Kamala Harris Takes Big Lead in Battleground State, according to one poll.

This is a pretty big swing..and I distrust it. However, Harris has surged in Michigan, making up most if not all of the lead that Trump had over Biden. Even if you score it as a tie, that's a clear gain for the Democrats.

Vice President Kamala Harris has surged ahead of former President Donald Trump in the new poll in Michigan, a critical swing state in November's presidential election.

The poll, conducted by Morning Consult for Bloomberg, found Democrat Harris was 12 points ahead of Republican Trump in the battleground state, where he had been consistently but narrowly polling ahead of Joe Biden before the president announced he was ending his 2024 campaign.
The survey polled 706 registered voters in Michigan between July 24 and July 28 and has a margin of error of +/- four percent.

When asked who they would vote for if the election were held today, 51 percent of respondents selected Harris, 39 percent selected Trump, and 5 percent chose independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Three percent of respondents chose other candidates.

In a direct head-to-head between Harris and Trump, she maintained an 11-point lead.

Other pollsters have Michigan as a tie or as a narrow Trump lead, but aggregator RealClearPolling puts Harris ahead by 2 points on average.
It's not a battleground state. 2016 was a fluke.
So you have nothing to base your opinion on.

Only what I learned in college political science. Any poll can be manipulated to achieve any desired result.

That's factual so sit and chew your toenails thinking about it
Only what I learned in college political science. Any poll can be manipulated to achieve any desired result.

That's factual so sit and chew your toenails thinking about it
Lol polls have a margin of error. What is there to gain by having a purposely corrupt poll? And lol at you attending college.... you aren't fooling anyone with that bullshit.
what is stupid is believing that people vote based on having a dog.

That your problem. Comprehension and ability to understand. The point is many presidents have dogs not all of them. But something that simple observation just escape some of you.
A simple observation would have told you two months ago the Democrats wanted Kamala off the ticket. What has changed besides the lies they tell about her?
Lol polls have a margin of error. What is there to gain by having a purposely corrupt poll? And lol at you attending college.... you aren't fooling anyone with that bullshit.
Look asshole if you're too fckn stupid to understand anything stop your damn flaming. You're tiresome, redundant and annoying and you've been told that numerous times. Learn it and then live it. Twatwaffle
The MSM is my source. It was all over how no one wanted the incompetent bitch on the ticket. You have a goldfish memory.

Yet you still have not provided a link. Its not that dificult
Look asshole if you're too fckn stupid to understand anything stop your damn flaming. You're tiresome, redundant and annoying and you've been told that numerous times. Learn it and then live it. Twatwaffle
As usual. Can't give a reasonable answer to a reasonable question.

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