I've been saying it, letting muslims, islams or whoever have a presence and voice in America would lead to bad things.
Now we have people on American soil protesting, blocking streets, burning the American flag, saying death to America, destroying property, interfering with innocent bystanders lives, people being attacked and hurt. We're allowing middle eastern savage terrorism to grow in America.
I'm telling this now to all of you, if this isn't stopped hard and soon one day there will be a bombing in America in the name of some middle eastern countries war with another middle eastern country, or some foreign religion against another one. If left to rot long enough we will see the barbaric savagery we see in the middle east in America. We will have people here fighting over religion with bad consequences.
Christians, Catholics, Buddhists and Jews. We should have just stopped there as what's acceptable in America. Now we're impoting violent religions to America and violent foreign politics.