man as the law of his nature to govern him in his associated, as well as individual character."21 That the natural rights of man came from God, in Jefferson's belief, was beyond doubt.

Time and time again, the biblical deity, commands for the feeding and housing of the hungry and indigent. Christian conservatives often forget that.
Whichever. I think we both agree about what he's up to. Still not seeing how this has anything with my claim that Democrats want to force other people care for the poor.
As I stated before evidently you did not see it. The Democrats want to force everyone to carry their fair share of what a nation needs to have to be a nation for all, not just for the rich
Later in life Jefferson wrote that we must follow "those moral rules which the Author of our being has implanted in man as the law of his nature to govern him in his associated, as well as individual character."21 That the natural rights of man came from God, in Jefferson's belief, was beyond doubt.

Jefferson also said that it does himself no injury if my neighbor says there are many gods or no god. In other words. It’s our neighbor’s natural right to be an atheist or a polytheist.

That is not compatible with any version of Christianity from Jefferson’s day to the present.
I’m not saying you claimed it. I am saying the native Americans had no obligation to create a nation according to the European Church/State system of government.

I am telling you the divine rights of kings extending their right to rule over all mankind as was given to those families by the God of Abraham.had no moral or natural law authority to take the land from the inhabitants of the New World.

Let’s quit pretending that moral justification credit the success of the Christians from Europe who basically stole three Continents from the human beings who lived on them.
Native Americans and Americans don’t believe in the Devine right of kings
Native Americans and Americans don’t believe in the Devine right of kings
The Puritans did. And they used that belief to justify stealing the land from its rightful Owners….. Native Americans.

And we have Saint ding over there, telling me that the God of the Puritans is the source of natural law which guarantees an equal right to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness to all humans beings on earth,

I do not see how that God of Abraham can be the source for inalienable rights. everyone through His guidance to the Puritans who left Europe for North America in the early 1600s.
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You don't have to care for the poor, but you will pay your taxes like everyone else. You can try to defund government programs that lift the poor, providing them with the resources that they need to survive and become productive members of society, but there will always be people that resist your efforts to do that, knowing that if such social ills are left unaddressed they lead to more serious and expensive problems for society.
Still doesn't address, nor deny, my claim. Democrats say they want to help the poor, but that's not all they want. If they're advocating for state welfare they want the government to force others to help the poor as well. That's the whole point.

The sad irony is that when we task government with helping people in need, it's not just the poor that get attention. Need is a subjective matter, and Congress has lots of "friends in need". Lots of wealthy friends in need.

There's a reason income disparity has ramped up alongside the expanding welfare state.
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Still doesn't address, nor deny, my claim. Democrats claim they want to help the poor, but that's not all the want. If they're advocating for state welfare they want the government to force others to help the poor as well. That's the whole point.

The sad irony is that when we task government with helping people in need, it's not just the poor that get attention. Need is a subjective matter, and Congress has lots of "friends in need". Lots of wealthy friends in need.

There's a reason income disparity has ramped up along side the expanding welfare state.
If the government protected the rights and served the needs of the working class, we wouldn't have poverty in America, and everyone able to work, would be gainfully employed but unfortunately the right-wingers get in the way of the government providing services to the public and developing our nation's infrastructure, hence the poverty and welfare checks.
If the government protected the rights and served the needs of the working class, we wouldn't have poverty in America, and everyone able to work, would be gainfully employed but unfortunately the right-wingers get in the way of the government providing services to the public and developing our nation's infrastructure, hence the poverty and welfare checks.
I think Trump is leaning your way. Populism almost always devolves to "free shit".
Do you think Christians don't vote are aren't politically-active? :laughing0301:

The agenda for the left is to criminalize Christianity the same way they do in Red China. a lot of the right wing 'social Darwinists' love that idea, too, and of course so do all the multi-national corporations leadership class. They get in the way of a lot of agendas favored by sociopaths and perverts.
The Puritans did. And they used that belief to justify stealing the land from its rightful Owners….. Native Americans.

And we have Saint ding over there, telling me that the God of the Puritans is the source of natural law which guarantees an equal right to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness to all humans beings on earth,

I do not see how that God of Abraham can be the source for inalienable rights. everyone through His guidance to the Puritans who left Europe for North America in the early 1600s.
A lot of early settlees like the puritans did, they were British subjects. Much like Canadians today. Thankfully they grew out of that here, and became Americans
I think Trump is leaning your way. Populism almost always devolves to "free shit".
None of it is unearned or unnecessary, so your "free shit" argument is at best, disingenuous and shortsighted.


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