Black man stabs Orthodox Jew while yelling “Free Palestine!”

Oh!!! how nice of you----TURN DA ODDA CHEEK----even if the cheek is the other half or your ass.
No, not that. Instead of blaming an entire race/ethnic group/religion for the actions of some and perpetrating more hate in the process, why not unite with like minded individuals and oppose hate and work on educating and changing minds? Is that too extremist?

Like this guy:

Why is it necessary to create further divisions and exploit them?

I have lots of stories. I grew up in the age of KUMBAYA in a progressive place. We actually had INTERFAITH RELIGION EVENTS in the little rural, semi-suburban town ----all white---but ---mixed Protestant (of many colors) Catholic Jew. Looking back ---is was virtually a doctoral dissertation for a sociologist. "EXPLOIT DIVISIONS" is among the many and sundry islamo nazi memes that floated freely there
True----but never discount the clinical impressions---they are the basis of
and beginning of the studies that appear in the NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF
MEDICINE (or LANCET if you are a limey) My clinical impressions are IMPREGNABLE. In my city----blacks and "orientals" got a PROBLEM OF
Doesn’t everyone?
That is 6 people. You need 44 more criminals.
Sure, no problem... How many do you want? I can go on for days with this bullshit. You sure you want to be proven to be a complete idiot in front of the whole world?


- YouTube

How many more do you want? Hmmmmm? Like I said, I can go all fucking day.

You can post as many videos as you like but the actual statistics don’t support your claims. Security cameras are much more prevalent in urban areas where a higher proportion of Blacks tend to live so of course you will get more videos, but videos are not statistics no matter how much you want to use them as proof of something. They don’t anything beyond an individual crime.

You haven’t shown that the numbers I posted are wrong. You haven’t countered them with any data. And I guess that leads to another question….why is it so important to you, and others, to show that Blacks commit a higher percentage of hate crimes?

There are kind of two ways of looking at this.

An attack that was a hate crime, was committed against a Jewish person.

The attacker was a Black.

Which is most important, and hence emphasized and why? Or are they equally important and why?

The OP article did not lead with the title this thread did, it led with the attack on a person that was clearly a hate crime.
You can post as many videos as you like but the actual statistics don’t support your claims. Security cameras are much more prevalent in urban areas where a higher proportion of Blacks tend to live so of course you will get more videos, but videos are not statistics no matter how much you want to use them as proof of something. They don’t anything beyond an individual crime.

You haven’t shown that the numbers I posted are wrong. You haven’t countered them with any data. And I guess that leads to another question….why is it so important to you, and others, to show that Blacks commit a higher percentage of hate crimes?

There are kind of two ways of looking at this.

An attack that was a hate crime, was committed against a Jewish person.

The attacker was a Black.

Which is most important, and hence emphasized and why? Or are they equally important and why?

The OP article did not lead with the title this thread did, it led with the attack on a person that was clearly a hate crime.
The actual statistics are shit. If they were accurate you could find video after video after video of whites committing the crimes.

You can't. Your little search located scumbags over several years.

Mine are just the recent ones.

Video is so prevalent now that it proves categorically that the government is lying.

He'll, they claim crime is down, but we know that LA, SF, NY, etc are no longer reporting their crime stats, so yet again, the government is PROVEN to be lying.

And willful fools believe it.
The actual statistics are shit. If they were accurate you could find video after video after video of whites committing the crimes.

You can't. Your little search located scumbags over several years.

Mine are just the recent ones.

Video is so prevalent now that it proves categorically that the government is lying.

He'll, they claim crime is down, but we know that LA, SF, NY, etc are no longer reporting their crime stats, so yet again, the government is PROVEN to be lying.

And willful fools believe it.
And I thought you were a scientist.
And I thought you were a scientist.
I am. That's why I can dig through the bullshit fast.

It is a lie to claim that crime is down when we know that they have simply stopped reporting them.

In science there's this little concept called EMPIRICAL DATA. That is data that is measured, or observed.

That's how we know that the government stats are crap. They do NO empirical research. They have a result that they want, and they fabricate evidence to support their claim.

A good friend of mine is the director of the DHS Fusion Center down in Carson City. He goes to all the Federal Briefings and they have been claiming that right wing violence is on the rise.

But they have nothing to back it up.

He IS a terrorism expert, and he only sees leftwing violence on the rise.

That's the reality. You can post your fantasy stats all you want, but in this era, where video recording is literally everywhere, the OBSERVABLE REALITY disproves your stats.

And by orders of magnitude.
I am. That's why I can dig through the bullshit fast.

It is a lie to claim that crime is down when we know that they have simply stopped reporting them.

In science there's this little concept called EMPIRICAL DATA. That is data that is measured, or observed.

That's how we know that the government stats are crap. They do NO empirical research. They have a result that they want, and they fabricate evidence to support their claim.

A good friend of mine is the director of the DHS Fusion Center down in Carson City. He goes to all the Federal Briefings and they have been claiming that right wing violence is on the rise.

But they have nothing to back it up.

He IS a terrorism expert, and he only sees leftwing violence on the rise.

That's the reality. You can post your fantasy stats all you want, but in this era, where video recording is literally everywhere, the OBSERVABLE REALITY disproves your stats.

And by orders of magnitude.
You haven’t presented any statistics or numbers what so ever, only individual videos that don’t indicate anything beyond an individual event and you are making your claims based solely on videos which are at best highly inaccurate since most crimes are not caught on video.

You haven’t countered the numbers or study I posted with any other numbers.

Why then is it so important to you to “prove” the majority of anti-Asian hate crimes are committed by Blacks?

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