A final poll by the
New York Times has
Donald Trump behind
Kamala Harris in four critical
swing states: Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina and Wisconsin.
They are tied in
Michigan and Pennsylvania and Trump is up by one point in
Arizona. It's a razor-thin race with just two days to go to Election Day.
U.S. ELECTION LIVE BLOG: Follow all the developments with just two days until Election Day.
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Donald J. Trump has improved his standing in Pennsylvania even as late-deciding voters appear to be breaking for Kamala Harris.
This election was always Trump’s to lose.
Of course Kamala’s secret weapon and her October surprise was Trump’s mouth and his spewing of his daily asininity.
Not good news for Trump as I think Trump fever has broken and the electorate is over him.
Trend lines are clear.
Could be wrong, but it does appear that way.