"I also took a bullet"

I'll take all that you've got to give.
Trump is the most criminal politician in world history.

Trump will make the situation worse, because he wants to be a dictator like Xi and Putin. He caved to them utterly when he was President, regardless of what he said. Xi moved into Asia, Africa and South America, undermining US trade and interests all along the way.

NATO was nearly terminated. When Trump demanded Germany arm itself, I shuddered. Now we have Germany re-armed and ready to engage in war, just as the radical right wingers are about to win the election and take over the country. The whole point of Germany not re-arming after WWII was to prevent another WW lead by right wing Germany.

Trump will not have a competent Administration. He'll have a bunch of white nationalists, letting the world go up in flames. Trump's staffers are openly saying they're going to dismantle the US government.

Hyperbolic old harpy ^
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You can't accept that the man fearlessly got up and still had the state of mind to scream "fight, fight, fight" to his American brothers and sisters.
When I was 8 I got a worse wound skinning my knee on the pavement.

I got right up and kept playing.

So these peope you are whining about don't exist. And you sound fking hilarious tonpaint Trump.as some superman. Get your strawman out of here.
When I was 8 I got a worse wound skinning my knee on the pavement.

I got right up and kept playing.

So these peope you are whining about don't exist. And you sound fking hilarious tonpaint Trump.as some superman. Get your strawman out of here.

He isn't superman compared to what? A 50 year career in politics with champagne and plush traveling around the globe?
When I was 8 I got a worse wound skinning my knee on the pavement.

I got right up and kept playing.

So these peope you are whining about don't exist. And you sound fking hilarious tonpaint Trump.as some superman. Get your strawman out of here.
You game for sitting an apple on your head and having somebody shoot it off, boy?
How 'bout if that happened to you, and you knew nothing about it and they were actually trying to kill you?
Get real, tard. :1peleas:
You're trying to downplay something like that happening in America with our Secret Service and you think that's cool?
It's not. It's not at all. You should feel cheated at the tax dollars you've spent on this bullshit.
However, that's what a Civic-Minded American would do, so I guess it doesn't apply in your case.
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Sure, if I already know the outcome is fine for me.

So that was a pretty stupid analogy.

Good luck.
Read past the 1st line, tard.
You game for sitting an apple on your head and having somebody shoot it off, boy?
How 'bout if that happened to you, and you knew nothing about it and they were actually trying to kill you?
Get real, tard.

You're trying to downplay something like that happening in America with our Secret Service and you think that's cool?
It's not. It's not at all. You should feel cheated at the tax dollars you've spent on this bullshit.
However, that's what a Civic-Minded American would do, so I guess it doesn't apply in your case.

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