Trump campaign staff had altercation with official at Arlington National Cemetery

Trump’s failed attempt to exploit fallen American soldiers for some perceived partisan gain was reprehensible and a disgrace.

He has only himself to blame for the appropriate, warranted backlash.
There is no blame
The family invited him
The hair on fire DEI Orange man bad interfered . The last thing her bosses want is one more word out of her much less some bullshit lawsuit to put the spotlight back on her errors.
Why is her picture being hidden?
"I know because there are no charges being filed."

Or, the woman saw what happened to so many other women who have objected to Trump or Trump's enabler's behavior. They are savagely derided and threatened. likely the reason the woman did not file criminal assault charges. Nonetheless, the assaulters should be identified to the media. Or is the media in America is again covering up for Trump?

Reported August 29th:
"It turns out the fight between Donald Trump’s campaign staff and an Arlington National Cemetery official Monday was worse than we thought. The assaulted cemetery employee was a woman, and she didn’t want to press charges because she was afraid of retaliation from Trump supporters.

The New York Times reports that the woman filed an incident report with the military, but opted not to proceed further with law enforcement authorities at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Virginia, which has jurisdiction over the cemetery. Trump and his campaign have been scrambling to explain away the physical altercation, posting a message of thanks from a military family, blaming the cemetery official, and even accusing her of having a “mental health episode.”

Taking photographs or video at a military cemetery for political purposes is prohibited under federal law, particularly in Arlington National Cemetery’s Section 60, where recent military casualties are buried........The cemetery official tried to stop Trump’s campaign staffers from filming and taking photos, leading to them pushing the official and calling her names.

It turns out that the official’s concern was warranted, after Trump released photos and a video of his visit to Section 60, which was supposed to be private and closed to the press. The family of Master Sgt. Andrew Marckesano, whose gravesite was shown in those photos, issued a statement saying that they did not give permission for the grave to be filmed or used by the Trump campaign.
“[A]ccording to our conversation with Arlington National Cemetery, the Trump campaign staffers did not adhere to the rules that were set in place for this visit to Staff Sergeant Hoover’s gravesite in Section 60, which lays directly next to my brother’s grave,” said Marckesano’s sister Michele in the statement.

“We hope that those visiting this sacred site understand that these were real people who sacrificed for our freedom and that they are honored and respected accordingly,” she added.

One politician who was with Trump at the cemetery on Monday, Utah Governor Spencer Cox, apologized on X (formerly Twitter) for using photos from the section in a campaign email."


"The last thing her bosses want is one more word out of her much less some bullshit lawsuit to put the spotlight back on her errors. Why is her picture being hidden?"

Why is her picture hidden?
Perhaps because she is a victim of an assault.
Why aren't the pictures of the assaulters being shared? They were the aggressors and violators of Cemetary rules and decorum respecting our military dead?

America needs to know who on the Trump enabler's staff would physically assault a veteran at the national cemetary. A veteran who serves as a guide and employee and was performing the job as she was directed to by Cemetery or Military officials. Namely....'keep the Cemetary sacred and not a backdrop/stage/venue for mere partisan campaign photo ops.'
The trump staffers bullied and pushed their way into the restricted section for a photo op.

Sounds lie Lafayette Park all over again.

Did he at least hold the bible right side up this time?

A source with knowledge of the incident said the cemetery official tried to prevent Trump staffers from filming and photographing in a section where recent U.S. casualties are buried. The source said Arlington officials had made clear that only cemetery staff members would be authorized to take photographs or film in the area, known as Section 60...

When the cemetery official tried to prevent Trump campaign staff from entering Section 60, campaign staff verbally abused and pushed the official aside, according to the source...

In a statement to NPR, Steven Cheung, the Trump campaign's spokesman, strongly rejected the notion of a physical altercation, adding: "We are prepared to release footage if such defamatory claims are made.

"The fact is that a private photographer was permitted on the premises and for whatever reason an unnamed individual, clearly suffering from a mental health episode, decided to physically block members of President Trump's team during a very solemn ceremony," Cheung said in the statement.

The Trump campaign declined to make that footage immediately available.

The last line sounds like another lie, don't you think?
/—-/ Another unnamed source…
LOL In case you missed it, it's "your guys" losing their shit over Trump honoring the families of the soldiers killed by Biden while he was lying on a beach somewhere..

Trump blamed Biden for "setting him up" on Friday. Today he's blaming the Gold Star families for posting the pictures. Is Trump really your guy?
Earlier that day, the Army confirmed that a member of Trump’s entourage “pushed” a cemetery staffer when they attempted to prevent the former president’s aide from entering the area in order to film and photograph the visit to Section 60 — an area of the cemetery reserved for recently deceased service members with strict rules surrounding media presence.

Army and cemetery rules prohibit campaigning and political activity on the burial ground.
On Thursday, former President Donald Trump attempted to spin away reports that one of his aides pushed a staffer at Arlington National Cemetery during a visit to the burial ground earlier this week, blaming the controversy on “very bad people.” He also suggested in an interview that the Gold Star families he accompanied may have been the ones who published videos from his visit, rather than members of his campaign.

During a Thursday rally in Michigan, Trump claimed that he “read that I was using the site to politic.”

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