Kamala cooks her greens for a couple of hours?

Greens for a couple of hours? She has never cooked before.

Actually, it would depend on how they are cooked (at what temperature). The way she described making her greens, she probably has an hour's work preparing the stock before she even puts the greens in, then cooks them in a slow cooker at low temperature. This does not destroy the plant fibers but allows the flavors of the stock to cross the plant membranes into the tissues.
Yes you cook green for couple of hours. And here is more right wing nonsense.

jamaican style.

Ive had them sliced much much thinner, like razor thin and then cooked well, have you ever seen them that way? . I've only seen African American style with very large leaves.

Washes her greens in the tub???

Of course! That was standard practice at the Bidens and at the WH for years to get Joe all soapy and clean first, then throw those greens in and get them soaking. Saves on water and is good for the environment too. :uhh:

deep fake.gif

Just don't let Joe lick you in appreciation like he does the family dog.
jamaican style.

Ive had them sliced much much thinner, like razor thin and then cooked well, have you ever seen them that way? . I've only seen African American style with very large leaves.

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I've seen both. But primarily I've eaten the African American style.
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Years ago I worked with a woman who offered myself and some co-workers M&Ms. Before we could answer she disclosed that she didn’t have a plastic bag to put them in so she just carried them to work in her pocket. Like loose M&Ms in her pants pocket.

Same vibes as washing your greens in the bathtub.
Ive had this way, but the main thing is they are not boiled in water so they do not lose the nutrients. But ive had with skirt steak or rib meat, and the woman in this video cooks them a very short time...... which she can get away with because they are sliced thinner. Ive had othe rvariations of this just cooked much longer and with coconut milk. Amazingly good.

She was just blowing smoke up those two black folk's asses and trying to impress them, and they were eating it up like a sack of McDonald's cheeseburgers. The fact that she interspersed her her little tale with "and I am not lying to you" and "I'm telling you the truth" shows what a lying scumbag she is.
Why on earth would you need to simmer greens for a couple hours? Does anyone think she has ever prepared greens?

It would depend on the greens, regular mustard or turnip greens could simmer for a couple of hours, the proper preparation of poke salad can take most of the day, or they will be bitter. They have to be drained multiple times. Spinach on the other hand just takes 20-25 minutes to cook down in bacon fat or olive oil.

Years ago I worked with a woman who offered myself and some co-workers M&Ms. Before we could answer she disclosed that she didn’t have a plastic bag to put them in so she just carried them to work in her pocket. Like loose M&Ms in her pants pocket.

Same vibes as washing your greens in the bathtub.
lol. How many did you eat? 😁
Some are saying that Harris concocted that whole event. That it was basically a set up. She has “acted black” on numerous other occasions ever since becoming the democrat nominee for the 2024 election

Look at the way that Harris has spoken on the phone to black folks in front of the camera. She had some skit on the phone with a black actress as a performance for voters. The way she talked and sounded Was belittling to Black people in general. It’s a joke.

Hate to tell the black lady in the video, bacon is smoked pork, usually hickory is used to smoke bacon.

It would depend on the greens, regular mustard or turnip greens could simmer for a couple of hours, the proper preparation of poke salad can take most of the day, or they will be bitter. They have to be drained multiple times. Spinach on the other hand just takes 20-25 minutes to cook down in bacon fat or olive oil.


I used to eat a lot of poke salad when I lived down South, folks up here never heard of it. :laughing0301:


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