We should have more election fraud raids

Those alternate electors would have been the right electors if Rudy would have been given his day in court.
Rudy ? Rudy is too busy running away from his suit he lost for millions leading him into declaring bankruptcy.
Not only is Trump a loser, but everyone who associated or votes for him are losers.
We should all be against election fraud. Too bad a liberal group has taken the wrong side on this. We can only hope other states follow the lead of Texas.

---The raids were part an ongoing election fraud probe led by Texas AG Ken Paxton---

They got the cart in front of the horse. You find fraud, then confirm it with raids. The criminal TX AG decided to raid looking for fraud, definitely a constitutional violation!

We should all be against election fraud. Too bad a liberal group has taken the wrong side on this. We can only hope other states follow the lead of Texas.

---The raids were part an ongoing election fraud probe led by Texas AG Ken Paxton---

There is no election fraud, dipshit. I'd say there are a few right wing members on USMB homes that should be raided as a priority before lol non existent election fraud raids should happen.

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