Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?

You need to sober up before you post. Wishing hell on people because they point out that your socialist utopia is a guaranteed failure is pretty messed up.

We're not "utopians", we're scientific realists. Your old silly rhetoric about socialism being utopian exposes your ignorance.
You owe your fellow human beings, who you share this world with, your empathy and assistance, because no one lives in a vacuum. This is God's law and if you don't believe in God, that's just fine, then it's the law of survival. The cosmic law of life. If you want to be a selfish, indifferent bastard, who's unwilling to cooperate or contribute with their fellow human beings, for the welfare of the group, you'll become an outcast. You don't belong in the community, you need to go. Bye bye lone ranger, who only lives for himself, and flips the finger at other people's need to survive, lacking empathy for others. You can go to hell, where you belong. Leave.
Wrong they are owed nothing except a negative debt which I also demand from them, I will not take their stuff or initiate force . THAT IS ALL

god is a myth

It is not in any way a law of survival fool

I live where i wish and in whatever community i wish and THAT creates no debt

Your obscene ideology is long since proven false every man IS AS MUCH of an island unto himself we he wishes.
Wrong they are owed nothing except a negative debt which I also demand from them, I will not take their stuff or initiate force . THAT IS ALL

god is a myth

It is not in any way a law of survival fool

I live where i wish and in whatever community i wish and THAT creates no debt

Your obscene ideology is long since proven false every man IS AS MUCH of an island unto himself we he wishes.
OK, there's no God, according to you. You will comply with the rules of the community, including paying your taxes and being a law-abiding, productive member of society, or you will be kicked out or thrown in a jail cell, that's the only outcome for miscreant sociopaths like yourself. You can't live in the modern world, without others providing you with goods and services, including government infrastructure. So you don't have a choice, it's cooperate with your fellow human beings, or at best, leave. Bye bye.

Ironically, it's my worldview that will facilitate, empower assholes like you to truly be 100% independent and free. Because my socialist society, will develop technology that will allow the individual consumer, like you (you're a consumer, like everyone else), to produce everything that they consume, without anyone else's input or assistance. Technology will eventually render everyone sovereign, in an actual, tangible, practical way, by providing them with the ability to produce all of the goods and services that they use. You will extract water from the atmosphere:

You will generate your own electricity through highly efficient solar panels, wind turbines, and micronuclear reactors:

You will have genius robots and AI working for you:

People will eventually even own APMMs - Atomic Precision Manufacturing Machines:

Capitalism won't do that, neither will techno-feudalism, but national socialism will. The people are empowered with technology, to produce everything free of the infrastructure of the state or help from anyone else. All interactions between adults will become 100% voluntary. People will live alone, like you, out in the wilderness or on an asteroid hundreds of millions of miles away from Earth, or they will live in colonies like these:



sea colony.png


If the administration of a colony (Its government) becomes heavy-handed and authoritarian, people will just pack up and leave.

lonely tyrant.png

Lonely Tyrant.

People will have the technology to be more mobile, nomadic, living well:




Socialism will empower the individual consumer, by equipping him or her with the technology necessary to become fully independent and sovereign. Capitalism won't do that, because it needs customers and a class of employees or waged-labor, commodified in a "labor market". Do you understand now? Probably not, because truth isn't your concern, unfortunately. Do you want to be truly free? National socialism is the answer, not capitalism.

Copy of Copy of Black Modern Girl Youtube Profile Picture (500 × 500 px) (800 × 500 px) (800 ×...gif
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You're an asshole period.
I'm an asshole with assholes like you, period. And then you repeat yourself, "You're an asshole period", then I return fire with "You're an asshole, so I treat you accordingly" and you repeat yourself like a robot "You're an asshole", and I respond, "You're an asshole", and you say "You're an asshole" and then I say "You're an asshole", and we can just go back and forth like that ad infinitum. Duh.
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I'm an asshole with assholes like you, period. And them you repeat yourself, "You're an asshole period", then I return fire with "You're an asshole, so I treat you accordingly" and you repeat yourself like a robot "You're an asshole", and I respond, "You're an asshole", and you say "You're an asshole" and then I say "You're an asshole", and we can just go back and forth like that ad infinitum. Duh.
No sale.

No one's buying your AI generated bullshit.
No sale.

No one's buying your AI generated bullshit.
I hold lectures filled with students and your grandchildren, are definitely buying it. I'm not selling it to you, because I know your geriatric brain is fried, but that's OK, because you're not the audience I'm concerned with, it's the next generation that is going to take the helm and most of them understand and hence buy all of my "AI generated bullshit". That's really all that matters, not prune juice drinkers like you buying it.
I hold lectures filled with students and your grandchildren, are definitely buying it. I'm not selling it to you, because I know your geriatric brain is fried, but that's OK, because you're not the audience I'm concerned with, it's the next generation that is going to take the helm and most of them understand and hence buy all of my "AI generated bullshit". That's really all that matters, not prune juice drinkers like you buying it.

Good luck with that. :p

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