Hundreds of thousands of Israelis protest 6 hostages murdered by Hamas

Jimmy Carter got the Nobel Peace Prize for "negotiating a deal" with the savages you Leftists now want to make ANOTHER deal with. The same Jimmy Carter who organized a coup against the Shah and installed the Mullahs now waging war across the middle east, even on international shipping. Along come Obama and Biden and fork over hundreds of millions to Iran so they have money to build thousands of deadly missiles to ship to savage animals in Lebanon, Yemen, and who knows where else, probably Russia.

You're all stupid to the bone. Evil is like that. Muslim terrorists have been warring for hundreds of years with no end in sight and you support them, blaming their victims.
Jimmy could make deals when the end result would favour the Zionist regime.

It's different now. An equitable solution must be found and there's no way that the Zionists will be allowed to prevent it.

I really can't see any solution other than preventing the Zionist land grab. That could mean either a 2 state solution or much more likely a one state solution with shared power.
The Allied powers won't allow Israel to fall. Everyone knows that.
Yes, I agree. l
But that's avoiding the discussion on a solution. The state of israel is in danger of everlasting terrorism against it's people.

There's still a facesaving solution available to America, but the window of opportunity is closing soon.

It's become 'all bullshit aside' now on the chosen land nonsense. America isn't going to allow a nuclear solution.
Yes, I agree. l
But that's avoiding the discussion on a solution. The state of israel is in danger of everlasting terrorism against it's people.

There's still a facesaving solution available to America, but the window of opportunity is closing soon.

It's become 'all bullshit aside' now on the chosen land nonsense. America isn't going to allow a nuclear solution.
God is in charge of it. When God pronounces a prophecy, he's going to bring it about purposefully. Prophecy isn't a 'prediction', it's a promise.
How proud the college useful idiots must be that Hamas murdered 6 more Israelis who were kidnapped on October 7 and held in a tunnel only to be murdered this week. Do the useful idiots want more Israelis murdered "from the river to the sea? "Free Palestine" means killing all Jews. Violence and savagery are what the Leftists do best, starting with abortion of innocent, unborn babies, particularly black ones.

You mean killed by Israel. They could have had the hostages released months ago. Instead they chose genocide.

Get informed!
How is anyone supposed to negotiate with these savages.
Your concern about six hostages while thousands of children have been murdered and maimed by your beloved country of Israel, is nothing but bigoted ignorance.
How proud the college useful idiots must be that Hamas murdered 6 more Israelis who were kidnapped on October 7 and held in a tunnel only to be murdered this week. Do the useful idiots want more Israelis murdered "from the river to the sea? "Free Palestine" means killing all Jews. Violence and savagery are what the Leftists do best, starting with abortion of innocent, unborn babies, particularly black ones.

Stupid stupid idiots... if the IDF doesn't finish this now it will happen again... and again... and again... and again.... and again...

And today's protestors will have the blood of several generations of FUTURE hostages and victims on their heads...

All because these effeminate college pu$$ie$ can't see more than five minutes into the future and lack the ball$ to finish the job - unlike their fathers and grandfathers who won the admiration of the world by finally standing-up for a Jewish Home again for the first time in the better part of two thousand years...

Useful idiots indeed...

And pu$$ie$ to boot...

Simple. They need to arrest all Hamas leaders wherever they are in whatever country and make them all stand for justice while the IDF merely needs to redouble its efforts now to utterly smash Hamas in Gaza.
How proud the college useful idiots must be that Hamas murdered 6 more Israelis who were kidnapped on October 7 and held in a tunnel only to be murdered this week. Do the useful idiots want more Israelis murdered "from the river to the sea? "Free Palestine" means killing all Jews. Violence and savagery are what the Leftists do best, starting with abortion of innocent, unborn babies, particularly black ones.

The Israelis are calling for Bibi's head and a ceasefire. That's why they are protesting. Try and spin that, fool.

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