Vance does it again

She was no innocent teen.

She knew what she was doing when she entered the public spotlight, in a competition such as that. She thought being a beautiful party girl would be enough. So sad. She learned her lesson.

It has nothing to do with, "misogyny." It has to do with making fun of people who should not be doing what they feel they have a right to do. :rolleyes:

If folks were making fun of a dumb guy, then all of this would be just fine.

. . . and yes, as a society, we make fun of dumb jocks doing stoopid shit all the time.

No we don't. Society doesn't routinely attack and denigrate young men they way they go after young women. Especially if the young woman is seen as "weak" or "troubled".

Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus come to mind. Relentlessly chased by papparazzi, and mocked in the press and media.

Compare the treatment of Lohan to Robert Downey Jr. by the press and media. Downey also had a well documented "troubled" youth, with drug arrests, stints in rehab and the like. And yet he was never hounded by the press, or mocked in the media. MacCauley Culkin is another young actor with well document problems who was pretty much left alone. Wash rinse and repeat for Johnny Depp, who didn't have any humiliating press until his recent lawsuits,

You can go back to the 1950's and the way the press treated Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, and other "troubled young women". Many actresses have been driven right out of Hollywood by this behaviour. Julia Roberts for one.
MAGA Misogyny.
Those sad souls simply cannot help themselves.
Making fun of women, deriding them, ridiculing and demeaning them is what MAGA is.

It is sad.


Clue for the clueless: That young girl was not a "folks-in-charge" in any way, shape or form. "Humorous way"?.....So let's ridicule a teenage girl who was nervous and flubbed her message. Let's parade her sad moment of embarrassment as a way to ridicule another person?
Sounds rather cruel if not misogynistic.


THAT is a perceptive take on this sad tale of Vance being a doltish misogynist.
And yes, it does signal to us the character of Vance.
It’s a race to the bottom with MAGA.
She was no innocent teen.

She knew what she was doing when she entered the public spotlight, in a competition such as that. She thought being a beautiful party girl would be enough. So sad. She learned her lesson.

It has nothing to do with, "misogyny." It has to do with making fun of people who should not be doing what they feel they have a right to do. :rolleyes:

If folks were making fun of a dumb guy, then all of this would be just fine.

. . . and yes, as a society, we make fun of dumb jocks doing stoopid shit all the time.
If folks used a clip of a male teen, who is not a public figure, without permission, to make fun of for campaign purposes, I think the disgust would be the same. It displays a juvenile lack empathy for the person they are making a display of.
If folks used a clip of a male teen, who is not a public figure, without permission, to make fun of for campaign purposes, I think the disgust would be the same. It displays a juvenile lack empathy for the person they are making a display of.
While I do agree with you, that, "It displays a juvenile lack empathy for the person they are making a display of,"

It is patently offensive that pointing out one's mindset or behavior is a good reason to censor folks. We should be especially on guard now, as teens and kids are allowed to put themselves onto social media. It is the LEFT, not the RIGHT, that continues to push for more, "rights," for immature and underage folks interact in cyberspace.

Sorry not sorry. They should not be out in public making fools of themselves.

JD Vance, was, in the final analysis, correct. Kamala looks like a stoopid teenage moron, out there trying to convince and use empty rhetoric, to gas-light the population that an establishment political party that is largely responsible for the problems Americans have today, is now going to turn around and fix those problems.

It is a distraction. Folks want to silence others, when they have no good arguments.

If folks used a clip of a male teen, who is not a public figure, without permission, to make fun of for campaign purposes, I think the disgust would be the same.

You are either being nakedly partisan, or an authoritarian. I don't know which.
"It has nothing to do with, "misogyny." It has to do with making fun of people who should not be doing what they feel they have a right to do".........................."dumb blonde's"

She was 17 frggin' years old......17 years ago!
And some jackass MAGA scoured the web and found that old clip, fed it to Vance.....and he used it to demean and ridicule.

Yeah, that's got nothing to do with misogyny?
Count me skeptical.
But, OK .....let's call it then: mean-spirited, small-minded resentment of attractive young teenagers. And teenagers who make an innocent, inexperienced mistake on a public stage.

MAGA = Misogyny.
Misogyny = MAGA

MAGA hates, disrespects, and fears women.
Everybody sees that.
And teenagers who make an innocent, inexperienced mistake on a public stage.
It was not an innocent inexperienced mistake.

Apparently you know next to nothing about the pageant life.

She knew what she was doing when she put herself out there.
She was no innocent teen.

She knew what she was doing when she entered the public spotlight, in a competition such as that. She thought being a beautiful party girl would be enough. So sad. She learned her lesson.

It has nothing to do with, "misogyny." It has to do with making fun of people who should not be doing what they feel they have a right to do. :rolleyes:

If folks were making fun of a dumb guy, then all of this would be just fine.

. . . and yes, as a society, we make fun of dumb jocks doing stoopid shit all the time.
You are diving deeper down that rabbit hole.
Now you are slagging a 17 year old girl for not being strategic about her career at the age of 17..

Walk away mate. You sometimes make interesting points. This is shit tho..
You are diving deeper down that rabbit hole.
Now you are slagging a 17 year old girl for not being strategic about her career at the age of 17..

Walk away mate. You sometimes make interesting points. This is shit tho..
I'll not stand with those who want to censor others.

Sit and spin commonwealth subversive.
The dumb blonde made fucking national news on how stupid she sounded. Everybody made fun the of the bitch. She was HORRIBLE. She was a pretty face and ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING BRAINS. She didn't stutter, she didn't SAY anything.

A blonde version of Kumalot. Works for me.

If you support Kumalot, you're not a U.S. American and you need to get a fucking map.

It was not an innocent inexperienced mistake.

Sad, grievance-ridden, resentful MAGAs.
The girl was frggin' 17 years old!!
Be that the hill you choose to die on prolific poster Beale.
17years old!

Whadahell is wrong with MAGA that they feel a need to drag up old embarrassing incidents by inexperienced/young teenage girls so they can ridicule them and use that to advance how they will Make America Great.

They are fearful MAGA's.....and they are misogynists. They deride and hate on women.
Even 17 year old girls.

You are either being nakedly partisan, or an authoritarian. I don't know which.

What political campaign was this a part of?
I'll not stand with those who want to censor others.

Sit and spin commonwealth subversive.

No, you'll stand with the misogynists, abusers and the bullies. Be better.
I'll not stand with those who want to censor others.

Sit and spin commonwealth subversive.
We censor ourselves all the time. Its how society gets along.
Nobody is censoring Vance. They are saying he is a trashy jackass.
Further as a VP candidate he has access to every news outlet in the world. He has a platform.
He isnt a victim.
Ms Upton is the victim of maga misoginy.
Your opposition to the facts is partisan.
Sad, grievance-ridden, resentful MAGAs.
The girl was frggin' 17 years old!!
Be that the hill you choose to die on prolific poster Beale.
17years old!

Whadahell is wrong with MAGA that they feel a need to drag up old embarrassing incidents by inexperienced/young teenage girls so they can ridicule them and use that to advance how they will Make America Great.

They are fearful MAGA's.....and they are misogynists. They deride and hate on women.
Even 17 year old girls.

Should grown men be mocking teenage girls for stuff they did 20 years ago ?

Its an Epstein level of abuse.

And to cap it all he refuses to apologise.

Tommy's premise? Is that global corporations run by billionaires, in conjunction with authoritarian bureaucrats, should censor who and what folks are able to say, and how they can express themselves.

The US Supreme court disagrees.

No, you'll stand with the misogynists, abusers and the bullies. Be better.

As does the ACLU. . . Surprise surprise. . . another agent of the crown trying to destroy America? no, not surprised.


Sad, grievance-ridden, resentful MAGAs.
The girl was frggin' 17 years old!!
Be that the hill you choose to die on prolific poster Beale.
17years old!

Whadahell is wrong with MAGA that they feel a need to drag up old embarrassing incidents by inexperienced/young teenage girls so they can ridicule them and use that to advance how they will Make America Great.

They are fearful MAGA's.....and they are misogynists. They deride and hate on women.
Even 17 year old girls.
Maga youtth stands on the edge of the dancefloor watching the girls dance. Then he goes home hating women that he lacks the bottle to ask to dance.
Then they get into politics.
We censor ourselves all the time. Its how society gets along.
Nobody is censoring Vance. They are saying he is a trashy jackass.
Further as a VP candidate he has access to every news outlet in the world. He has a platform.
He isnt a victim.
Ms Upton is the victim of maga misoginy.
Your opposition to the facts is partisan.
You implied by yoar own OP, you don't bleev this sort of shit should be allowed. In fact, you compared it to sexual predation of the young.

If anyone should be ashamed? It is you. You don't belong here, go away.

You are a disingenuous hack. I have told you multiple times, STOP READING and POSTING from the Guardian. They are just a mouthpiece of the oppressors.
While I do agree with you, that, "It displays a juvenile lack empathy for the person they are making a display of,"

It is patently offensive that pointing out one's mindset or behavior is a good reason to censor folks. We should be especially on guard now, as teens and kids are allowed to put themselves onto social media. It is the LEFT, not the RIGHT, that continues to push for more, "rights," for immature and underage folks interact in cyberspace.
Disagree. If you are going to take that tac, it is the right, not the left, who push for underage marriage and for kids to have babies. It is the right as much as the left who scream “censorship” at attempts to restrict what kids can do on social media.

17 is not an adult, and we are only now waking up to the fallout of years of allowing our kids to post without restriction or protection, a wealth of material when they did not have the maturity and judgement to know better or consider the long term consequences.

But that isn’t the issue.

She is not a public figure. She did not give permission for her image to be used. So, typical of this group, who have also used other people’s music without permission, they do so and they do so with no thought that it might be humiliating and hurtful to some one who isn’t even a political advisory.

How in any way, shape or form is that ok?

Sorry not sorry. They should not be out in public making fools of themselves.
She was 17, in a beauty pageant, 20 some years ago.

JD Vance, was, in the final analysis, correct. Kamala looks like a stoopid teenage moron, out there trying to convince and use empty rhetoric, to gas-light the population that an establishment political party that is largely responsible for the problems Americans have today, is now going to turn around and fix those problems.
J.D. Vance is representative of what is wrong with politics today: whether it is the most powerful man in the country attacking ordinary citizens, using of people who aren’t even in politics in a humiliating way and being totally clueless on how that might effect the person being used. And the Trumps and the Vances of this world and their supporters are ok with it, just as they are ok with willfully violating the rules at Arlington cemetery and shoving aside someone attempting to stop them…and then justifying it.

It is a distraction. Folks want to silence others, when they have no good arguments.

I don’t think it is a distraction to object to someone using your image to make a humiliating campaign ad.

But I guess all is fine in MAGA World. No low is too low.

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