Vance does it again

It is a typical Trumpian behavior and Vance is working being Trump’s mini-me VP. Attack or use those who don’t have the power to fight back. It’s like when Trump turned his mob on Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss from the Presidential pulpit or mocked a disabled person. Thats the kind of people they are.

It was intended as a parity of kneepads, so piss off.

MAGA Misogyny.
Those sad souls simply cannot help themselves.
Making fun of women, deriding them, ridiculing and demeaning them is what MAGA is.

It is sad.


Clue for the clueless: That young girl was not a "folks-in-charge" in any way, shape or form. "Humorous way"?.....So let's ridicule a teenage girl who was nervous and flubbed her message. Let's parade her sad moment of embarrassment as a way to ridicule another person?
Sounds rather cruel if not misogynistic.


THAT is a perceptive take on this sad tale of Vance being a doltish misogynist.
And yes, it does signal to us the character of Vance.
Oh please. This little airhead deserved a little ribbing.
It was intended as a parity of kneepads, so piss off.

Do you mean parody ? I tink parody is way beyond his skill set.
Kneepads tells me all about your quality as a human.

I do understand how you buy into the vance vision of America. Luckily most Americans are too decent to join you.
If she is going to contemplate suicide over that, she should do it and remove herself from competition with food and air.
.........Oh please. This little airhead deserved a little ribbing.
My humble view is that MAGAs like CatBreath above are what is wrong with the Trumpian MAGA movement. "A little ribbing" an applicant for the 2nd highest office of the United States publicly ridiculing a woman....a teenage girl 17yrs ago. Yeah, that's the kind of "ribbing" jackass MAGAs think is appropriate, empathetic, and funny. Poster CatBreath should be ashamed. Another sour ne-er-do-well who revels in an embarrassing moment in a 17yr olds life....17 years ago!

Some MAGA jackass scoured the internet and found this embarrassing moment by a teenager nearly 20yrs ago.....and then provided it to this Vance MAGA who used it to try to embarrass Kamala Harris.

Never mind the pain it re-surfaces for that now 34yr old adult woman...the pain it causes her chldren, her parents, her family. It was shameful, by Vance, by the MAGA jackass who discovered it and shared it, by the USMB poster CatBreath.



It was intended as a parity of kneepads, so
"Kneepads"? Again.
MAGA Misogyny.

One wonders if poster OKTexas calls his mother "kneepads"?......any wife, if he has one? If he has a daughter or a niece does he also refer to them as "kneepads"? And if he calls the females in his family "kneepads"....well, how do they react to that epithet? Are they proud to be called "kneepads"? His mother proud? His wife proud of ..."kneepads"? Would his daughter welcome a father calling her "kneepads"?

Or, conceivably......there ARE no women in that poster's life. And that could be the reason for his resentment, grievance, and sense of failure with adult women of substance?

His misogyny, as all MAGA Misogyny, is intended to denigrate, reduce, and diminish women who are better educated, willful, and accomplished in life. seems.....have experienced relationship failures with adult women of substance and so they retreat to their safe anonymous internet postings to whine, complain, snowflake over their failures.

it is sad. But America is a big-tent society with sincere empathy......accordingly, real Americans, and real citizen patriots can hope that MAGAs can correct their sadness and sense of grievance and failure and once again contribute in a positive manner to America's greatness.


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