The wrong black girl is running for President!

Weird you should be supporting a felon, fraudster, rapist and denigrator if our fallen warriors.

I supported Nelson Mandela too. I understand how tyrannical regimes try to lock up and disgrace polltical rival

Nothing new, demafasict have been doing it around the world for centuries
" Probably Ignores Semitic "

* Anti-Racist Racists Citing Political Correctness For Dummies *

The hamitic hypothesis is dismissed by black supremacists who levy baseless supremacist epithets to deprive japhetic peoples of self autonomy and self determination , all while relishing in a 1.2 billion homogeneous hamitic africa with twice the population growth of the global average .
The Hamitic hypothesis is bullshit based on the the evidence. It would mean tht Noah had 1 black child and 2 white children from the same woman.
All that can be discussed after the election. For now we have democracy to save.


A kid getting a sex change operation without parents consent is a top concern now.
" Cross Mixing And Codon Affinity "

* Transliteration *

The Hamitic hypothesis is bullshit based on the the evidence. It would mean tht Noah had 1 black child and 2 white children from the same woman.
The hamitic , semitic , japhetic allusion is a pseudo-scientific paradigm that makes a rough phenotype distinction between black , brown and white racial characteristics .

It is not feasible that a single man and woman could produced three distinct races of male children , or that those physical distinctions would have persisted separately .
I supported Nelson Mandela too. I understand how tyrannical regimes try to lock up and disgrace polltical rival

Nothing new, demafasict have been doing it around the world for centuries
If you supported Mandela, you should know better than to support a lying coward like Trump.

" Panders Diversity Vying To Destroy Distinctions "

* Politically Correct Scientifically Ignorant *

Race is a biological fact .

A species is any group of animals that is capable of interbreeding and creating offspring , while distinct species cannot whether due to physiology of behavior .
Race is a human/cultural construct; it isn’t biological.

I don’t have a problem with putting Trump in prison for 27 years. If he wants to play the martyr, glad to oblige. Of course that won’t happen because…

I know you don’t, hence the political prosecutions since he announced he was running.
You need to stop watching those edited clips son.

These two idiots said what you wanted to hear so they think clearly.

And you call them idiots because you dont agree with what they have to say, yet they are clearly intelligent.
They think clearly because they break down each issue into peices, explaining each piece and adding context.. so no, its not true they are idiots. they just counter the philosopy of the party you ascribe too,
but not without reason.
How often does that happen compared to the way MAGA plans to weaponize its power against opponents? You’re throwing up a smokescreen for fascists!



One time is to much !!!! Unreal

And how about the left-wing racist ideology that white people are privileged. I mean, there are numerous destructive things to talk about here that are brought to us by the left-wing in the past few years.
" Sets Of Common Characteristics "

* Melted All His Colors Together And Could No Longer Create A Rainbow *

Race is a human/cultural construct; it isn’t biological.
Every individual has a unique racial identity and that is biological , again protein racemization and phenotype , and common characteristics of racial phenotype can be grouped and that is part biological , in that it exists , while it is part human / cultural in that it is clearly recognizable and correlated .

Otherwise , yeah , sure , keep pushing for that diversity standard of blacks with natural blue eyes and blonde hair , as the mantra for nearly every other commercial on television appears to be do not forget to pair the white woman with the non white man , knowing full well her children will not look like her ancestors .

Then again media appears to be run largely by hostile homosexuals who do not seem to understand the meaning of an after life as genetic continuance in the first place .

And an assertion that simply because individuals recognize themselves as racially distinct from others and prefer to maintain those differences through their offspring does not make them supremacists or racists , and racism must include violence that is based on race .
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How is it possible that The current Democratic candidate cant talk for 5 minutes straight without creating a word salad or a plate of platitudes, while this young girl can just nail the entire Democrat cabal for what they are and very well explained. Interesting thing is she is another dissilusioned Democrat. "They think YOU are stupid" I hope we can get more people like this go into politics. Her and the Vietnamese guy both would be a better Democratic ticket than Biden and Walz even without political experience, simply because they have the ability to think clearly. Something the other two lack completely.

If I'm not mistaken she's half black and half White. The US still hasn't had a black President. Not that I'm complaining.
Get back to me after you watch the video. You didnt. Its not even about black and white, she just happens to be a black girl and so is Kamala.
Kamala isn't black. Her mom is Indian and her dad is a mix of black an Irish.

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