"I also took a bullet"

We do not hate them. We want them to get on with their lives and STFU.
And how do you feel about the obnoxious cult member wearing his MAGA gear and flying 6+ Flags on their Jacked Up MAGA truck.

Why can't these fuckstains just 'get on with their lives and STFU.'

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And how do you feel about the obnoxious cut member wearing his MAGA gear and flying 6+ Flags on their Jacked Up MAGA truck.

Why can't these fuckstains just 'get on with their lives and STFU.'

Is it your truck?
Why won't the FBI? It screams guilt.
Why should the FBI have to prove that those J6 intruders and traitors to our Nation, aren't there instigating the crimes.

I wasn't there, But I would have to "PROVE IT" to you by showing a facial of every person there and show you that I'm not one of them.

If you think FBI was there and being the instigators, then POINT out one of them and PROVE who they are.
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Why should the FBI have to prove that those J6 intruders and traitors to our Nation, aren't there instigation the crimes.

I wasn't there, But I would have to "PROVE IT" to you by showing a facial of every person there and show you that I'm not one of them.

If you think FBI was there and being the instigators, then POINT out one of them and PROVE who they are.
Not my job. Transparency by the FBI should be expected. They stonewalled everything. The guilt is obvious. You can't prove it does not cut it anymore
You can't accept that the man fearlessly got up and still had the state of mind to scream "fight, fight, fight" to his American brothers and sisters.

You can't plan this, you just do it. He is still out there campaigning and trying to win.

What the hell more do you want from the man before you will accept that he had the balls to stand up for himself and America? There is being biased and then there is just lying to yourself. I can't think of another leader in the world who would have reacted like that can you?


He stood up when he knew the guy was dead and put on an act!

He stood up when he knew the guy was dead and put on an act!

The guy was almost assassinated and you make light of it?

Send your handlers on here so I can mock their stupidity. Some of the least impressive people who've been wrong about everything for the last 30 years. I wonder if the next 30 years will be even better for the West.

You and your friends have lost your way and you don't even know it. Amazing isn't it? Our enemies are even more effective than I could have imagined.
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The guy was almost assassinated and you make light of it?

Send your handlers on here so I can mock their stupidity. Some of the least impressive people who've been wrong about everything for the last 30 years. I wonder if the next 30 years will be even better for the West.

You and your friends have lost your way and you don't even know it. Amazing isn't it? Our enemies are even more effective than I could have imagined.

I have as much sympathy for Trump as he has shown for the millions of people who have died as a result of his covid policies, his gun policies, and his overturning of Roe v Wade.

I have as much sympathy for Trump has he has for the people he defrauded and stole money from.
I have as much sympathy for Trump as he has shown for the millions of people who have died as a result of his covid policies, his gun policies, and his overturning of Roe v Wade.

I have as much sympathy for Trump has he has for the people he defrauded and stole money from.
More died on Bin Bidens and the HO's watch.

I have NO SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL. That being you Tokoyo Rose.


I have as much sympathy for Trump as he has shown for the millions of people who have died as a result of his covid policies, his gun policies, and his overturning of Roe v Wade.

I have as much sympathy for Trump has he has for the people he defrauded and stole money from.

There are politicians who have been involved in dirty games for decades, Trump is just one of many who hasn't been a stellar choirboy.

I hope I am wrong about what I fear the future holds for world peace. It's never been this dangerous a time with multiple nations with power and influence who can undermine the U.S. While all this is going on, the West plays heavy politics and each time a more complacent government takes hold, be it Europe or Central/South America.

I'm not sure how you believe Trump will make the situation worse. I can agree with his personality issues and his flaws, but he will have a competent administration of people who are not in it just for power and wealth. They actually want to win.

Let me tell you, as a fellow Canadian, we sure as hell better hope America wins.

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