Trump Tells Rally Crowd ‘You Have Smart Ones’ And Black Congressman Byron Donalds Is One of Them

You maybe a black man. NO ONE FEARS YOU!

You're just a black man who posts stupid racist crap.
You do. Because you call my stuff racist when its not.

You cannot del with blckbperson who doesn't say what you want to hear.
You're a credit to your race.
Most people in my race think so. And since you guys can call a black female presidential candidate a ho, I can call some nobody white housewife whining on the internet because a black man refuses to kiss white folks asses one.
Former President Donald Trump said of prominent Black supporter Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) “That one is smart!” — adding “You have smart ones” and without specifying what the “ones” were.

During the main event, Trump made a point of name-checking Donalds in the crowd, recognizing him as “a smart one” in a scene reminiscent of Trump’s infamous “my African American” line several years ago:

Good old Uncle Byron, he is one of the smart ones.

Does that mean he knows how to stay in his place and do as he is told?

Nope, he's just saying Donalds isn't like Hank (Guam will tip over) Johnson or Shelia (the moon is mostly gas) Lee. And that's just a couple of example of really stupid people in congress that happen/ed to be black.

Nah, I just ignore your stupid racism. I just call you out when necessary. If I met you in person, you would fear me.
I would have no reason to fear you. You can't send my soul to hell, so there is no reason to fear you. Pointing out how white racism continues today isn't racism. Learn that. Then when you read whites posting racism, start calling them out instead of contributing to the racism.
Most people in my race think so. And since you guys can call a black female presidential candidate a ho, I can call some nobody white housewife whining on the internet because a black man refuses to kiss white folks asses one.
Show how classy you are, stoop to the other sides level............................. :auiqs.jpg:
I would have no reason to fear you. You can't send my soul to hell, so there is no reason to fear you. Pointing out how white racism continues today isn't racism. Learn that. Then when you read whites posting racism, start calling them out instead of contributing to the racism.
You do know that you have an option to ignore those posts. Isn't that common sense? I mean,jeez you seem to post/comment on this racist crap on an hourly basis.
There is much more to life than Racism. Sure, Racism is ugly. But you are the poster boy for this stupid crap.
Nahhh, that's not even true! Unless it's people you are close to...maybe. But most blacks would actually disagree with you.
Most blacks agree with me. You don't see anyone black here telling me to shut up do you? You re white, I doubt if you even know anybdy black. I've sat in national and international black conferences. I'm nice compared to some other blacks as it pertains to white racism. So you're apparently delusional if you think most blacks disagree with me.
Gotta love it when the racism is right out in the open.

"Hey black people, this one's smart!" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
How we phrase statements and words is always scrutinized in an era that we find anything to be offensive. I understand it. Joe has made many statements, and he is cool. He also made a statement a few years ago about Progs cheating in elections and no one said a word. No investigations from the media. Progs cheated. And they cheat a lot, and African Americans are involved in it.
I doubt it.

But then again, you keep race-baiting. Since, it makes you feel "horny" enough to do so.
You shouldn't doubt what a black person says about other blacks when it regards our feelings about whites and racism.

It's funny what whites like you consider race baiting. It goes to your sense of entitlement. Nothing you guys say about us can never be race baiting, but anything we say about you is. Gaslighting doesn't work on me son.
You shouldn't doubt what a black person says about other blacks when it regards our feelings about whites and racism.

It's funny what whites like you consider race baiting. It goes to your sense of entitlement. Nothing you guys say about us can never be race baiting, but anything we say about you is. Gaslighting doesn't work on me son.
Blah blah blah....
You do know that you have an option to ignore those posts. Isn't that common sense? I mean,jeez you seem to post/comment on this racist crap on an hourly basis.
There is much more to life than Racism. Sure, Racism is ugly. But you are the poster boy for this stupid crap.
I do, but I don't have to or need to. Ignoring racism doesn't end it. You are white, not affected by racism. Don't tell me about life until you turn black. And certainly I refuse to allow blacks like Donalds to go on damaging black people in America without criticizing it.

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