Donald Trump now supports marijuana legalization

The SUB "knows" about muslims and pot because the SUB parrots Faux and Jew Fraud of Christian Preacher.

"PROOF" according to SUBS is Faux and preacher saying the same lie...
I do hope you do not use the same cryptic language in the real world
I do hope you do not use the same cryptic language in the real world

If someone self IDs saying

I am commanded by GAWD to serve GAWD's CHOSEN PEOPLE and I am NOT CHOSEN

the term SUB is extremely kind....
Is that why democrats have been advocating for pot for years? And forgiven school loans? And now free home loans? And a whole bunch of other stuff.

The Democrat Party IS the party of whoring. Funny you never complain about that.
I don't care if they do or don't want Marijuana legalized. Trump had 4 years to legalize it nationally, if he wanted. He is just using the issue for young votes, where his demographics suck almost as much as he does.
I don't care if they do or don't want Marijuana legalized. Trump had 4 years to legalize it nationally, if he wanted. He is just using the issue for young votes, where his demographics suck almost as much as he does.

Wonder what Trump will come up with tomorrow.
There seems to be a race between Trump and Harris to see who can flip flop the most
I can't argue that one. The flip flopping on the national stage as both try to run toward the center is revolting about both sides, every 4 years. I am not sure if the average voter is actually so dumb as to believe these (coming to Jesus at long last) moments of change or not. I doubt it.
This is Trump, so he'll flipflop back again tomorrow.

And all his followers will love it. They have no consistent principles themselves, so they demand a leader with no consistent principles.

Okay, I admit that Trump cultists do have one consistent principle, that sole principle being "might makes right" or "the ends always justify the means, but only for my own side" or "any sleaze is acceptible if it helps TheParty."

We Democrats know that the moral relativist Trump cultists will always hate us for our consistent principles. The pure shining light of liberal absolute morality causes physical pain to conservatives, much like sunlight burning a vampire, so they lash out in rage and hatred at the source of their pain.

Donald Trump comes out in support of recreational-use marijuana in Florida​

I don’t agree with this. I suppose Mr. Trump thinks it’s gonna get him a bunch of votes. Maybe it will. But I want to see a traditional masculine candidate in this country that stands up for traditional values. That includes banning pornography, being against drug use. Standing up for the police , Our founding fathers… and restoring the statues of men like Andrew Jackson, Christopher Columbus that have been destroyed by criminals in this country.

I’m upset with this decision by Mr. Trump, but I will still vote for him bc Harris is an even more extreme leftist. Either way It’s not a good sign for the future of the country.

Just seems like America is heading down a very feminized direction. Bunch of stay at home non employed men Sipping on their lattes. Boys getting sex change operations. And I still believe most Americans don’t want this stuff. It’s being put on us by the media Hollywood and the corporations as a distraction from our bad economy.

We should have candidates who want to strengthen our middle class. What is all this nonsense about race, foreign wars, gender, and drug use?

Actually this is CONSERVATIVE because BIG GOVERNMENT used lies about marijuana to make it ILLEGAL initially, the idea to

3. HAVE another bogus "CRIME" on the books allowing Mike Bloomberg's NYPD to plant reefer on 911 TRUTHERS= weaponization of government
4. INCREASE the wealth and power of criminal gangs, and wreck fragile democracies south of the border

This is the problem with having SUBS in the GOP.



The SUB parrots every government sponsored fearmongering lie and supports MORE GOVERNMENT as the "solution"

The SUB is the worst PILL POPPER in America, which is why the SUB just LOVED IT when W socialized senior drugs, ripped off the taxpayer by paying Pfizer and others a RETAIL PRICE, and demonstrated what a "high character christian" he really was... by THREATENING THE ACTUARY WHO DID THE COST ESTIMATE TO SHUT UP OR ELSE.... because W was LYING TO CONGRESS ABOUT THE COST ESTIMATE....

Wtf is a SUB?
My new favorite is Lemon Cherry Gelato
Sounds like you'd like Tree's new hybrid: Mango IPA Frogurt.

Da fuq ever happened to just like..Thai Stick or Jamaican Gold? :dunno:

DuPont is who got weed outlawed in America so he could sell nylon rope instead of hemp and have a monopoly.

Hemp makes good rope. I had one for a couple decades.

Also, Anslinger outlawed it because chasing coke and heroin wasn't enough to keep his Federal Agency working

and justify it being. Yah.
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