The wrong black girl is running for President!

If you think this is about black and white, you’re deluded!

Kamala Harris was chosen to be VP because she’s a woman and black. She was then the most unpopular VP in modern history. If she weren’t a woman and black she would have been passed over when Biden was pushed out of the race.
Kamala Harris was chosen to be VP because she’s a woman and black. She was then the most unpopular VP in modern history. If she weren’t a woman and black she would have been passed over when Biden was pushed out of the race.
That’s irrelevant when the other guy is a felon, fraudster and rapist, who disrespects the troops.

" Sets Of Common Characteristics "

* Melted All His Colors Together And Could No Longer Create A Rainbow *

Every individual has a unique racial identity and that is biological , again protein racemization and phenotype , and common characteristics of racial phenotype can be grouped and that is part biological , in that it exists , while it is part human / cultural in that it is clearly recognizable and correlated .

Otherwise , yeah , sure , keep pushing for that diversity standard of blacks with natural blue eyes and blonde hair , as the mantra for nearly every other commercial on television appears to be do not forget to pair the white woman with the non white man , knowing full well her children will not look like her ancestors .

Then again media appears to be run largely by hostile homosexuals who do not seem to understand the meaning of an after life as genetic continuance in the first place .

And an assertion that simply because individuals recognize themselves as racially distinct from others and prefer to maintain those differences through their offspring does not make them supremacists or racists , and racism must include violence that is based on race .

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