I think Trump should continue Presidential duties if he loses the election like he did honoring the fallen soldiers in Afghanistan


Trump skipped the memorial service for our soldiers who died in France. He stayed behind and stole $750,000 in artwork from the US embassy in Paris.

Trump skipped the memorial service for our soldiers who died in France. He stayed behind and stole $750,000 in artwork from the US embassy in Paris.
Wait, Hitler stole $750,000 in artwork?

The hell you say.


At least post a fake link by someone who has similar TDS issues as you have.

I think Trump should continue Presidential duties if he loses the election like he did honoring the fallen soldiers in Afghanistan​

But he won't cuz that is not why he was there. The reason he showed up at the place where "suckers and losers" are buried is because he saw something in it for himself.

BTW, presidential duties are for presidents. Not for people who tried to steal the presidency and then go around the country pretending he wasn't defeated by 7M votes.

I think Trump should continue Presidential duties if he loses the election like he did honoring the fallen soldiers in Afghanistan​

But he won't cuz that is not why he was there. The reason he showed up at the place where "suckers and losers" are buried is because he saw something in it for himself.

BTW, presidential duties are for presidents. Not for people who tried to steal the presidency and then go around the country pretending he wasn't defeated by 7M votes.
Trump can do what he wants. If he loses, he should consider all of the "I told you so's" as the progs destroy the economy or keep on purposely slowing it down for their loony agendas. And we will continue to decline as we do not want the potential best to do the most important work as just one of the insane edicts.
If the troops had remained and maintained control of Kabul, or used Bagram instead, there would never have been a suicide bomber. You really are demonstrating your lack of intelligence, there Black 9. You are the opposite of what every veteran should be.

Biden's plan was opposed by the military because they knew it was going to be a disaster. He will live with the blood of thirteen dead on his hands, plus many, many more Afghanis.
No withdrawal in a failed war is easy. Look at the disaster Vietnam ended up as. Trump gave the Taliban everything they wanted and single-handedly ignored the fledgling government in Kabul to fend for itself Biden was lucky to get an extension on the pullout time. Remember the original date of the withdrawal was even earlier in the Biden administration and trump let Biden out of the White House until after he left. So very little could be done. The Taliban had no reason to renegotiate the deal since they were given everything. I believe this was planned by trump to try to make Biden look bad. Any fool could see through it.

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