How does the Left use any tragedy to blame their adversaries?

I was talking to someone about the attempted assassination of Trump right after it happened telling them that a man had lost his life because he was standing next to Trump.

Her eyes rolled and said, "Well, he was at a Trump rally", like Karma had the final verdict.

You people are sick. You really believed that man deserved to die, as did Trump

In fact, your are so mentally ill and deranged, that about 1/3 of democrats polled said they wished Trump had been murdered.

You are no different from the Germans who thought the Jews deserved their own fate.

In fact, most democrats seem to believe that Jews deserved 10/7.


There have always been attacks and violence at Trump rallies since 2016, so why are you surprised there was a shooting? The press box was attacked this week.

The guy was right. What do you expect at a Trump rally?

Trump has openly encouraged the beating of protestors, and the press box attacks.

I have no idea what the logistics are for trying to take out an embedded terrorist organization that has fed their populace hateful propaganda for decades nonstop, and neither do you.

I don't believe they just like killing Palestinians which is what you believe.

Then you're not listening to what the Cabinet members are saying. They want the Palestinian people gone - permanently.

There have been instances where Israeli military have shot and killed hostages who managed to escape, because they're killing anything that moves.

Easy .. look at the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal, illegal immigration, sanctuary city illegal proliferation, and the highest inflation rates in 40+ years as examples. Hell, any issue with the Biden and Harris campaign has been blamed on Trump.

In Israel, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to blame the Israeli government for the shooting of American and Israeli hostages found dead in a Hamas controlled tunnel. Yes, my friends, it was the fault of Bibi because he refused a cease fire with the people who kidnapped them, raped and tortured them and then shot them dead.

It is the same with the immigration crisis in the US as they tried to blame Trump for it for the last 4 years as about 20 million crossed the border.

First of all, Trump has not even been in office for the last 4 years, but somehow because he does not agree with some worthless immigration policies that will do next to nothing to stem the immigration crisis, it is now all his fault.

Keep in mind that Trump had no help from either party in Congress when it came to immigration. It was only through executive orders and implementation of existing laws that he succeeded in curbing the immigration crisis we saw under Joe Biden, who could have done the same.

Simply incredible.

Humanity apparently has no more brain function. Could it be the vaccines?
You mean like your fuhrer getting shot by a registered Republican and you idiots blamed Dems? Do you mean examples like that?

In Israel, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to blame the Israeli government for the shooting of American and Israeli hostages found dead in a Hamas controlled tunnel. Yes, my friends, it was the fault of Bibi because he refused a cease fire with the people who kidnapped them, raped and tortured them and then shot them dead.

It is the same with the immigration crisis in the US as they tried to blame Trump for it for the last 4 years as about 20 million crossed the border.

First of all, Trump has not even been in office for the last 4 years, but somehow because he does not agree with some worthless immigration policies that will do next to nothing to stem the immigration crisis, it is now all his fault.

Keep in mind that Trump had no help from either party in Congress when it came to immigration. It was only through executive orders and implementation of existing laws that he succeeded in curbing the immigration crisis we saw under Joe Biden, who could have done the same.

Simply incredible.

Humanity apparently has no more brain function. Could it be the vaccines?
Democrats learned from Obama that lying is their best weapon.
I was talking to someone about the attempted assassination of Trump right after it happened telling them that a man had lost his life because he was standing next to Trump.

Her eyes rolled and said, "Well, he was at a Trump rally", like Karma had the final verdict.
That someone is pretty sick. I agree.
You people are sick. You really believed that man deserved to die, as did Trump
Not at all. Anyone who thinks that is just as depraved and mentally ill as you are.
In fact, your are so mentally ill and deranged, that about 1/3 of democrats polled said they wished Trump had been murdered.
In what universe did you dream that up...let me guess some anonymous right wing kook site asked a question.
You are no different from the Germans who thought the Jews deserved their own fate.

In fact, most democrats seem to believe that Jews deserved 10/7.

A coincidence that you just pull stats out of your ass? Nope. You've done that since day one.

Getting back to the topic... how can you blame democrats for a republican shooting at the blob using a gun that many well known democrats wanted to ban for decades?

In Israel, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to blame the Israeli government for the shooting of American and Israeli hostages found dead in a Hamas controlled tunnel. Yes, my friends, it was the fault of Bibi because he refused a cease fire with the people who kidnapped them, raped and tortured them and then shot them dead.

It is the same with the immigration crisis in the US as they tried to blame Trump for it for the last 4 years as about 20 million crossed the border.

First of all, Trump has not even been in office for the last 4 years, but somehow because he does not agree with some worthless immigration policies that will do next to nothing to stem the immigration crisis, it is now all his fault.

Keep in mind that Trump had no help from either party in Congress when it came to immigration. It was only through executive orders and implementation of existing laws that he succeeded in curbing the immigration crisis we saw under Joe Biden, who could have done the same.

Simply incredible.

Humanity apparently has no more brain function. Could it be the vaccines?
The RNC/DNC sleep together in the same bed so it would be foolish for the American constituency to think that prez. Trump, an OUTSIDER would get any positive support from either of those two political corporations.

In Israel, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to blame the Israeli government for the shooting of American and Israeli hostages found dead in a Hamas controlled tunnel. Yes, my friends, it was the fault of Bibi because he refused a cease fire with the people who kidnapped them, raped and tortured them and then shot them dead.

It is the same with the immigration crisis in the US as they tried to blame Trump for it for the last 4 years as about 20 million crossed the border.

First of all, Trump has not even been in office for the last 4 years, but somehow because he does not agree with some worthless immigration policies that will do next to nothing to stem the immigration crisis, it is now all his fault.

Keep in mind that Trump had no help from either party in Congress when it came to immigration. It was only through executive orders and implementation of existing laws that he succeeded in curbing the immigration crisis we saw under Joe Biden, who could have done the same.

Simply incredible.

Humanity apparently has no more brain function. Could it be the vaccines?
Could it be that you are wrong on just about everything?
Funny how Trump could not get the GOP to help him secure the border when Romney and company owned all of Congress for the first two years under Trump, but somehow when Trump leaves office he is able to convince the GOP not to sign the immigration bill?


It's almost as if the repubs really dont want to solve the issue. Wow you're finally catching on.
Or what? You'll kill us?

Leftism devolves to mass murder every time.

And those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.
Never said that you fucking crackpot. Face it. You're a part of a bunch of deplorable people that will go down in history as being horrific. You must be proud.
Easy .. look at the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal, illegal immigration, sanctuary city illegal proliferation, and the highest inflation rates in 40+ years as examples. Hell, any issue with the Biden and Harris campaign has been blamed on Trump.

As part of the United States–Taliban deal, the Trump administration agreed to an initial reduction of US forces from 13,000 to 8,600 troops by July 2020, followed by a complete withdrawal by 1 May 2021, if the Taliban kept its commitments.

On November 17, 2020, Acting U.S. Defense Secretary Christopher C. Miller announced plans to reduce the numbeeer of troops to 2,500 by mid-January, days before Joe Biden will be inaugurated.

So when Biden took office, the US was down to 2500 troops, and all of your equipment and supplies had already been abandoned.

Joe Biden got 150,000 people safely out of Afghanistan, and not one have any of you deadbeats given him an ounce of credit for that remarkable achievement. Compare that with how you left Viet Nam, with people clinging to the helicopters on the roof.
Or what? You'll kill us?

Leftism devolves to mass murder every time.

And those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.

Authoritarianism and dictatorship devolve to mass murder every single time. Right or left doesn't matter. Authoritarianism leads to mass murder.

You haven't learned from history. You have no knowledge of history whatseover. You believe what Trump tells you and that's all you need in life.
The left isn't making IDF committ atrocities.

They're doing it themselves.

Right wingers in Israel have complained that their being portrayed as "monsters" for the death toll in Gaza, but the USA killed hundreds of thousands in Iraq and Afghanistan in retaliation for 911 and the rest of the world didn't accuse them of genocide.

I thought the world had learned after WWII that there is NOTHING to be gained in blowing shit up and killing people.

Apparently not.

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