I think Trump should continue Presidential duties if he loses the election like he did honoring the fallen soldiers in Afghanistan

Wrong as usual Stann.
And then there's this.....

On Tuesday, however, reports emerged that members of the campaign verbally abused and pushed a cemetery staff member in an altercation that happened when the team attempted to record and photograph the ceremony. Federal law prohibits political campaign activities at all Army national cemeteries, including Arlington.

Yes, but wasn't it convenient that the worker was not identified and refused to press charges.
In what world do you think Harris stands any chance of beating Trump when she clutches at a softball interview by CNN's designated sycophant?
The world of US Politics, against the likes of Trump. The man is nuts, Anti-American, Disrespectful of our fallen soldiers and laws, flip flopping on his abortion statements, as he actually has no principles, that he stands on. He is the strange, old, nut-ball candidate.
The world of US Politics, against the likes of Trump. The man is nuts, Anti-American, Disrespectful of our fallen soldiers and laws, flip flopping on his abortion statements, as he actually has no principles, that he stands on. He is the strange, old, nut-ball candidate.
Every word you posted is your pathetic opinions not based on any facts. The only disgrace I see is that you claim to be a veteran, yet respect Democrats who get our troops killed by their incompetence. You make me sick!
And you worship a vapid twit that is deathly afraid of speaking to the press or telling the public her policy positions. Go figure.
Meanwhile, you MAGA types adore a conman who swindled $200 million out of his supporters in that "stop the steal" scam he was running.

But that's how you MAGA types are. Willfully ignorant.
Yes, but wasn't it convenient that the worker was not identified and refused to press charges.
Her statement was that she filed an incident report but declined pressing charges fearing retaliation from convicted felon Trump's MAGAts.
The official (highly unusual) statement from The U.S. Army concerning the incident backed up the worker's story.
So now we basically have a case of convicted felon Donald J. Trump vs. The U.S.Army.
You can rest assured that now his MAGAt cultroaches will parrot some version of a story that says the entire U.S. Armed Forces is just another cog in the "fake news/lib-rul/deep state/witch hunt/George Soros funded/Communist-Socialist/witch hunt/election interference/lawfare/witch hunt/bannana republic conspiracy to keep him from rightfully winning the election.

Every word you posted is your pathetic opinions not based on any facts. The only disgrace I see is that you claim to be a veteran, yet respect Democrats who get our troops killed by their incompetence. You make me sick!
That is your opinion, and I have always thought your opinions sucked. If you have a solution to suicide bombers, send it to the Pentagon.

We saw Trump honor the soldiers who fell during the evacuation of Afghanistan, something the Biden administration would just assume forget had ever happened. In fact, Biden said during the debate with Trump that under his watch no American casualties had occurred.

Could you imagine how that made the parents feel that lost their sons under the Biden withdraw, even when he attended their funerals?

I think having Trump there, the last person in government who seems to care, helps heal the wounds of those parent. Additionally, if he loses the election and continues this role, it would speak volumes that he is no longer doing it to win an election, rather, it just shows someone in government actually gives a damn.
And going to the Southern US Border. The VP has proven she is unwilling to do that.

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